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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. No. It was "Dracula" (the old Bela Lugosi one). Seemed appropriate for a Halloween post. FREE POST George
  2. Yes. I couldn't say, "super-heroes," as that would leave out Mick (and maybe Sarah). And the only ones in the current mix with actual super-powers are Martin/Jackson, Hank, and Mari. So, "adventurers" seemed the best description. George
  3. I'd guess Rutger Hauer, but he's Dutch... George
  4. "Sir... I have a proposition. We're decent people being driven from our homes. Slaughtered in cold blood." "The spirit is willing, but we are not killers." "No one is, until they're looking down the barrel of a gun." "If God didn't want them to be sheared, he wouldn't have made them sheep." "He's got an army !" "And they'll be murdered by the world's greatest lover ." "What we lost in the fire, we found in the ashes." "He made them murder my husband, he will take everything we have." "So you seek revenge?" "I seek righteousness. But I'll take revenge." George
  5. A group of time-traveling adventurers stop a TV mogul's plot to incite war between China and the US. (TV movie) George
  6. I guess "Corpse Bride of Frankenstein" has a certain intrinsic consistency. NEVER would have gotten it without help. George
  7. At the risk of being tossed out by Modcat, I would point out that BOTH of the last two episodes were rather heavy-laden with liberal fol-de-rol. (Though, at least for the most part, characters expressing differing viewpoints were not played as caricatures.) When "President Olivia Marsdin" pulled out her Executive Order, I would have fried it, too. Congress? We don' need no stinkin' Congress!
  8. Elvis Presley Jailhouse Rock Dean Jones George
  9. Tatum O'Neal The Bad News Bears Walter Matthau George
  10. Sorry. when you brought up Lucas/Snapper, I thought you were caught up. He had a fairly prominent role in the latest episode, though probably not more so than the previous week. You'll be really glad I didn't mention -- George
  11. Interesting take. I was thinking, more of a Perry White type. Of course, I don't think comic book Snapper was ever a newsman. I forget what he did for a living in the Hourman series. Oh, and I was wondering when Miss Martian would show her true colors... George
  12. Aw, c'mon. Call him Snapper. Everyone does! George
  13. Well, I saw Supergirl. Fodder for Politics 'n Tacks. Oh, and some new takes on DC characters. No real complaints, but some things don't need to be changed. George
  14. Backdraft Jennifer Jason Leigh Fast Times at Ridgemont High George
  15. Presumed Innocent Greta Scacchi Shattered George
  16. "Silence of the Lambs" "More wolfbane, Doctor?" "Stronger than wolfbane, Count!" George
  17. Still don't know without googling, but here's a guess: "Here Comes the Bride of Frankenstein" George
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