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Everything posted by Bluzeman

  1. Here are some early prophets of the Monkey movement. Although they used the more archaic spelling of "Monkees", they were, nontheless, very early OLM's! Operating under the reign of the evil king Jon-Son(predecessor to the even more evil king Nik-Son) they broght thier message of joy and hope to monkeydom everywhere! Click HERE and listen to their great monkey hymn as it sounded in the original!
  2. I think we all need to go out MOW and put together a class! PFML! Power for Monkey Living! Rick
  3. Right on Tom! And don't forget, we must MASTER that teaching, and not rely on MVT(Monkey Verbal Tradition)! :D--> Rick
  4. Oh man, you kissed the PURPLE Monkey! Heavy stuff dude! Rick
  5. Ah, Oldiesman, your an OLM too! Rick
  6. I hear ya Jonny! THE OFFICIAL MONKEY HYMN
  7. Oh no, not the sea horses exc! They are not nearly spruchal enough to rub shoulders with the Amazing Sea Monkeys! Rick
  8. Thus sayeth the text of the Monkeys I really wish you could read it in the original! If you could, it would sound something like this: Here we come Walking down the street we get the funniest looks from everyone we meet. Hey, hey we're the Monkees, and people say we monkey around. But we're too busy singing, to put anybody down. We go wherever we want to, do what we like to do. We don't have time to get restless, There's always something new. Hey, hey we're the Monkees, and people say we monkey around. But we're too busy singing, to put anybody down. We're just trying to be friendly, come watch us sing and play. We're the young generation, and we got something to say. Hey, hey we're the Monkees, You never know where we'll be found. So you'd better get ready, We may be coming to your town. Hey, hey we're the Monkees, and people say we monkey around. But we're too busy singing, to put anybody down.
  9. Sadie...only Older Leader Monkeys can live on mars. They are the only ones who have MASTERED the Monkey Text! :)-->
  10. [sigh] Damned if I do, damned if I don't
  11. Sorry Zixar, I wasn't trying to demean you or the topic...that was not my intent at all. We'll have that beer another time. Cheers! Rick
  12. Aw come on Zixar, I was trying to lighten the situation up a bit. I've seen you do the same thing. So if your gonna be that way, then no beer for you! OK, I can't be that mean...you can have one. :)--> And someone pour a chardonnay for Radar! Rick
  13. Have the started to pass out little green cards to the unsaved monkeys yet???? :)-->
  14. But NIK, have you MASTERED the Monkey text? Have you come to the point where you belive that the Monkey text was Monkey-Breathed? Of course, this only applies if your an OLM (Older Leader Monkey) :D--> :D--> Rick
  15. Pressed Brine, Shaken Together and Running Over". (PBSTRO) Laughing my *** off! Hilarious! Rick!
  16. Why don't we all have a beer and just report those who have no sense of humor?? :)--> Rick
  17. But I confess, I am an Older Leader Monkey...had Sea Monkey's back in the 70's! :D--> Rick
  18. Yep Abi, I have read his threads. Kinda like the car wreck you just can't help but watch! :)--> Rick
  19. Yep, I had sea monkys, X-Ray Specs...all that kind of stuff. But I still havn't MASTERED the monkeys. Guess I'm just not spurchal enough! :)--> Rick
  20. But Tom, to Master the Sea Monkeys...you have to be an OLM (Older Leader Monkey) and I don't think you qualify. Unless of course, you go to the written record, and then of course, there is a whole new aspect of monkeys to understand...like using a mirror...those monkeys really freak when you use a mirror. Now understand, that mirror only reverses left and right, not up and down. So we have to come to the point where we understand the monkeys and what was REALLY meant in the original text (The Monkey Breathed text). Is that all clear now? :D-->
  21. George, I'm highly offended by your last post! We all KNOW Bigfoot is real! :D--> Rick
  22. Sudo: Connect to the internet, go to a dos prompt, and run netstat -an and email me the results. You can run it like netstat -an > netstat.txt and it will make a text file of the results that you can send. Also, if you have some free time when your in the office this week, get in touch with me and I'll do a port scan on your ip and see what's up. Rick
  23. Sudo: Sounds more like you have a trojan that has opened up a port, or ports, and is advertizing the open ports. You can download a 30 day evaluation copy of a good trojan remover here: http://www.simplysup.com/tremover/ Rick
  24. One of my clients turned me on to her about a year ago. I walked in to his office and his was listening to one of her cd's and it just totally blew me away! She's awsome! HERE, for your listening pleasure, is one of my favorites! It's just a low quality wav file, but if anyone wants the mp3, let me know. Rick
  25. The most evil show on tv...Brady Bunch Re-runs. Rick Edited for typo [This message was edited by Bluzeman on February 14, 2004 at 11:09.]
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