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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Patrick Swayze Road House Sam Elliott George
  2. Doe, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun. George
  3. Gene Wilder The Lady in Red Kelly LeBrock George
  4. I just remembered Preston in a movie called "Finnegan, Begin Again." So far, the other names aren't ringing a bell. George
  5. One of Eric Clapton's biggest hits. (And his least interesting guitar work.) You're up. George
  6. Thanks. I saw the settings part on top, but I missed the on-off toggles, below. George
  7. Is it possible just to turn off notifications? I've seen a selection box where I can limit the number of times per week they show up, but not one just to get rid of them. I really don't need to know when someone quotes me. George
  8. I believe it. Van Damme ("the muscles from Brussels") was in the movie, and I enjoyed the TV show. Didn't know about the comic, although I have little knowledge of the Dark Horse line. George
  9. If it IS from MP+HG, it's the only line I DON'T remember. George
  10. Dick Tracy Madonna Shanghai Surprise George
  11. A pleasant benediction, but I don't recognize it at all. George
  12. The World is not Enough Pierce Brosnan The Thomas Crown Affair (1999) George
  13. That's it. The character's name (or what he was called) was Paladin. The show's title was hyphenated: Have Gun-Will Travel; the card was not. George
  14. [TITLE], we're gonna let it all hang down. [TITLE], we're gonna chug-a-lug and shout. We're gonna stimulate some action; We're gonna get some satisfaction. We're gonna find out what it is all about. [TITLE], we're gonna let it all hang down. George
  15. Sorry. The title of the show is depicted on the main character's business card (with a slight change in punctuation). The show was originally meant to be a private-eye series, not a western. The main character of this show is called by a title depicting a noble, heroic man. The character's name is never given on the show. He is often referred to as "the man in black," although he often wore dark blue. Instead of the TV show being derived from a radio show, a radio show was based on this TV show. George
  16. "I have such a headache!" "Maybe it's a tumor." "It's not a tumor!" George
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