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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Really? OK, then. Scudder is a detective with the Sheriff's Department who is forced to shoot a violent suspect during a narcotics raid. The ensuing psychological aftermath of this shooting worsens his drinking problem and this alcoholism causes him to lose his job, as well as his marriage. Trying to regain his marriage, he attends a Christmas party at her office building, only to wind up battling a terrorist group led by Hans Gruber. George
  2. "I thought your name was Greg." "It is." "That's not what it says here." "Gaylord is my legal name. Nobody's called me by it since third grade." George
  3. Anyway, it was "Rambo 3." Close enough. Go ahead. George
  4. I'm going to move this forward, because there was probably only one other recognizable actor in the film. Marisa Berenson Cabaret Joel Grey George
  5. "Ben-Hur" is correct. It's quaint to think that $15M was all the money MGM had at the time. Most A-list actors get more than that per film, now. George
  6. It was a Kubrick movie from the mid-70's. George
  7. Someone actually needs to post a title... :) George
  8. I know the driving test part. I'm trying to thing of another teen-ish movie with the right linking word. George
  9. Is this a scripted drama? There are a few "reality" drive-along cop shows which would certainly be realistic. George
  10. This is the only Hollywood film to make the Vatican approved film list in the category of religion. The production cost MGM a massive $15 million and was a gamble by the studio to save itself from bankruptcy. The gamble paid off, with the film earning $75 million. (Gives you a hint about the time frame.) The desert sequences were all set to be filmed in Libya until the Muslim Libyan authorities realized that the film was promoting Christianity. The government ordered MGM out of the country, forcing the studio to shift filming to Spain, which has the only desert in Europe. George
  11. Remember when "Friday the 13th, Part 4" was "The Final Chapter"? Followed by six more sequels. :lol: A new one, soon. George
  12. "Scary Movie"? It had a lot of sequels, but it also parodied a number of different films... George
  13. Sin City Elijah Wood Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring George
  14. "I'll be back! Ha! You didn't know I was gonna say that, did you?" "That's what you always say!" "I do?" George
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