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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. The Countess and I moved 40 miles closer just for this reason. How about it, Ex10? Your place? (Our new home is larger than our old one, but our yard and "patio" are pretty small; otherwise, we'd volunteer.) George
  2. The local BC got tired of me thinking all the time and called one of those drumhead meetings where your TC, assistant TC, wives, etc., sit around while the BC makes accusations and then "fires" you. Since the Countess-to-be and I had just gotten engaged, she and her TC, etc. were there, too. She was given 24 hours to decide whether she would stay with me or with TWI. I left, frightened and confused; Lucy just left mad. Of course, later, I had one of those "esprit d'escalier" moments: "Boy, I should have said this and this and THIS!" But, Lucy and I were beyond that. Was there any impact from our departure? Probably not much. At least one couple missed us, though. The wife said, "I wonder how George and Lucy are doing" in fellowship, at which point another "believer" said "Who gives a f###?" The woman said, "I do!" and left. We left in 1997. About two years ago, one of my old TC's called, trying to see if I would come back to TWI. Sorry, Dude, but thanks for thinking of me! George
  3. Steve!'s had his chance to chime in. I'm quite certain you're correct, Maddy, so have at it! George
  4. So... Rafaella? Rafellina? Rafetta? :) Congratulations, my friend! I guess that there will be none of THIS, however... George
  5. When I was in graduate school (almost three decades ago, now :o ) Prof, Harry Gray from CalTech gave a seminar on advances in solar cells. Some "greenies" in the audience asked him if he thought the US should abandon oil and go to solar power. His reply was "It should be obvious by now that we need everything we can get." Things haven't changed much. George
  6. "You make each day a special day. You know how, by just your being you. There's only one person in this whole world like you. And people can like you exactly as you are." "Oh, Nurse Miller, well how in the world are you?" "I'm just fine, X, but the real question is how in the world are YOU? You're the one who got hit with that teeny tiny hard ball." "That's for sure." George
  8. Maddy, Welcome to the game! You're probably right, but we'll wait for Steve!'s confirmation. You DO know that you'll have to post clues to a new one if you're right? :) George
  9. "Hook" is correct. Dooj, yer up! George
  10. "Are you related to Mighty Mouse?" "Have to fly, have to fight, have to crow, have to save Maggie, have to save Jack." "You're a... you're a complex Freudian hallucination having something to do with my mother and I don't know why you have wings, but you have very lovely legs and you're a very nice tiny person and what am I saying, I don't know who my mother was; I'm an orphan and I've never done drugs because I missed the sixties, I was an accountant." "Guess again." "Someone has a severe ca-ca mouth, you know that?" "You are fart factory, cheesy, scab picked, pimple squeezing finger bandage. A week old maggot burger with everything on it and flies on the side." "He'll crow. He'll fight. He'll fly. And then... he'll die." George
  11. Probably. But not I, I'm afraid. George
  12. GeorgeStGeorge


    Let's make sure Jim knows about the 2008 BBQ. (Is it too early to start planning?) George
  13. It's actually "Ironside," but close enough. Have at it, Purple One! George
  14. That's the one. If someone hadn't gotten it soon, I'd have changed "traveler" to "voyager". You're up, Raf. George
  15. What I think is hysterical is the complainant's suing for the megamillions based on "Loss of faith"! What a wonderfully unquantifiable metric! Obviously, there was no way physical, or even emotional abuse would warrant such a suit. I wonder if the dear lady will have to prove how much "faith" she had, and how much she lost. If increase in greed can be considered as evidence of loss of faith, she might have a case! George
  16. They are not putters. Golf clubs are basically divided into two categories: woods and ... George
  17. "Pajama Party"? George (Do we need to know the young lady's name?)
  18. Sally Kellerman Back to School Robert Downey, Jr. George
  19. Correct! The first quote was from the opening sequence of the third season (I think). The rest were mostly Centauri quips. George
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