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Everything posted by Bluzeman

  1. Backdoor sub/7 is a virus that allows a remote user to take over control of your computer. That's the short answer! What you are experiencing with your firewall are users scanning your ip for the sub7 virus. If you HAD the virus, and no firewall blocking the person scanning you, they could "own" you...meaning they had successfully taken over your computer. As long as the firewall is blocking the attack, then your OK. Rick
  2. Don't like the default white text on black background when you go to a command prompt? You can change it. Open regedit and do the following: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Command Processor] Select the DefaultColor entry and change it according to the chart below. Numbers are background and letters are text color. Color codes to use(HEX) 0 = black 1 = blue 2 = green 3 = cyan 4 = red 5 = magenta 6 = yellow/brown 7 = white 8 = gray 9 = bright blue A = bright green B = bright cyan C = bright red D = bright magenta E = bright yellow F = bright white
  3. If I remember right, Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song was B.J. Thomas, same guy that did Raindrop Keep Falling on My Head. Man, THAT brings back memories!
  4. This tip is for those using Microsoft Outlook...not Outlook Express. It involves editing your registry, so if your not completly comfortable working in the system registry, don't try this. If you have an alway's on connection, and want outlook open all the time, you can get it off your taskbar and minimize it to the system tray by following these steps: 1. Open Regedit. 2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice10.0OutlookPreferences 3. Add a new DWORD value and name it MinToTray 4. Set it equal to 1. 5. Restart Outlook, it should now minimize to the tray.
  5. Hope: I used to have that same bad habit of resting my pinkie below the strings. Then I started learning some Croce, and NEEDED that extra finger! Rick
  6. Hi Sunesis So Rick is back at the Dolphin, that's cool. I liked it better than Dirty Sally's. Rick put out a tape in 90, or 91 I think called White Man's Burden that had some pretty good stuff on it. I play his version of Scotch and Soda which has some really neat chords in it. If you were in that area in the early 90's, I bet we've crossed paths before. Email me sometime, bluzeman@hotmail.com Rick
  7. Sunesis, you mentioned a Blues jam...did you ever go to the one at the Dolphin Club in Gahanna? Later moved to Dirty Sally's? Rick
  8. Igotout: Taste is a large part of it as there have been so many great ones. If it as my list, I would name some of the people you did, some you named I don't consider great. But again, taste has a lot to do with it. Have you ever listened to any Frank Marino? Very awsome guitar player, in my opinion. Rick
  9. Hi Socks The Recording King that I have is not electric. But it looks identical to the ES150 hollow body...sunburst finish, f-shaped soundholes, full-length plastic "screw on" pickguard. It's lost a lot of it's value because I had let one of my uncle's have it when I moved away from home, many years ago, with the understanding that it would come back to me when he passed away. While he had it, one of his sons noticed that a few of the machines were slipping and he put freaking Grovers on it! I now have it back, but my cousin tells me he has misplaced the original machines. So now, if I want it to be all original, I have to find some old beater that I can take the machines off of. The value doesn't matter much to me though. It will always stay in the family as far as I'm concerned. I normally use a medium gauge phospher bronze on it. It has the most unique "twang" kind of sound, like a rockabilly sound! When it was first given to me back in the 60's, I used Black Diamond strings that I could buy at the local drugstore(remember when drugstores used to sell those?). Bottom 3 were nylon, top 3 steel wrap. Ah, those were the days! You wanted guitar strings, that was what you got...no different brands to choose from! At least, not in the little town I grew up in! Rick
  10. Before Loar developed the first electric spanish guitar, there was a gentelman named George Beuchamp who developed the first pickup. It was used in a Hawiian lap guitar. The first successful electric guitar was the ES-150. I have a guitar that look identical to it, made sometime in the 30's, and it's called a "Recording King". I have contacted Gibson about it, and they verified that it was a Gibson sub-division or something like that. Bottom line is, they tell me it's worth a whole lotta money! I'll never sell it for 2 reasons. It has the most beautiful unique sound I've ever heard. And, more importantly, it belonged to an uncle that I never knew, who was killed in WWII. It will get passed down to the next generation, with the hope that the love of music that I have, and that I'm told my uncle had, will go with it. Rick
