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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. No, though that was a good film. I may use it in the future. :) George
  2. I think Wierwille was more like a first base coach. Not really in the game, but telling everyone where to go (and taking credit if they actually make it). George PS: This is not to denigrate, in any way, the fine work first base coaches do. :)
  3. Name the actor: Stan Fields Walter Bascom William J. Baxter George
  4. William Fichtner Elysium Jodie Foster :) Matt Damon George
  5. "Not very good at this whole subtlety thing, are you?" "Did you disable the alarm?" "There's no alarm on the 307." [alarm immediately begins wailing] "Loving your work, Cowboy." George
  6. Well, the second two-thirds would be "Sky High Anxiety." That might be the whole title, too, since you're hinting at a (semi-)stealth triple. I don't recognize the first movie; could it be called "Sky"? George
  7. I'm impressed. It was, in fact, "Hot Dog." It was a light-hearted science show, basically. Each episode had a few short segments. There were only 13 shows; each was aired, and then three sets of reruns finished the year. I specifically remember one segment about skiing. Woody Allen said that he always skied uphill. Not only was it better exercise, but the ski lifts were invariably empty, going down. :lol: Have at it, Wolfman! George
  8. It was Lepetomane that gave it to me. Then the others fell into place. George
  9. I looked at Wikipedia. Markie Post would have played the new (older) Electra Woman. I understand that the pilot is on YouTube, but I haven't checked. I assume you're old enough to have appreciated Markie Post's charms. ;) I'm not going to give several choices here, but this one is a bit obscure. If no one gets it after a few clues, I'll try another. This Saturday-morning show ran from 9/12/70-9/4/71. It starred Jonathan Winters, Woody Allen, and Jo Anne Worley. George
  10. Finally, one I remember (probably because of the hot female cast): G: Electra Woman and Dyna Girl George
  11. I wasn't sure if it was IM 1, 2, or 3. :) Note the WHOLE exchange: "I'll be back." "Only in the reruns, darling." George
  12. Not nearly as useful in Houston as in New Knoxville. :) George
  13. Sorry. Seriously, that reminds me of another tangent (though at least partly pertinent to the gauntlet theme): nametags. Remember when there were a few tags: Way Corps, WOW, Advanced Class, maybe Way College? Then, there started to be a plethora of nametags. (Would you say I have a "plethora" of nametags, Jefe?) Something for every class, every state. "CFS, Illinois, 1987"; "10xPFAL Club"; "Heard the Word, 1990." OK, I made those up; but they're not too different from the ones which were actually circulating. I think people were just envious of the pinholes on the shirts of Corps and wanted to emulate them. George
  14. Well, there's also 2 Tim 3:12: All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. And Stephen in Acts. Hard to say he was stoned to death for lack of believing, when he was in the midst of a full-blown vision of Christ in his glory. :) George
  15. Isn't that always the way? :lol: None of the shows, sadly, are ringing any bells. George
  16. No reason to be ashamed of being a HtD fan. The movie wasn't terrific, I'll admit. George
  17. The big problem with the "You're sick because of your lack of believing" doctrine is that it put people in condemnation. I'm reminded of John 9, where the Pharisees ask, "Who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" To which Jesus responded, "Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents (so quit trying to blame them)." Crap happens because we have an adversary, and it's always a great joy to see a miraculous healing. If the miracle doesn't happen, we know we still have the final victory. I wonder if VPW ever condemned himself for his cancer. George
  18. Yep. I would have given it away next, with Lorraine McFly; but you got it first. Which one(s) gave it away? Caroline (In the City) Duffy? George
  19. Lisa Lietzke Erica Mason Beverly Switzler Alice Mitchell Caroline Duffy George
  20. Sadly, I've HAD managers like that. (Not all, but some.) George
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