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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine. George
  2. I can think of a couple of other LF movies, but that's not the link I would need to make. I don't think I've heard of "Liberty Stands Still." George
  3. "Ferris Buehler's Day Off"? George It reminds me of another line I heard" "He's such a tight-a$$ only dogs can hear him fart." :lol:
  4. When their love affair is found out, a Wyoming ranch hand and a rodeo cowboy move to Canada, to make a living trapping and skinning beavers. George
  5. That's it. I haven't seen it, so I wasn't sure which quotes might be giveaways. You're up. George
  6. Dustin Hoffman Dick Tracy Madonna George
  7. I had forgotten that Pam Anderson was one of the "Tool Time" girls. I usually think of Debbe Dunning. The other (short-lived) series she starred in was "Stacked," where she played a party girl taking a job at a family-run bookstore (2005). You got VIP and Baywatch (and Stripperella), so you're up. George
  8. "So what happens when we get back?" "I don't know. I guess we try to forget." "I don't wanna forget." "What the hell was that? You don't talk to me and then you say you have a crush on me! You say you want to train alone? Is this how you want to play? Let's start right now!" "Nice shooting, sweetheart! What did they do when you shot the apple?" "Well, they looked pretty startled." "Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear." George
  9. I watch a lot of cable (USA, TNT, AMC, Showtime, etc.), just not MTV or CC Name three (live-action) TV shows starring* Pamela Anderson. Extra credit if you get the cartoon she did the voice of the main character for. *By "starring," I mean having a major recurring role, not necessarily the lead role. George
  10. The Freshman Bruno Kirby City Slickers George
  11. I can hear the voice singing it. I'm thinking Rod Stewart, but even if it is he, I don't know the title. George
  12. C: Was there ever a show called "The Geek Show"? George
  13. Falling Down Michael Douglas The American President George
  14. "Tombstone" was the earlier, better-received movie about this saga. Neither Gene Hackman nor Michael Madsen was in "Tombstone." This is the OTHER one, starring Kevin Costner. George
  15. I'll give WW some time with the new clues, though he admits to being less than proficient in original Star Trek. George
  16. Misery James Caan Honeymoon in Vegas George
  17. I'm reminded of the Monkees. They were told by their creators not to make ANY kind of ideological or political statement, so as to be non-threatening to everybody. Of course, their theme song said, "We're the new generation, and WE'VE GOT SOMETHING TO SAY." George
  18. No. You're probably thinking of the ST episode "Conscience of the King." Let's change a couple of the clues to make it easier: This story has also been in theaters and TV a number of times. In fact, another version (better-received) hit the theaters shortly before this one. The other version bought up most of the (Old West) period costumes in the US, so this version had to get them from Europe, delaying the production. Michael Madsen was offered the role of Vincent Vega in Pulp Fiction, but he couldn't get released from this film. Gene Hackman was third-billed on this film, even though he only appeared onscreen for about ten minutes. A version of this story appeared in the Star Trek episode, "Spectre of the Gun." George
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