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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Broadcast News William Hurt Lost in Space George
  2. WW got this a while ago. If anyone would like to jump in, feel free. George
  3. True. I forgot that most of them don't know. George
  4. WORDWOLF DON'T LOOK WORDWOLF DON'T LOOK WORDWOLF DON'T LOOK WORDWOLF DON'T LOOK (until you've seen the episode) I don't get why HH/JJ surrendered. Although his presence was recorded on a number of cell phones, etc., I doubt anyone recorded his transformation. He could have simply gone invisible, gotten out of view, and changed back to HH. George
  5. Would it help if I said this was the first half of a slide show (by one of the main characters, at the end of the film) called "Ballbusters on Parade"? George
  6. The latest Supergirl (with red kryptonite): "Supergirl" meets "Smallville" meets "Superman III." At least I found the origin of THIS red K to be interesting. George
  7. Wild at Heart Laura Dern Jurassic Park George
  8. Well, the cast IS dwindling. :rolleyes:/> So, what REALLY happened to Heat Wave? As for Vixen being deus ex machina, does that make Chronos diabolus ex machina? Whenever they need something to screw up a mission, there he is. :)/> George
  9. I entered Advanced Class '79 unsure about the deity of Jesus. I left convinced he was not God. So I learned something. Insights into the biblical accounts of "the big six" manifestations were good. I'm trying to remember what the two afternoon series were. I think they might have been LCM teaching the 8 Great Statements, and someone else teaching Jesus Christ the Twig Leader. I think both were delivered well, although my inability to recall the details may belie that. I met some hot chicks, which is always a plus. I also sat through the same AC a couple of times when it was offered "on the field." No new insights. I took LCM's AC, when he rolled it out at Rome City. Not much to remember there, except his explanation of how the sound of a gun cocking could drive off devil spirits. (It's no good to possess someone with a hole blown through him.) And I met some hot chicks. George
  10. The movies: Kim McAfee Bye Bye Birdie Emily Porter State Fair Jody Dvorak Kitten with a Whip Bobbie Carnal Knowledge Barbara Mitchell 52 Pick Up Ariel Truax Grumpy Old Men Nora Walker Tommy Your go! George
  11. "What's with the smile, Jack?" "Life's been good to me!" George
  12. Apparently, Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, and the web cartoon Vixen exist in what's jokingly referred to as the "Arrowverse." (I guess Constantine dwells there, as well.) The upcoming Flash/Supergirl crossover will involve Barry entering another universe. He's getting adept at that. :) As for Vixen, I seem to remember her in the comics as simply saying, for instance, that she was using the power of a rhino, while blasting through something. When she appeared in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon, her presentation was more as it was on Arrow; i.e., a ghost image of the animal was superimposed over her during her amimal episodes. I think it worked pretty well. George
  13. Got it. These were mostly iconic roles for her, but, of course, except for Ariel, they were all from about 40 years ago. Which one(s) gave her away? George
  14. No. Not a comedy, though there is some dark humor. "Women today are better-hung than the men." "Why don't you leave me?... For God's sake, I'd almost marry you if you'd leave me." "That's Bonnie, my first love. She lived upstairs from us. We exposed ourselves to each other at ten. My mother caught us. She washed my mouth out with soap. I never got the connection. Here's Emily, my first steady. I never laid a hand on her. Mildred I think this one's name was. She followed me around at school. The fellas kidded me about her. I told her to stop or I'd beat her up. She dropped her drawersand shoved her foot at me. So I got my first sight of a$$ at 11. Marcia, 11-½. I kissed her at a spin-the-bottle party. This was Rosalie. She looked just like Elizabeth Taylor. I had a crush on her and I never went near her. In those days, we had illusions. Here's Charlotte. Not much on looks, but great tits for 13." "The reason I sleep all day is because I can't stand my life!" "What life?" "Sleeping all day!" "You want a job? I got a job for you. Fix up this pigsty! You get a pretty Goddammed good salary for testing out this bed all day! You want an extra fifty dollars a week, try vacuuming! You want an extra hundred, make this Goddammed bed! Try opening some Goddammed windows! That's why you can't stand up in here, the Goddammed place smells like a coffin!" "Do you always answer a question with a question?" "Do you always date your best friend's girlfriend?" George
