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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. I presume that this was a later version, not the old Gregory Peck one? George
  2. You're in the right place. I'm just not sure about this PARTICULAR quote. George PS Apparently, emoticons can't be "typed in" anymore. Though, maybe :) doesn't work, because the smile emoticon is no longer available...
  3. Mel Brooks Silent Movie Marty Feldman George
  4. And I didn't even get to the easy ones. Spacey Played Nixon in "Elvis and Nixon." Incidentally, in "Nine Lives," he plays Tom Brand, whose mind winds up inside his cat. George
  5. I knew that Lyle Talbot played Luthor in some old Superman serials, and Gordon in some Batman serials. The other names didn't look like Luthor types to me. Ted Knight must have been Gordon in the Batman cartoons of the late 60's-early 70's. (I know he was the announcer for Super-Friends and some others.) Name the actor Tom Brand Richard Nixon Jack Vincennes George
  6. Easy one: [TITLE], aw rooty [TITLE], aw rooty [TITLE], aw rooty Wop, bop-a-loo-mop a-wop-bam-boom George
  7. I recognize a lot of the actors, but I can't think of a common character. I suspect that these were voice roles. George
  8. Very familiar, but I can't think of the fill-in. George
  9. The main character of this show is called by a title depicting a noble, heroic man. The character's name is never given on the show. He is often referred to as "the man in black," although he often wore dark blue. Instead of the TV show being derived from a radio show, a radio show was based on this TV show. George
  10. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring? George
  11. Actually, these quotes are from the original (though they might also appear in the remake). You're up. George
  12. Time to bring out the giveaway: "Well, who *is* on our side?" "Six hundred million screaming Chinamen. "Last I heard, there were a billion screaming Chinamen." There were." "Daryl, what have you done?" "I went into town... and got caught." "YOU WENT AND GOT CAUGHT! WHY?" "You said we couldn't..." "You told them where we were, didn't you? You told them!" "My father turned me in. Oh God, they do things you can't imagine." "All that hate's gonna burn you up, kid." "It keeps me warm." "You think you're tough for eating beans every day? There's half a million scarecrows in Denver who'd give anything for one mouthful of what you got. They've been under siege for about three months. They live on rats and sawdust bread and sometimes... on each other. At night, the pyres for the dead light up the sky. It's medieval." "Go to the sporting goods store. From the files obtain forms 4473. These will contain descriptions of weapons, and lists of private ownership." George
  13. I don't think anyone actually dies repeatedly in "8 Million..." Still, I agree with WW. Let Human post the real answer; and then, if T-Bone wants to, he can post the next. George
  14. I really don't know the others, though if Hiway is lurking, he might be able to get them. Give it a day. Then, you can either post the answers or save them for a rainy day. George
  15. E) sounds like one of my favorites from 50 years ago (!) "Bat-Fink" was a bat with steel wings, made by the father of his sidekick, Karate. He drove the Batillac. Catch phrases: "Your [insert weapon] cannot harm me; my wings are like a shield of steel." "It's a good thing that the Batillac is equipped with a thermonuclear, plutonium-insulated [insert disaster] shield." Of course, today, Karate would be considered insulting to Asians, and Bat-Fink would be considered insulting to chiropterologists. George
  16. I'm hoping Raf or WW chime in. I don't recognize the NK movie, and dying multiple times doesn't ring a bell, either. George
  17. Faye Dunaway The Three Musketeers Raquel Welch George
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