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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Mandy Lane Greta Matthews Baja Miller Angie Anderson Jenn Jones Kelly Porter 406 Emma Jennings Miss San Antonio Vivi Delay Mera Grace Burnham George
  2. This biopic about a singer had the lead role offered to Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise, Bruce Willis, and Johnny Depp. None of them would likely have done their own singing, but the actor who finally got the part did (and quite well, IMHO). The movie is also a love story. The actual couple were only a few years apart in age, but the actors were over 20 years apart. The actor playing the lead was actually a few years older than the actual singer was when he died. The singer's crush/girlfriend/wife was a famous movie star. She died of kidney cancer two months after the movie was released. Drew Barrymore was considered for the role, but it went to Kate Bosworth. The title of the movie is part of the title of one of the singer's biggest hits. The star has been accused of several incidents of sexual misconduct, but in every case (so far), charges have been dropped or he has been acquitted. George
  3. This show was originally to be an adventure drama, "Seven Against the Sea." It was re-tooled as a comedy and was very successful. The star of the show originally turned down the role, figuring that as an Oscar-winning actor, TV would have been a bit of a demotion. But when talking with a young boy who didn't recognize him but who could name the stars of several TV shows, he decided to take the part, one for which he is probably best remembered. Movie version of this show appeared in 1997. As these things usually go, the star of the TV show had a cameo role in the film. Though Gavin McLeod had appeared in a number of TV shows before this, this was his first featured (not starring) role. The action takes place during WWII. George
  4. "You went full retard, man. Never go full retard." George
  5. Ah. Deep Space 9 episode. I was wondering why you would post this here and not in Open. George
  6. Never Been to Spain "What goes up must come down." George
  7. LOL. That sequence must have been mentioned here somewhere, maybe in Name that TV Show. Anyway, This next exchange is from a show we've (probably) all seen. It's hard to think of a definitive quote, but maybe this will do: "Nice outfit!" "Thanks! My mother made it for me!" (Actually, there are probably two correct answers. The exchange, if not word-perfect, appeared on two shows.) George
  8. Don't know, so I'll pick a show I haven't seen. "How I Met Your Mother" ? George
  9. Proud Mary "Where it began, I can't begin to knowing, but then I know it's growing strong." George
  10. Spencer Tracy Milton Berle Mickey Rooney George
  11. "Those scars we have make us who we are. We're not meant to go back and fix them. And there's nothing broken with you that needs to be fixed. Take it from an old guy who's made plenty of mistakes." "I'd do a lot better just giving all my money away because if I really wanted to end crime, I should end poverty." George
  12. The Mickey Mouse Club. "I love it when a plan comes together!" George
  13. Well, it was either that or Avengers Endgame. George
  14. X-Men (pretty much any of them) Hugh Jackman Deadpool & Wolverine George
  15. Playin' a guitar just like ringin' a bell. You're up. George
  16. Mandy Lane Greta Matthews Baja Miller Angie Anderson Jenn Jones Kelly Porter 406 Emma Jennings Miss San Antonio George
  17. No. Though I can see how you might think that. George
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