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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. A guy's job takes him to Africa, Italy, and Germany. He's successful until his big mouth gets him fired. George
  2. You've got all the clues. I guess it just depends now on what you used to watch on Sunday mornings. George
  3. "I do not care for telepaths. They make me... uneasy." "Don't worry. The Cairn couldn't read your thoughts even if they wanted to. Your brain isn't sophisticated enough." George
  4. Caddyshack Rodney Dangerfield Easy Money George
  5. Yes, Raf! Good job. And good job now I see. By George, I think you've got it! George
  6. Corn/Ear/Bush/Duh* Ice Oven Knit/Yarn Hee/Haw Not seeing it yet. George * for some reason, this thread uses pictures of our beloved Prez to fill the syllable "duh" (or "the")
  7. Dreamer, either tell us if bfh is right or maybe give us another hint! George
  8. Not a problem. The first couple of clues should be a bit more challenging. Then, if no one gets it, make them easier. You're doing fine. George
  9. Great Balls of Fire Dennis Quaid The Long Riders George
  10. Incidentally, waysider got my clue before copenhagen. On the other hand, copie wouldn't have known that. Might as well continue as is... George
  11. "The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean"? George
  12. Good job! Now I have to figure out what it means... One other point: it's good to mention the total number of pics you posted. For some reason, not all computers display all the pictures. I see five in your puzzle. George
  13. Pity. I hoped we had some new blood in the thread. Feel free to drop by again. George
  14. There will probably be a Family Guy movie someday. Now I See, take it away! (Preferably with a MOVIE title!) George
  15. Sounds like another line from "Bang a Gong (Get It On)" by T-Rex George
  16. We'll have to wait for Dooj's OK (it's her puzzle); but I believe you're right. Assuming you are, do you know how to post pictures from the Internet? If I remember correctly, I gave some instructions on p. 23 of the Movie Pictionary thread. George Waitaminnit!! This IS Movie Pictionary! Dooj, did you post a TV title here?
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