  11. Rosie got run over by a reindeer coming home to hq christmas eve you can say theres no such thing as Santa but as for me and Donna, we believe. Rick
  12. Socks: In just 1 post I think you mentioned ALL of my favorite artists! But one in particular, that I have always loved is Freddie King! He had such a unique voice and picking style, using a thumbpick and steel fingerpick. Like many other blues greats, he could play the simplest riffs with such feeling and emotion that no one could ever really cover him and do him justice! Click HERE to listen to "Same Old Blues", one of my favorite songs by Freddie. Sorry about the low quality, I wanted to make it small enough for those who don't have broadband. Rick
  13. Krys: Once you boot with the floppy, you will probably just get an A: prompt. You will then have to type the name of the bios update file. I haven't flashed my bios for a long time, but If I remember correctly, you will have the option of backing up your current settings. If you get this options, do it. Maybe someone who has done it more recently than me can give you more advice. Rick
  14. Bluzeman


    OK, I posted this over on the nostalgia thread but I thought it should be here too! Nothing personal against those people up north but.... GO BUCKS!
  15. Krys, go to this link: http://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/virusencyc...S_EXCEPTION.GEN Hopefully, you have resolved the problem by now. But if not, this will probably help. Rick
  16. Krys: Just happens that a friend of mine was having the same problem awhile back and I found an answer for him on Microsoft's knowledgebase. The entire document can be seen HERE. From MS's Document: Cause This behavior can occur if both of the following conditions are true: A broadband cable modem or an asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) modem is installed on your system, and the modem is using drivers that cause a fatal system (STOP) error. NOTE: Depending on your system configuration, the resulting blue-screen error message may not be displayed long enough for you to record the error information. -and- The Automatically restart check box is selected under System failure in the Startup and Recovery dialog box (under System Properties). The document will give you step-by-step instructions on how to fix the SYMPTOM, i.e., the rebooting, but the PROBLEM may require you to find new drivers for your cable modem. Hope this helps! Rick
  17. ...but good to hear you had a good time! Happy Birthday, again! Rick
  18. likeaeagle...if I can give some advice M'Lady... HAVE FUN!!!! Don't worry bout 'nothin 'cept you having a GOOD TIME! Now that Electric Bull...well, if ya do it, make SURE it's slowed down!!! Have a good time! Rick
  19. Thank you Firebee! Kit, once again, you are just so sweet for keeping up with all the B-Days! Thank you again! Rick
  20. Well, thank you! Kit, your are too sweet, doing this all the time! Suz...Glad to meet another blues fan! My favorite stuff....I like a lot of the newer stuff but my favorite is old T-Bone, Robert Johnson, Billie Holiday, you know, the old stuff! But, Blues, no matter how old or new are GREAT!! Oh, and B.B. is The Man! Mark...Glad I could help. I play guitar and keyboards. Rick
  21. This has been mentioned before but I think it's worth repeating. For those who insist on sending emails to multiple recipients, please use the bcc field. That way, even when viewing the header info, the person who receives it will not see everyone else's email address who is on your list. Rick
  22. You are correct Research Geek. I posted on another thread, how important it is to keep up to date on Microsoft's updates, patches, and service packs. Those with always on connections (adsl, road runner, etc) need to take extra precautions too...some sort of firewall, be it software, or hardware. There are free ones...zone alarm comes to mind, but I don't know much about it since about a year ago. If anyone out there has any experience with it recently, I'd like to know, good or bad, as I'd like to know wheather to recommend it to clients, or not. Rick
  23. Sadly enough, there are many people who don't run any virus scanner. Hey, you've posted some good info about klez though. I just hope anyone who reads this thread will check into their virus protection and make sure that they are covered! Rick
  24. Yes, that's what I said, it's a removal tool. Only meant that it doesn't hurt to download and run it ESPECIALLY if you haven't been running any anti-virus software. Rick
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