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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. "Paul Winchell, Jerry Mahoney, and Knucklehead Smiff"? George
  2. Masters of the Universe Dolph Lundgren Rocky 4 George
  3. In this TV movie, a convicted rapist, upon his release, stalks the family of his defense attorney. He encounters zombies who, having overrun the South, are making their way into California. George
  4. This one is not the artist's best known, but it still did well on the charts: When she kissed me I was born, and she said goodbye And I knew right away I was born to cry Now I'm happy, and the joke's on her... George
  5. "Pinball Wizard." Knowing how crafty you are, however, you probably picked a line that differentiates the two versions. I'll guess Elton John? George
  6. "Walk this way. No, really, walk THIS WAY." George
  7. OK, then. (And I actually vaguely remember "High School High.") Sky High School High Anxiety George
  8. It is Shatner, of course. I forgot to use "Denny Crain," which was his character in "Boston Legal." Bascom was his character in "Tek War." George
  9. It is "Michelle," and it was the Beatles. George
  10. Robert Redford Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Paul Newman George
  11. "For a special agent, you're not having a very special day, are you?" "Are they still following us?... Is there one of them?... Is he looking at us?... Does he have just one hand on the steering wheel?... When you hear something that sounds like a gunshot, drive." "I was briefed on your criminal career. Your balls are on the end of a very long leash, held by a very short man." "I wonder if it was your father's shame that gave you such drive... Or was it your mother's reputation? I understand that she was extremely popular amongst your father's friends..." "We may be engaged, but I'm my own woman! Besides, I don't have a ring! It was stolen, remember?" "A good Russian husband would go out early and got his fiancée a new ring, as soon as he could." "He's trying. To stop. The car." "We're struggling here. Why don't you take a shot at him?" "Somehow, it just doesn't seem like the right thing to do." "Don't make me put you over my knee..." "So you don't want to dance... but you do want to wrestle." "Not very good at this whole subtlety thing, are you?" "Did you disable the alarm?" "There's no alarm on the 307." [alarm immediately begins wailing] "Loving your work, Cowboy." George
  12. Stan Fields Walter Bascom William J. Baxter T.J. Hooker J.T. Kirk George
  13. Maybe there's a movie "High High"? The final puzzle then could be "Sky High High Anxiety." George
  14. Sont ces mots qui vont tres bien ensemble, tres bien ensemble. George
  15. I don't want to derail this thread, but I think this is germane. I sponsored a LOT of people in the Corps, including a few VERY attractive women. But NONE of them were ever solicited; and, for that matter, they were completely unaware of the evil going on. Now, this was at a time (late 70's through mid 80's) when there were hundreds of Corps, so it's not unbelievable that there were many who were clueless about it. Clearly, if it had been common knowledge, then one could only assume that all the Corps were complicit (since they didn't leave), and the ones I knew were far too principled for that. So, how was it all kept from the mainstream Corps folk (and, presumably, College Division, staff, etc.)? George
  16. Erland was a student at MIT a year ahead of me. As a wrestler, he was good friends with one of my fraternity brothers. He also had a wonderful singing voice. In "Stir Crazy," someone else dubbed the singing; but I believe he did his own singing in "Running Man." As a large man, he died of congestive heart failure. Far too young. :( George
  17. Robin Williams Mrs. Doubtfire Pierce Brosnan George
  18. No, she is not. "I was briefed on your criminal career. Your balls are on the end of a very long leash, held by a very short man." "I wonder if it was your father's shame that gave you such drive... Or was it your mother's reputation? I understand that she was extremely popular amongst your father's friends..." "We may be engaged, but I'm my own woman! Besides, I don't have a ring! It was stolen, remember?" "A good Russian husband would go out early and got his fiancée a new ring, as soon as he could." "He's trying. To stop. The car." "We're struggling here. Why don't you take a shot at him?" "Somehow, it just doesn't seem like the right thing to do." "Don't make me put you over my knee..." "So you don't want to dance... but you do want to wrestle." "Not very good at this whole subtlety thing, are you?" "Did you disable the alarm?" "There's no alarm on the 307." [alarm immediately begins wailing] "Loving your work, Cowboy." George
  19. Uma Thurman Batman and Robin Arnold Schwarzenegger George
  20. "He's trying. To stop. The car." "We're struggling here. Why don't you take a shot at him?" "Somehow, it just doesn't seem like the right thing to do." "Don't make me put you over my knee..." "So you don't want to dance... but you do want to wrestle." "Not very good at this whole subtlety thing, are you?" "Did you disable the alarm?" "There's no alarm on the 307." [alarm immediately begins wailing] "Loving your work, Cowboy." George
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