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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. I also would have had more luck with the Wilder/Mostel version. Well, I can wait three days and then google. George
  2. Not a cartoon. Just CGI characters. "Guardians of the Galaxy' George
  3. That second exchange seems VERY familiar. The first line would indicate a cartoon (unless some human knows, for some reason, that he'll die young). "Over the Hedge"? George
  4. Tommy Lee Jones Men in Black Tony Shaloub George
  5. Correct. And I didn't even use the obvious ones. ("Come with me, if you want to live." "Hasta la vista, Baby!") You're up. George
  6. Amy Adams Man of Steel Laurence Fishburne George
  7. Name the actor. Valeri Petrofsky Dr. Lawrence Angelo Stu Dunmeyer George
  8. This was one of very few 20th Century Fox films which did not begin with the famous logo. The person portrayed by the star of the film in fact a rather high-pitched voice (unlike the actor). The actual person would cuss a blue streak to compensate. The star won the Academy Award for best actor and famously refused to accept it, claiming that competition between actors was unfair and a "meat parade". George
  9. "We've got company!... Police!" "How many?" "Uh... all of 'em, I think." "You broke my arm!" "There are 215 bones in the human body. That's one." "I'm sure it feels very real to you." "On August 29th, 1997, it's gonna feel pretty f--king real to you too. Anybody not wearing 2 million sunblock is gonna have a real bad day. Get it?" George
  10. The 7-minute abs routine was familiar. Throw in "Mary" and "hair gel" and we have "There's Something About Mary" George
  11. If it's "Young Frankenstein" (and I believe it is), it's the last clue that gave it to me. The others may all fit with that guess, too. George
  12. Glad you're with us, at least for a while. George
  13. Amy Adams is not a movie starring Phillip Seymour Hoffman. George
  14. Well, I know that Shields and Yarnell (mimes) were regulars on the Sonny and Cher show, but that show went three seasons. Sonny got a spin-off, the Sonny Comedy Revue, which also featured The Unknown Comic; that lasted one (short) season. I'm not sure if S&Y were on that show, too; nor do I know if any of the other stars listed in the clue appeared, though all would be reasonable for that time and genre. I don't really know what "the name of a celebrity who starred of the show, but not with name that you may be familiar with" means, (maybe, not with Cher?) but I'll go with the Sonny Comedy Revue for now. George
  15. John Travolta Urban Cowboy Debra Winger George
  16. Scarlett Johansson Lost in Translation Bill Murray George
  17. Interesting guest stars. At first, I'd think it was an early show, with Ball, Reiner, et al.; but Chevy Chase means it was at least late 70s. Other than that, I've got nothing (so far) George
  18. Okay, then Kim Basinger 9 1/2 Weeks Mickey Rourke George
  19. Kim Basinger My Stepmother Is an Alien Dan Aykroyd George
  20. Better do it quickly, or it may be a moot point. Look at the most recent threads in the Open forum. George
  21. Glad you had a say in it, too. Talk, of course, is cheap. If you're so zealous to stave off the TWI hordes, host your own d--n site. George
  22. Hey, RG! Although I live in Texas, for me, country music is just something to dance to, so I couldn't tell much about big hits, and certainly not about this little nugget. Incidentally, I'm not sure how many people lurk in this forum, because there are only a few regulars. Although this forum is a reasonable place for this thread, you might want to try in the Open forum, to get more views. George
  23. Something Raf posted on another thread implied that membership (visitorship? lollygags?) at the Café is probably below 100. I mentioned on that thread that if membership in TWI dwindles, it would not be surprising to have it happen here. Sad, but in the same way that having your kids start their own families is sad. So, if it really is time to close the Café, so be it. But if the real reason is financial, THAT would be really sad. George
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