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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Maybe it's because David Ramsey is directing a lot of CW shows, but he's appearing in all of them. As I mentioned, he was John Diggle in Batwoman a couple of weeks ago. He played an Old West Marshall in the latest LoT and plays Diggle again in upcoming Flash and S&L episodes. One trailer showed a green, glowing object... George
  2. John Travolta Urban Cowboy Debra Winger George
  3. Anne Archer Body of Evidence Madonna George
  4. James Gunn was asked on Twitter in 2016 if he had ever seen this show, as it had some similarities in terms of character. He replied that of all television shows, this was the one that influenced Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) the most. When this show was cancelled, the star moved over to Stargate SG-1. The show made reference to a lot of American folklore. An example is this quote from the main character, when questioned about screwing up the timeline: "Ah, screw it. But I am not Kirk, Spock, Luke, Buck, Flash or Arthur frelling Dent. I'm Dorothy Gale from Kansas." George
  5. Anyone want to give it a shot? George
  6. Robert April was the first captain of the Enterprise. I think he appeared in an episode of the ST cartoon series. Lt. Arex was a regular on that show. Are all the roles voice-overs? George
  7. The Fugitive Harrison Ford Patriot Games George
  8. Cape Fear Jessica Lange King Kong (1976) George
  9. Was "foot" really in the quote, or is that our favorite cuss-blocker in action? George
  10. Meet the Parents Owen Wilson I Spy George
  11. S&L continues to impress. This week's episode was mostly backstory, cleverly inserting homages to Action Comics #1 and "Lois and Clark." The ending was a bit grim, though, leading to the season finale. Flash was pleasant, seeing "Team Flash" save the day without Flash. LoT finally ends the Sara Lost in Space arc, and I couldn't be happier. Batwoman is starting to look like Arrow in one respect: is there ANYONE who DOESN'T know her secret ID? George
  12. Spiderman: Far from Home Marisa Tomei Wild Hogs George
  13. New York, New York. "Here's my story, it's sad but true.." George
  14. Fred Ward is correct. He was Gus Grissom in "The Right Stuff" and Rocco Dillon in "The Naked Gun 33-1/3." George
  15. It's likely that no one will get this without his most famous role, so Remo Williams Lyle Swann Gus Grissom Biscuits Toohey Lou Fimple Henry Miller Walter Stuckel Rocco Dillon Earl Bass Domenico Veneer George
  16. Yes. Clooney refunded money to a number of moviegoers. Most Batgirl scenes were cut because Silverstone "outgrew" her costume. Schwarzenegger had heart surgery and wouldn't be in an action film until "End of Days." You're up. George
  17. I just realized that I used Movie Mashup format in this thread. Sorry, but let's go with it. George
  18. The funny thing is, I could see Hawkeye saying all of the lines (except maybe the metabolism one). George
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