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Everything posted by Bluzeman

  1. OK Goey, would ya un-hijack us now? :)--> Rick
  2. Hey Steve, would you edit out the redirect to Disney now? :)--> Rick
  3. Larry said.... "Not every man has a monstrous 18 inch member like I do, so why can't you guys be happy with what little you have? " Larry then holds up his little finger and says, "That's 12 inches, right?" :P-->
  4. Ah, sorry I snapped at you like that Steve..rough day here. Please accept my apologies. I looked at the link you provided. Just goes to show you some of these people will stop at nothing to get your personal information so they can send you a better grade of spam :)--> Theres an old saying, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Something to keep in mind before you download some of those nifty little programs like Comet Cursor, Gator, or that cool, "absolutely free" screen saver. Alway's read the license agreement. Sometimes innocent wording like "...may install other software in addition to..." means, "we're gonna fill your hard drive with all kinds of stuff to let us snoop around and watch everything you do"! Rick
  5. So I posted in haste and misunderstood...no need to be a smartass about it.
  6. Steve: These type of popup windows require the messenger service to be running to work. The messenger service wasn't introduced to the OS before XP/2000, so 98 and ME machines wouldn't get those popups anyway. ***NOTE...since my last post I have been informed that "some" antivirus programs use the messenger service to send alerts to the user. "Some" was all the detail I got, so you may want to research that a little before you disable it. An alternative, if you have a router is to shut off ports 135, 137, 138. and 139 at the router. Then net send will work on your local network but will be blocked from the internet. Just wanted to post this disclaimer cause I don't want to be responsible for anyone getting any virii on their computer! :)--> Rick
  7. If you are using XP and are getting pop up messages, as opposed to pop up browser windows you can stop them. These pop ups use the net send command and can be stopped like this... Go to control panel, double-click administrative tools, and then double-click services. Find the service called messenger and double-click it. Change startup type to disable. Unless you are on a local area network and want to be able to send messages from computer to computer, you don't need this service. It is not related to Windows messenger or any Instant messenger program. Rick
  8. My Mother is the BEST mother in the world! And of course, I hope that a LOT of you will disagree with me on that! :)--> Happy Mother's Day to ALL the mother's out there! Rick
  9. Matter of fact, I was just discussing windows 2003 server with a client today. It's set for release in april, but, being microsoft, you may see it by this fall :)--> For info, click here: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/default.mspx
  10. Desktop machine...XP Servers...BSD and Red Hat
  11. John.. For MB, I reccomend Tyan. I have built a number of dual processor machines with Tyan boards and have found them to be excellent quality. You can check them out at http://www.tyan.com/ The raid interface uses Promise technologies drivers and are fairly simple to configure. Rick
  12. This is a BIG download....even at low quality, over 1 meg. But...Most people should be able to "Name that Tune" in 2 notes :)--> Click HERE! Rick
  13. Socks My Man...Gotta agree with you on THIS one! Rick
  14. Don't know about the BEST opening, but as far as one that makes me wanna crank it up as soon as it starts, THIS would be one! Rick
  15. OK, I found this about services... If you have a typical installation, many services are configured as "automatic" (that is, they start automatically when the system starts or when the service is called for the first time). If a service is configured as "manual," you must start the service manually before it can be loaded by the operating system and made available for use. If a service is configured as "disabled," it cannot be started automatically or manually. For more info, open services in mmc then click help and search for services. Rick
  16. I agree on wanting to know if something goes wrong. But I THINK...now I'm not sure but THINK that if you disable, or set to manual, the error reporting service, you will still get an error message...just not the send to microsoft thing. On disable vs manual...I think the only difference is you can't start a service that has been disabled till you re-enable it. One word to anyone who wants to try any of these...and I can't stress this enough...only stop ONE service at a time, then reboot and see if everything still works properly! Last thing you want is to stop a whole bunch of stuff and then reboot and see a blue screen with a stop error! (Trust me on this...it isn't pretty) Rick
  17. For those who want to tweak with WinXP Services, there is some pretty good info at this site. http://www.overclockersclub.com/windowsxpservices.shtml Keep in mind, if you disable a service, you MAY cause unexpected results, so only disable ONE service at a time, then reboot, and see if everything is as it should be. If not, set the service back to it's original state. If you prefer to use the registry to tweak services, go here: http://hr.uoregon.edu/davidrl/windowsxp.html Rick
  18. Krys, when you say Communication Company, do you mean like an internet service provider?
  19. Wier-Wind? Dribble-Spurts? (What a disgusting mental picture THAT is)
  20. Guess I didn't listen closely enough...I just took it to mean he ran the table. Sorry, my bad! Rick
  21. Um, Snooker, 9 ball, Rotation, those are a few that come to mind. :)--> OK, sorry for the derail!
  22. Backdoor sub/7 actually seems to be on a revival of sorts. I used to have all ports open to my server and used a software firewall to protect it. I would get attempted attacks daily, numerous times. Then I set up port forwarding on my router and they can't get past first base anymore! Probably kids that are just studying hacking 101! Rick
  23. Now don't get all postal yet...those bullet holes can really slow down your hard drive! I found the following on the 'net...see if it works for you. Update Windows 98 and 2000. Win 2000 and 98 lack the automated update mechanism built into Windows Me and XP, but you can add something similar in just a few shakes. Using Internet Explorer, head to the Windows Update site, click Product Updates, then check the "Windows Critical Update Notification" box. Click Download and follow the instructions. Once Critical Update's installed, it waits until you establish a live Internet connection, then periodically checks for critical updates (the ones Microsoft thinks you should download and install toot sweet). If it finds one or more, it puts a message on the screen. You'll have the option to find out more about the updates before you download them, or delay installation for 24 hours if you're busy at the moment. If you tire of Critical Update Notification, get rid of it by using Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel.
  24. If your using windoze XP, go to Control Panel/system, then click the "Automatic Updates" tab and check Turn Off Automatic Updating. If you want to get rid of all "Balloon Tips", click HERE and download TweakUI. Rick
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