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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Colleen Camp Police Academy 2 Steve Guttenberg George
  2. Tim Robbins Bull Durham Susan Sarandon George
  3. This show began two years after the original Price is Right. This was the last of NBC's black and white shows to convert to color, on 7 November 1966. It made NBC-TV the first all-color television network. During the original run of the show, the show reportedly gave away 512 cars, 397 boats, 1,287 domestic and foreign trips and cruises, 12 trips around the world, 857 fur coats and numerous diamonds not to mention all the travel trailers, airplanes, swimming pools, furniture and countless other items (one history on the show reported the total prize giveaway at $10 million). Hosts included Bob Clayton and Ed McMahon. A remake, hosted by Alex Trebek, debuted in 1987 and lasted four years. Prizes were not usually cash, although, for a time, the show featured a "Money Shower," where a contestant stood in a booth under a jet of $5- to $100 bills and could keep whatever cash he could catch and pass through a small window in the booth. (Note: this segment doesn't remotely resemble the main part of the show.) George
  4. No. I'm going to flip all the cards, here. I would have thought I wasn't the only one to have seen "Flesh Gordon." Characters were Flesh Gordon, Dale Ardor, Dr. Flexi Jerkoff, and Emperor Wang, among others. The first two quotes were from a claymation monster who had kidnapped Dale and gets blasted by Flesh. (Funniest part of the movie.) It came out when I was in college. FREE POST!!! George
  5. Brad Pitt Bullet Train Sandra Bullock George
  6. "This is the Tower Of Murder, and it's where I hang out." "Nobody burns my a-s-s and gets away with it!" "These, my power pasties, are the only force that can stop the sex beam. Once accomplished, Earthlings, my spirit shall at last rest in peace." " Do you take me for a fool? Do you think I don't know you've come here to steal the plans to my new interstellar hydro-combustion miracle-patented micro-teflon nuclear gamma strato rocketship-grade missile? Which was twenty years in the making? [Shows blue prints] And employs a new updraft design which lifts the ship on small spirals of synthetic strontium pellets? [puts blueprints back in jacket] Do you think I don't know that? Well, I've never even heard of it. So you're barking up the wrong tree." "Don't worry Dale, I'll only stick it in halfway." "Good. There's oxygen on this planet." "With Wang out of the way, and his terrible regime dispersed, the Universe is once again safe for democracy and freedom. And the right of all to happiness, each to his own personal religious convictions." George
  7. Sometimes, it depends on where you look. IMDb often gives only first names, while Wikipedia may give full names. George
  8. Fearless Leader was from Rocky and Bullwinkle. In the movie, that was Bob DeNiro. If that's who this is, you REALLY tried to find obscure roles! George
  9. This was the last of NBC's black and white shows to convert to color, on 7 November 1966. It made NBC-TV the first all-color television network. During the original run of the show, the show reportedly gave away 512 cars, 397 boats, 1,287 domestic and foreign trips and cruises, 12 trips around the world, 857 fur coats and numerous diamonds not to mention all the travel trailers, airplanes, swimming pools, furniture and countless other items (one history on the show reported the total prize giveaway at $10 million). George
  10. Bumping this up to this page. Updates continually: George
  11. Reminds me of Harvey, a few years ago. I never lost power, gas, water, phone or internet (though satellite TV was spotty). Flood waters came halfway up my driveway, then receded. Lots of people had it a LOT worse. Be thankful for your situation, and do what you can to help the less blessed. No "survivor guilt," though. That doesn't help anyone. George
  12. Apparently, it's expected to be a (minor, if that means anything) hurricane before it hits the Carolina coast. When a storm is in the Gulf, one refers to a "dirty" side (north and east of the eye) and the "dry" side (west), because of the counter-clockwise rotation of the winds. That doesn't apply to an Atlantic storm, though, because now the counter-clockwise flow brings in Atlantic water. Florida gets pounded, no matter which side of the peninsula the storm resides. George
  13. I remember an old rule of thumb that inches of rainfall is approximately 60 divided by the translational (not rotational) speed of the storm. So, if it moves 5 mph, you get about a foot of rain. The map says that the speed is 9 mph, so one might estimate 7 inches of rain. That assumes, of course, that the storm doesn't slow down. Assuming Florida is 160 mi wide at that point, and the storm travels NE, its path across land will be about 224 miles. The storm map estimates that the storm will be over land for about 30 hours, so that would give an average of 7.5 mph, or 8 inches of rain. It will be interesting to see how well the rule of thumb predicts actual rainfall. This estimate, of course, does not predict other hazards of the storm, such as wind damage and storm surge. Hang in there. George
  14. Depression eleven is expected to become a storm today, but drift north and fizzle out in a couple of days. George
  15. The current map (Wed. 11 AM EDT) indicates that Ian will go from a major hurricane to a tropical storm by early Thursday. Good news, such as it is. George
  16. Rather than start a new thread, I thought I'd post this observation here. Anyone else notice that a LOT of shows this year and the last couple of years are PREQUELS? We've got: The Winchesters (Supernatural) Walker Independence (Walker) 1883 (Yellowstone) 1923 (Yellowstone) House of the Dragon (Game of Thrones) Star Trek Strange New Worlds (Star Trek TOS) That's all I've got on the top of my head. I suspect that there are a lot of others on streaming services. George
  17. "There's a crazy little place, beyond the tracks" George
  18. I don't know if that's a correct response for the performer (there may be more than one); but you also need to give the song title. (Note that in Songs Remembered from One Line only the title is needed.) George
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