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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Kurt Russell Tombstone Dana Delaney George
  2. I suppose I should ask you to be more specific, but I'll give it to you. Elizabeth I. George
  3. Except for all of the Bugs Bunny, etc. cartoons, which have had all violence excised from them, to the point of being meaningless. George
  4. I've seen five episodes, now. I quite like it. And Danny DOES have the Iron Fist. He just doesn't use it for the first couple of episodes. It has a habit of showing up whenever he needs a really hard punch. :-) George
  5. Irene Worth Miranda Richardson Judi Dench Sarah Bernhardt Bette Davis Jean Simmons Glenda Jackson George
  6. Anthony Michael Hall Weird Science Kelly LeBrock George
  7. I thought it might be. I still don't understand WW's comment, though. George
  8. Wait -- Cannonball Run was originally NOT a comedy, but they wanted Don Rickles in it? George
  9. A man is reunited with his long-lost father, which works out great initially but then turns sour, and the man has to kill his father. (The man who raised the son dies, also.) In the meantime, two step-sisters duke it out, but wind up friends. George
  10. I think I saw this discussed on "The Big bang Theory." "Raiders of the Lost Ark"? George
  11. I think I saw about two episodes of BB. Dissolving bodies in HF seemed a bit odd to me, though I suspect that it would work. Although the show is set in NYC, Palm trees are visible in the opening scenes and credits as the show was filmed in Los Angeles. In summer 1984, a popular movie made one of the stars, at the time a relative unknown, a household name. NBC bought the rights to the ABC sitcom and re-aired select episodes to lead off their Saturday night line-up. The main characters are named after two bars in Berkeley, CA: "Kip's" and "Henry's." George
  12. I haven't seen the movie, but if it's like the TV show, I'll guess 12 Monkeys George
  13. Sarah Bernhardt Bette Davis Jean Simmons Glenda Jackson George
  14. Of course they are. I just meant that a British woman would likely play the role, as opposed to an American (or other) actress. George
  15. Perhaps I should have said "fan of Who(m)." Although I don't recognize those names as being Dr. Who, I do seem to recall, vaguely, that there was one female Doctor, and the Brit, Lumley, could fit the bill. George
  16. Almost certainly a '70s movie. The only one with Valerie Perrine that comes to mind immediately (well, except for the Superman movies) is Slaughterhouse 5, but I don't think Fonda or Jagger were in it. George
  17. That's the problem with quoting from memory, rather than looking it up. "General, would you care to step outside?" George
  18. I guess the question then is, "Fan of what?" Two popular cultural areas of which I have essentially no knowledge are Dr. Who and Harry Potter. (To that, you can add Walking Dead and Game of Thrones, but each of those has essentially one incarnation, so there wouldn't be multiple actors portraying the same role.) We seem to have an impasse, here, unless you've been holding back the REAL obvious one(s). Raf has essentially recused himself; Human doesn't seem to have any idea; and I'm at a loss, as well. George
  19. It's hard to think of a "revisionist" movie description. Otherwise, it's just movie mash-up.
  20. The only ones from the list I can put a face to are Hurt, Cushing, Atkinson, Hugh Grant, and Lumley. The woman, of course, throws a wrench into this, but there are a number of traditionally male roles now being portrayed by women, e.g., Watson and Moriarty on "Elementary." Let's try another "Holmesian" role: Inspector Lastrade? George
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