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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Robert DeNiro The Untouchables Andy Garcia George
  2. I'm pretty sure, then that I know the "stealth" movie/TV show. I just don't know the other movie. George
  3. That's where it is on mine, as well. Perhaps, if I had caught it before Inhumans, I would be watching it, instead. George
  4. It strikes me as Marvel's version of Game of Thrones (from what little I know of Game of Thrones, having watched maybe one episode in its entirety). I find it entertaining, but I think that Gifted might be a better choice. George
  5. One of my favorite shows. I can still hear that bass trombone at the start of the opening credits. George
  6. At first, I thought this was another two-shows-with-the same-title clue, but the movie I was thinking of involved Los Angeles, not Toronto. Of course, it's possible the TV show has something to do with the Maple Leafs (I haven't watched it); but I'm probably on the wrong track. George
  7. Shag-a-delic, Baby! You're up! George
  8. I'm not sure what that means. Did each season have two main characters, but they weren't always the same two? Or did the characters just change with each year? George
  9. Fine. Be that way. In other news, I got a kick out of last night's Supergirl. In the mode of "I played Supergirl; now I play her mom," we have "I voiced J'onn J'onzz in the cartoons; now I play his dad." George
  10. It's hard to do this one without being obvious. "You know, a lot's changed since 1967." "No doubt, love, but as long as people are still having promiscuous sex with many anonymous partners without protection while at the same time experimenting with mind-expanding drugs in a consequence-free environment, I'll be sound as a pound!" "I just think, like, he hates me. I really think he wants to kill me." "He doesn't really want to kill you. Sometimes we just say that." "No actually the boy is quite astute. I really am trying to kill him, but so far unsuccessfully. He's quite wily, like his old man." George
  11. On Her Majesty's Secret Service Telly Savalas The Dirty Dozen George
  12. Harry Palmer Jack Carter Alan Breck Robert Blakeley Milo Tindle Peachy Carnahan LTC J.O.E. Vandeleur Sidney Cochrane Dr. Robert Elliott George
  13. Actually, I thought Liam Neeson made a good Ra's al Ghul. In fact, when I saw Batman Begins, and Neeson appeared as "Ducard," I thought to myself, "Geez, HE should be Ra's al Ghul!" George
  14. I hope your "sabbatical" isn't too long. Even bridge need four players. Interesting turn on Arrow this week. Knowing that WW is probably behind, I won't spoil it. Just to hint that a DC character whom you wouldn't probably expect in the "Arrowverse" gets a rather solid mention. George
  15. That might explain it. To me, Neil Young's voice had the same effect as fingernails scratching on a blackboard. George
  16. Harry Palmer Jack Carter Alan Breck Robert Blakeley Milo Tindle George
  17. Probably not. But let's try Robert Downey, Jr. I know he played Chaplin. Georg
  18. OK. Had it backwards. Are these people who portrayed Hitler? George
  19. Obviously a prolific actor. Some of the names seem familiar (not just Albert Einstein); but I'm not getting it. George
  20. I'll give you all six. I hadn't thought of Robin. The "gimme's" were, of course, Superman and Batman. Neither Green arrow nor Aquaman had his own book until the 60's (for A-man) and the 80's (for GA), but both were back-up features in other books through the early decades. You're up! George
  21. WW, really? OK, let's end this Featuring one of only five DC Comics heroes to make it from the 40's to today, the original source material for this very recent movie involved an American Air Force pilot being rescued from a crash by an island girl, during WWII. Apparently, WWII was too morally unambiguous for today's Hollywood (can't have America be the good guys, after all), so the movie is set in WWI, and the pilot, though an American, is working as a spy for the British. Although the movie draws heavily on Greek mythology, the heroine is named after a Roman goddess. George PS: Extra credit if you can name the other four DC heroes who made it from the 40's (with changes, here and there). Two are "gimmes"; the other two, not so much, though I'm sure you're familiar with the characters.
  22. It is, indeed. Originally, I had "Thor: The Dark World Is not Enough," but I think this one flows better. You're up! George
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