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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. I watched it once. Probably fine for mindless, oddball entertainment. Not too memorable. George
  2. No. The name in the last quote is a clue. George
  3. The latest cone has it headed toward central Florida. (See above -- the picture continually updates.) I know what it's like having a storm headed one's way. You never want it to hit you, but you don't want others to get hit, either. George
  4. I googled his pictures. I don't recognize him. One picture seemed to be from a particular movie I am familiar with, but I would consider it cheating to use that one, if I'm correct. George
  5. I've seen H, but I can't think of the name right now. I think the earlier host was Bobby Flay. G is "Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives." George
  6. Your supposition is incorrect. This movie is a parody of a well-known franchise. I usually don't post from this genre, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that a couple of you may have seen it. "This is the Tower Of Murder, and it's where I hang out." "Nobody burns my a-s-s and gets away with it!" "These, my power pasties, are the only force that can stop the sex beam. Once accomplished, Earthlings, my spirit shall at last rest in peace." " Do you take me for a fool? Do you think I don't know you've come here to steal the plans to my new interstellar hydro-combustion miracle-patented micro-teflon nuclear gamma strato rocketship-grade missile? Which was twenty years in the making? [Shows blue prints] And employs a new updraft design which lifts the ship on small spirals of synthetic strontium pellets? [puts blueprints back in jacket] Do you think I don't know that? Well, I've never even heard of it. So you're barking up the wrong tree." "Don't worry Dale, I'll only stick it in halfway." George
  7. The only trucker song I know from that time is "Convoy," and this ain't it. I sure hope one of my compatriots knows it. George
  8. I could probably name a few Grammy winners, but not any for a given year. To be fair, I wouldn't do much better with Emmy or Oscar winners... George
  9. This actually does seem vaguely familiar. Maybe I heard it on a country station. (I grew up in the Midwest, but I've been in Texas 40 years.) George
  10. I hope we haven't scared him off... George
  11. Hermine must have developed quickly, and this one is Ian. Hermine is still near Africa. Expected to weaken back to a depression. George
  12. Soon to be Hermine. Most likely to hit Jamaica, Cuba and Florida. (Sorry, Raf, et al.) George
  13. I know it will come to me, but the others are welcome to beat me to it. George
  14. Hondo Lane Joe January Sheriff John T. Chance Davy Crockett Sam McCord Tom Doniphon Lt. Col. Benjamin Vandervoort Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman George Washington McLintock John Elder George
  15. The overall concept and several names in this film appear to be taken from the Doc Savage pulp magazines of the 1930s and 1940s: both main characters are multi-talented surgeons, adventurers, and musicians; and both have an inner circle of sidekicks with nicknames. The movie's ending invites the viewer to watch for the upcoming film "[Title character] vs. The World Crime League". This was the real title for a sequel that Sherwood Studios planned to make, if this film had been successful. Unfortunately, it was a box-office bomb, and Sherwood Studios went bankrupt. However, after its release on video and cable, the film became a cult favorite, much in the same way as Mad Max (1979) (which crawled from obscurity to spawn two sequels). Legal wrangling, due to the bankruptcy, prevented any other studios from picking up the sequel rights, and even many years later, MGM had to fight through a pile of red tape simply to get the OK to re-release it onto home video (DVD). In 2021, the novel "[Title character] Against the World Crime League" was finally released. George
  16. I know this guy is in the Harry Potter films, but I haven't seen any of them. On the other hand, we're past "google curfew," so: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Richard Harris Hawaii George
  17. I Think We're Alone Now "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot." (You probably know the song, but it's one with an obscure title.) George
  18. I'm still clueless for this round. George
  19. This actor also did movies in the 30s and 40s, but I'll limit my clues to movies from the 50s through the 70s. Hondo Lane Joe January Sheriff John T. Chance Davy Crockett Sam McCord Tom Doniphon George
  20. "This is the Tower Of Murder, and it's where I hang out." "Nobody burns my a-s-s and gets away with it!" "These, my power pasties, are the only force that can stop the sex beam. Once accomplished, Earthlings, my spirit shall at last rest in peace." George
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