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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Seems a reasonable guess. There is only one line I remember from that film, though; and it's not one WW has posted. George
  2. I don't know. There's a reference to the Crusades and one to Abe Lincoln, so my earlier thoughts were either time travel or some long historical film. It has a Monty Pythonesque or Mel Brooksish feel, but I don't recognize any of the lines. And, yes, I saw the underlining. If it were a HUMP instead of a MOLE, I'd guess Young Frankenstein, but I don't remember any of these lines from that movie, either. George
  3. I roam from town to town I go through life without a care I'm just happy travelin' 'round With my two fists of iron, but I'm goin' nowhere! George
  4. Cal Naughton, Jr. Amos Hart Reed Rothchild Happy Jack Mulraney Gus Sinski Lefty George
  5. I suspect that "Common" is not the name of an actor, though I could be wrong... George
  6. "Africa" by Toto. Honestly, the only lyric I ever listened to is that "There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do." If you didn't give that, I would not have gotten it. George
  7. Scent of a Woman? There's obviously a blind guy and a court scene, but the rest seems too comical. Some of the lines reminded me of characters in All of Me, including a blind saxophonist, and Steve Martin was a lawyer. George
  8. Name the actor: Cal Naughton, Jr. Amos Hart Reed Rothchild George
  9. You don't make it easy... King of New York Christopher Walken Balls of Fury George
  10. No worries. I still don't know it. George
  11. You're welcome to join in. It would be nice to have some new players. George
  12. I guess I should be happy that I spend most of my time in the "game room." Not a lot of sniping, there! George
  13. Routh did have a cute line in the first (major) CW crossover, when he said that Supergirl reminded him of his cousin. New one soon. Tell you what, since I was technically disqualified, I'll make it a FREE POST. If no one else jumps in, in a day or so, I'll go for it. George
  14. History of the World, Part 2? George
  15. I can almost picture the movie poster... George
  16. I forgot about "Superman Returns," with Brandon Routh. I had to google it, though, to find out who played Perry White. I'm sure that's the answer you're looking for, but I suspect I just disqualified myself. George
  17. Well, I saw Perry White in the list. Unless it was a voice actor in a cartoon, the others I remember were John Hamilton (Adventures of Superman): very unlikely Lane Smith (Lois and Clark): also unlikely Laurence Fishburne (Man of Steel, etc): lots of roles, but I don't imagine him in all the "white guy" roles Glenn Ford (Chris Reeve Superman movies): that was my best shot. But maybe... Michael McKean (Smallville)? George
  18. Still no idea. Seems pretty funny, though. George
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