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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. TV.com also has quotes. All of these sites seem to be "wikis," i.e., entries are provided by people logging in. George
  2. Got it. It's a new show, Suda. The first clue is CASH. George
  3. Of course, there are "only" fourteen different calendars (one beginning each day of the week, either leap year or not). There is probably a relatively simple way to know which calendar it is from the last three digits of the year. Then, you could memorize the number of days preceding the month in question (e.g., 0 for Jan., 31 for Feb,. 59 or 60 for Mar,. 90 or 91 for Apr., etc.). The date then is added to the total. Divide by seven and take the remainder. So, Apr. 15, 1991 is the 105th day of the year (not a leap year). Divide 105 by 7, giving 15 with no remainder. The day of the week, then, is the same as the seventh day of 1991. If you knew that 1991 began on a Tuesday, you would then know that Apr. 15 was a Monday. Straightforward, but again, not easy. George
  4. It's clear from the "Thinking Out Loud" section that he uses the formula for the square of a sum of two numbers: (A + B)**2 = A**2 + B**2 + 2(AxB) I learned a trick years ago to get the square of any number ending with a 5. You multiply the rest of the number by that number plus 1 and stick a 25 on the end. For example, to square 25, you multiple 2 times 3 and stick a 25 on the end: 625. 225 squared: 22x23 = 506, so 50,625 The reason this works is because a number written "X5" is actually 10X + 5. (10X + 5)**2 = 100X**2 + 25 + 2(10Xx5) =100(X)(X + 1) + 25 When he squared the five-digit number, he was doing something similar: "AB,CDE" = 1000("AB") + "CDE", so "AB,CDE"**2 = 1,000,000("AB")**2 + 2(1000"AB")("CDE") + "CDE"**2. He used some sort of verbal code to store the intermediate sums. Of course, that just explains how he does it. That doesn't mean it's EASY! George
  5. I'm not getting it, either. And I'm pretty old. George
  6. Money/cash/bills/ones ISS/space station Mob/gun/wiseguy/hit ??? George
  7. I'm glad he didn't get paid for his STOWRIES. Oh, wait. He did. <_< George
  8. Interesting. Only a picture of a satellite comes up on my work computer. I'll have to see if the others show up at home. George
  9. Jenna's husband is Bodhi Elfman. The other picture is Betty Grable. "Everybody Loves Raymond" is correct. George
  10. That seems like a good guess. And it's a show I watched once or twice. George
  11. They seem to disappear after I post them. This actor hasn't done that much; he just has an odd name that fits this pictionary well. Let's try another person with a similar name (though not quite as close a fit). Frankly, I think you have enough to figure it out, anyway! George
  12. Right-O, Steve! "Starship Mine." The "talk about nothing" quote was funny in that a commander at the space station was renowned for boring the pants off people with his trivia and small talk. Data, who needed to hone his conversational skills, engaged him in a completely meaningless chat. You're up. George
  13. I'm not sure about overseas, but all US money went to New Knoxville. About the only money that went back to the individual states were the payroll salaries. I wouldn't be surprised to find that all the ABS in Italy went to the US and then some sent back to leadership. George
  14. You're missing the picture between Avery Schreiber and the Lorna Lufts. It's Jenna Elfman's husband. George
  15. 7 pics (3 on one line); you need to know names George
  16. Sorry, Dude. I'm drawing a complete blank. Of course, there are lots of popular shows that I've seen maybe once or twice, if at all. George
  17. "The baryon sweep hits this compartment in thirty minutes." "The field diverter will protect us." "It's not us I'm worried about, it's that storage unit. I want the trilithium resin..." (1) "You keep a saddle on board?" (2) "I'm surprised at you..." (3) "An experienced rider would naturally have his own saddle." (4) "It's perfectly normal." (1) "Of course." (5) "It came in very handy. I just wish I'd had a chance to use it on a horse." "I have to admit that it has a sort of strange fascination - how long can two people talk about nothing?" "Captain.. Request permission to be excused from the reception.." "Granted. I wish I could excuse myself." "Who are you? What are you doing on my ship?" "The baryon sweep uses a high-frequency plasma field. That phaser won't work." "You're probably right...but I'm willing to bet that this will." George
  18. Fine. SERVE + IVER = "Survivor." George
  19. Don Ameche Trading Places Jim Belushi George
  20. GeorgeStGeorge


    Heck, it takes me SEVERAL minutes to square five-digit numbers... Mathemagic George
  21. Actually, I was just naming my favorite spaghetti sauce. Seriously, I have cousins in Milan and Rome. I learned some Italian when I visited them -- OMG! -- forty years ago. I still remember a little. George
  22. Was it that short-lived, FOX "adult" sitcom? I think it was called "Action." George
  23. Sharon Tate The Wrecking Crew Dean Martin George
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