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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. It's clearly one of the Addams Family films. I'm thinking "Addams Family Values" George
  2. I think we could use a couple more... :) George
  3. Stellan Skarsgard Thor Anthony Hopkins George
  4. Sounds like Shakespeare. "Othello"? George
  5. Fair enough. :) (We kind of do this, anyway.) George
  6. :lol:/> AHAHHAHAHHHAHAH! (coffee spew) Hell, they probably wanted 10% of the profit! George
  7. I would also have accepted Bananarama as the group. You're up! George
  8. Krys's note reminds me that there were other pressures from TWI. I owned my home, free and clear, but I lived about 40 miles from Twig (and five miles from work). Leadership wanted me to sell my house and move closer to Twig. Didn't happen. :)/> And then the Twig leader moved to the complete other side of Houston. For his job. George
  9. I'll just jump in here, since it seems to have been abandoned... Her weapons were her crystal eyes Making every man mad Black as the dark night she was Got what no one else had George
  10. This is a slight variation of this game, which WordWolf has done twice before... Harry Callahan investigates a contest to murder local celebrities, with the winner guessing the first to go. One of the celebrities is former Special Forces operative Wade Wilson, who has received amazing restorative powers due to genetic manipulation. George
  11. WW is up, but anyone can take it at this point... George
  12. About 19 years. I started attending fellowships in the summer of 1978 and was cut loose in the fall of 1997. George
  13. I never did succumb to pressures to abandon non-TWI friends and family. That, and continuing to question certain aspects of TWI practice, eventually resulted in my being committed to Satan set free. George
  14. I can't think of a single one. :) George
  15. Link seems to be broken. Skyrider, where in Texas were you? I wonder if we ever met. Of course, I was going by "George St. George" back then... ;) My early dealings with the Rupps were quite pleasant. (If I remember correctly, Marie had a wonderful singing voice.) As time went on, and I fell more and more out of favor, due to my habit of thinking about things that were taught, the relationship changed. JR was the one who gave the final say-so for my excommunication. So, I AM thankful for that. :lol: George
  16. Let me know how you like the take on Vixen in Arrow. When I saw the previews, I didn't recognize her, because the hair was all wrong. :) George
  17. Flash What the...? It will be interesting to see how they explain THIS one. PARTIAL SPOILER ALERT (so WW may want to avert his eyes) Zoom's ID is revealed. And that's who I thought was the guy in the iron mask. VERRRRRY INTERRRRRESTING. :) George
  18. So WordWolf is up (of course). ;) George
  19. Tommy Lee Jones The Fugitive Harrison Ford George
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