  15. I haven't had this much fun since the mid-2000's, when we used to get trolls routinely. Always insinuating, always deflecting, eventually disappearing (occasionally returning with a different screen name). Good times! :B) George
  16. No, this is from 30 years earlier. George
  17. Wait---What? :o George When I first took PFAL, the class coordinator (branch leader) was reasonably open with me. I'd ask him stuff after class, and if he could explain it, he would. He might say, "That will be covered in Session X," which was OK with me. If I didn't get it after watching Session X, then we'd revisit the topic. George
  18. "Women today are better-hung than the men." "Why don't you leave me?... For God's sake, I'd almost marry you if you'd leave me." "That's Bonnie, my first love. She lived upstairs from us. We exposed ourselves to each other at ten. My mother caught us. She washed my mouth out with soap. I never got the connection." "The reason I sleep all day is because I can't stand my life!" "What life?" "Sleeping all day!" "You want a job? I got a job for you. Fix up this pigsty! You get a pretty Goddammed good salary for testing out this bed all day! You want an extra fifty dollars a week, try vacuuming! You want an extra hundred, make this Goddammed bed! Try opening some Goddammed windows! That's why you can't stand up in here, the Goddammed place smells like a coffin!" "Do you always answer a question with a question?" "Do you always date your best friend's girlfriend?" George
  19. Kim McAfee Emily Porter Jody Dvorak Bobbie Barbara Mitchell Ariel Truax Nora Walker George
  20. How do you catch a pink elephant? First, you bake a cake and put three raisins on top. Then, you head through the deep, dark, jungle, and into the land of the purple elephants.(ANYONE can catch a PURPLE elephant.) Then you continue on to the land of the pink elephants. You set the cake down, and hide behind a tree. A pink elephant arrives, and eats the three raisins from the top of the cake, and throws the cake away. You then leave the land of the pink elephants, and go through the land of the purple elephants (anyone can catch a purple elephant), through the deep, dark jungle, and back home. Next, you bake a cake and put TWO raisins on top. Then, you head through the deep, dark, jungle, and into the land of the purple elephants.(Anyone can catch a purple elephant.) Then you continue on to the land of the pink elephants. You set the cake down, and hide behind a tree. A pink elephant arrives, and eats the two raisins from the top of the cake, and throws the cake away. You then leave the land of the pink elephants, and go through the land of the purple elephants (anyone can catch a purple elephant), through the deep, dark jungle, and back home. Next, you bake a cake and put one raisin on top. Then, you head through the deep, dark, jungle, and into the land of the purple elephants.(Anyone can catch a purple elephant.) Then you continue on to the land of the pink elephants. You set the cake down, and hide behind a tree. A pink elephant arrives, and eats the raisin from the top of the cake, and throws the cake away. You then leave the land of the pink elephants, and go through the land of the purple elephants (anyone can catch a purple elephant), through the deep, dark jungle, and back home. Next, you bake a cake, but put NO raisins on top. Then, you head through the deep, dark, jungle, and into the land of the purple elephants.(Anyone can catch a purple elephant.) Then you continue on to the land of the pink elephants. You set the cake down, and hide behind a tree. A pink elephant arrives, and, seeing no raisins on the cake, turns purple with rage. Anyone can catch a purple elephant. :) George
  21. "The reason I sleep all day is because I can't stand my life!" "What life?" "Sleeping all day!" "You want a job? I got a job for you. Fix up this pigsty! You get a pretty Goddammed good salary for testing out this bed all day! You want an extra fifty dollars a week, try vacuuming! You want an extra hundred, make this Goddammed bed! Try opening some Goddammed windows! That's why you can't stand up in here, the Goddammed place smells like a coffin!" "Do you always answer a question with a question?" "Do you always date your best friend's girlfriend?" George
  22. Name the actress Kim McAfee Emily Porter Jody Dvorak Bobbie George
  23. I believe "Sigerson Holmes" was "Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother" Gene Wilder? George
  24. Natalie Portman Star Wars 1 Ewan McGregor George
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