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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. I believe that's "Incense and Peppermints" by Strawberry Alarm Clock Every time I see her, she don't even look my way George
  2. I always thought it odd that Corps would go so out of their way to deny that "real" adultery was wrong, and that scriptures referring to it really meant "spiritual" adultery, i.e., idolatry. I would try to point out that God wouldn't use adultery as an illustration of idolatry, IF THERE WERE NOTHING WRONG WITH ADULTERY! Deaf ears. George
  3. Robert DeNiro The Untouchables Kevin Costner George
  4. GeorgeStGeorge

    8 Years

    So, we should start wheedling and cajoling again in late March? :D It's hard to say "I speak for everyone here..." at this site, considering the extreme spectrum of viewpoints; but I think I speak for everyone here when I say THANKS, PAW! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! George
  5. five pics (two on one line) need names George
  6. Seems we have a theme going here... George
  7. It took me a while to recognize Ms. Theron. Charlie's (Charlize) Angels George
  8. That was a pretty silly episode. How nice that she wore a dilithium necklace. You could have, of course, gone to IMDb or Memory-alpha, or TV.com, or... for quotes. Anyone else want to post one? Lurkers, it's now or never! George
  9. Well, that's something, anyway. It seems he wasn't doing it for "show," unless there were a lot of others up with him that you (Keith) didn't mention. I don't mean to invalidate the others' conclusions, but those were primarily drawn by inference. Excathedra's statement, though, is also eyewitness testimony. Studying the Bible couldn't have been a big part of VP's routine if he didn't even have one on the motor coach. I appreciate all the input here. George
  10. Okay, then, I'll try again. "How did you manage to break in there without anyone catching you?" "Just lucky I guess." "Well you are the luckiest person I know. Let's hope it doesn't run out by tomorrow." "You know that darkness you talked about? I think it's in everyone and people like my father just know how to bring it out." "I'm swearing off men." "We're not all bad." "Maybe you should just swear off heat sucking horn dogs." George
  11. Time to be more obvious... "What are the markings on her back?" "Some say it's the way to dry land." "Dry land is a myth." "No, you said it yourself, that you've seen it." "You're a fool to believe in something you've never seen." "But the things on your boat...!" "The things on my boat, what?" "There are things on your boat that no one has ever seen. These shells, the music box and the reflecting glass. Well, if not from dry land, then where? Where?" "You wanna see dry land? You really wanna see it? I'll take you there." "You're not so tough, you know that? How many people have you killed? Ten? Twenty?" "You talk a lot." "I talk a lot because you don't talk at all. Now, how many?" "Including little girls?" "I'm not afraid of you. I told Helen you wouldn't be so ugly if you cut your hair." "In fact, you talk all the time. It's like a storm when you're around!" "If I ever see him again, I'm going to cut open his head and eat his brain." "Let's have an intelligent conversation here: I'll talk, and you listen." "Don't just stand there, kill something!" George
  12. Correct. My next post would have been the giveaway: "Shut up, Spock! We're coming to save you!" "Why, thank you, CAPTAIN McCoy!" As for your quote, I don't know yet, but how about the original series "Amok Time" (the episode Steve! described a couple of posts earlier)? George
  13. Right again, Babe! TED Knight Johnny DEPP ART Linkletter TED Kennedy You're up! George
  14. Well then, let's see if anyone else chimes in. (Steve!? Cindy!?) George
  15. True, it doesn't actually kill muscles. It's a neurotoxin that keeps the nerves that energize the muscle from firing. Muscle atrophy occurs because of disuse. I have no idea how long-lasting the effects are. How often are you supposed to shell out the big bucks for this treatment? George
  16. If I'm ever single again, I'll let you know. George
  17. I figured I'd wait to see if Purple Days or someone else would chime in. (Whatever happened to Tom Strange?) George
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