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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. I'm not sure that LoT can "jump the shark," but this season's finale sure gives it the college try. I have to admit to a grudging smile for the way Mallus was defeated. (If this is a spoiler for anyone, did you think he WOULDN'T be defeated?) George
  2. The title character of the film has been around since 1998, in various media. A TV version had a star who, IMHO, was much more true to the character than the movie star. The movie's original title was too similar to "Hellboy," which came out about the same time. This was thought to be likely to hurt ticket sales, so the title was changed. The look of Hell was based on old footage of nuclear tests, specifically the sudden shockwave immediately after the blast that disintegrated anything in its path, hence the crumbling landscape. George
  3. Well, you've pretty much named the characters, but I still don't recognize it. George
  4. I've seen both the original and the musical remake. If I remember correctly, Jack Nicholson's character was reprised by Bill Murray. "FEED ME!" New one to come soon... George
  5. "Maybelline" by Chuck Berry? George
  6. Great Balls of Fire Dennis Quaid Dreamscape George
  7. The Woman in Red Kelly LeBrock Weird Science George
  8. Almost all of them seem vaguely familiar. Vaguely. George
  9. Breakfast at Tiffany's Mickey Rooney It's a Mad.... World (I never remember how many "Mad"s) George
  10. Sleuth Laurence Olivier The Boys from Brazil George
  11. Yes, and Yes. (If you haven't seen the movie, how did you know about the computer?) George
  12. You could say it was his brightest hour... George
  13. Gary Oldman JUST WON the Best Actor Oscar for this role... George
  14. Hey kids shake it loose together The spotlight's hittin' something that's been known to change the weather We'll kill the fatted calf tonight so stick around You're gonna hear electric music solid walls of sound George
  15. Thanks for the hint. Cavemen = troglodytes = Troggs Obviously not "Wild Thing," so it must be "Love Is All Around" George
  16. WW is up. (And in TV Mash up, as well) George
  17. I didn't think of this movie as a "coming of age" story, although most of the characters are young adults. Apparently, the producer and director saw it that way, however, and required the cast to watch a John Hughes marathon, in preparation for their roles. The main villain of the film has played villainous roles before (to some acclaim); but he is probably better remembered for portraying an iconic hero. In the comics, the hero spends a lot of time in introspection. Since thought balloons don't work in movies, and it would seem creepy for the character to talk to himself, he was given a handheld computer to take the place of half of his inner dialogue. CGI made the main character much more like the comic-book version of him in this movie than in previous movies. The star was 19 when cast, younger than the "old men" (25 and 26) who had the role, previously. George
  18. One of the other actors received an Oscar for the role. John Lithgow Louie Anderson Albert Finney Christian Slater Timothy Spall Robert Hardy Brendan Gleeson Gary Oldman Richard Burton Bob Hoskins Brian Cox Michael Gambon Gary Saderup Simon Ward George
  19. By the way, the pilot for Krypton is on tonight. A preview on SyFy showed that Brainiac will be the main villain, with a time-travelling Adam Strange helping Sig-el. Other spacefaring species will be seen, like the Thanagarians. I wonder if they'll ever throw in a Green Lantern, Tomar-re, perhaps? George
  20. Unlawful Entry Kurt Russell Guardians of the Galaxy II George
  21. I can almost "hear" it, too, but just not enough to place it. George
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