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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. The only herbs I ingested in the 70's were various forms of lettuce. (And the occasional oregano on my spaghetti.) George
  2. I recognize Scott Baio, but I have no clue as to the woman's name. George
  3. Was there a movie called "Bayou Mama"? George
  4. If you've seen the show, this should giv it away. "I guess I was inspired by Mr. Heisenberg, just like Charlie here suggested." "Heisenberg? What do you mean, the physicist?" "Yeah." "Oh. Your brother goes into a dangerous confrontation with heavily armed felons, and you prepare him with a lecture on the movement of subatomic particles?" "Yep. It worked, didn't it?" "You know that it's considered unsolvable?" "Well, certainly people who have failed to solve it might think that." "What are you doing here?" "Hey. Well, I'm ready to party like it's 1899." "You know, here's a discussion: Why is it that we remember the past and not the future? " "That's a tough one, Larry." "Look, it's my first date in over thirty-five years; I would like memorable instead of low-key." "Low-key and memorable aren't mutually exclusive. You know what my favorite date ever was? Pepperoni pizza at a laundromat." "Yes, which explains the conspicuous absence of grandchildren. So, Wednesday, 7:30. Bring a date?" "So what does all your behavioral science training tell you about a grown man who still lives with his mother?" "Probably about the same as two brothers still mooching meals at their dad's house three nights a week." George
  5. Warren Beatty Dick Tracy Dustin Hoffman George
  6. It is Voyager. Anyone out there who can get it? George
  7. Beverly Hills Cop 2 Brigitte Nielsen Rocky 4 George
  8. "I want you to know that disobeying your order was one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do." "I understand...and I respect the decision you made, even though I disagree with it. What's important is that, in the end, we got through this - together; I don't ever want that to change." "Agreed." "Good. Well, I think it's time we got back to our bridge." "No argument there!" "Right now, your enemy believes it is invulnerable. If we create smaller weapons, using our torpedoes, and destroy a few of their bio-ships, it may deter them, convince them to give up this war." "You are individuals; you are small and you think in small terms -- but the present situation requires we consider your plan." "You've still got a tendril up your nose." "We don't have to stop being individuals to get through this. We just have to stop fighting each other." "When your captain first approached us we suspected that an agreement with humans would prove impossible to maintain. You are erratic, conflicted, disorganised. Every decision is debated, every action questioned. Every individual entitled to their own small opinion. You lack harmony, cohesion, greatness. It will be your undoing." George
  9. Before people freak out, I think I should point out that John has a Veterinarian degree... George
  10. Lots of things are "said." Doesn't make them true. George
  11. Either Thurman + E + Pitt or Thurman + EEP + It (clever!) "The Money Pit" George
  12. At least in one case, this wasn't true. (I think.) John S0hmer married Janie Web$ter, who was 6th Corps. I don't think John ever went into the Corps himself, and I do remember him being "Spouse Corps." He was made Territory Leader in the Dallas area and was ordained. It's possible that he went into the Corps between Illinois and Texas, so feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken. George
  13. Good clues, too, though I had to figure out who the Yankee was by "reverse solving." George
  14. This might be a little tricky. five pics George
  15. Her first name is Ione. You need her last name to solve the puzzle. Try typing "Ione" into your search engine. If it's like mine, your engine will give you possible alternatives. You'll probably see the right one. As far as I know, there aren't many celebrities named Ione. George
  16. You're fine. Usually, these "game" threads have the rules within the first few posts. Unlike "Name That Tune," which is supposed to be a bit challenging, the goal of this one is to post the first line from a song that everyone should recognize (but, obviously, not a song whose title is in the first line). Feel free to try the "Name That..." threads, or the "...Pictionary" threads, too. Again the basic rule is that you don't get to post a puzzle until you corectly guess someone else's. George
  17. "You know that it's considered unsolvable?" "Well, certainly people who have failed to solve it might think that." "What are you doing here?" "Hey. Well, I'm ready to party like it's 1899." "You know, here's a discussion: Why is it that we remember the past and not the future? " "That's a tough one, Larry." "Look, it's my first date in over thirty-five years; I would like memorable instead of low-key." "Low-key and memorable aren't mutually exclusive. You know what my favorite date ever was? Pepperoni pizza at a laundromat." "Yes, which explains the conspicuous absence of grandchildren. So, Wednesday, 7:30. Bring a date?" "So what does all your behavioral science training tell you about a grown man who still lives with his mother?" "Probably about the same as two brothers still mooching meals at their dad's house three nights a week." George
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