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Everything posted by Bluzeman

  1. Excathedra...I'm told that Zone Alarm is a good one, and it's free. Just be careful if you ever try to uninstall it...make sure you go to msconfig and disable it and the true vector stuff, then restart your computer BEFORE you uninstall it. Otherwise, it won't get rid of the winsock it installs and you'll be in a mess! You can get it at www.zonelabs.com Rick
  2. Thanks for the info wordwolf. I've never used it as I said, so it's good to know so I can tell other's it's ca-ca. :)--> Rick
  3. Hi Exc! I think you said you are running XP, so you DO have a firewall. Go to contral panel, network connections, double click local area connection, and click properties. Under the advanced tab, enable Internet Connection Firewall. I use a hardware firewall, and Norton's Network Security on my network, so I'm not sure how good the built in firewall that comes with XP is, but anthing is better than nothing. :)--> Rick
  4. Hurry back Brother Jonny! We will S.I.M. for you! Watch out for that Dark Monkey! Rick
  5. And bless your heart Grizz-Monkey! Amazing! Rick
  6. Light a candle and S.I.M. Bramble...the Great Monkey will protect them! Rick
  7. Yes Sister CoolWaters, we sometimes spank our monkeys, but we dont' use wooden spoons! By the way, "little" is a relative term. :D--> Amazing! Rick
  8. From the article: IF they could get away with that, it would HILARIOUS! :)--> Rick
  9. I think the martini mix was a ruse to throw you off Socks. We all know that your average MOW Ambassador couldn't afford to buy martini's. They're lucky when they can afford an occasional beer. Amazingly enough, I am here with time to post this afternoon. The Dark Monkey has been attacking my clients for weeks now, causing glitches in thier networks all designed to keep me away from my Monkey brothers and sisters here! Of course, I defeated the Dark Monkey (and in the process, have received a few handsomly sized checks from said clients!) Rick
  10. For those who are curious, you can find a list of apps ported to linux here: http://www.linux.org/apps/index.html Rick
  11. Sister Colleen, Money-Top Tenessee...a WONDERFUL place! And Sister A-La Procahine! Monkeys in White Satin, great choice! You two sisters are just...well...Amazing! Rick
  12. Grizz, just get peaceful. Take a deep breath. Open your mouth, move your tongue, and speak! The Great Monkey will give you utterance! O-oo e-ee a-aa S.I.M. Much! [Amazing!] Rick
  13. Brother Jonny..please don't be gone long! We will miss you at our little fellowship! SOCKS...I don't have my syllabus anymore, so we will just wait till your ready to teach session 2! Isn't it cool that the scientific community is finally admitting what we already knew! That there WERE Amazing Sea Monkey's On Mars! Rick
  14. Looks like you can go as old as a 7500(whatever that is...I'm not a mac fan) with Yellow Dog Linux for the mac. Web site here: http://www.yellowdoglinux.com/ But as Zix stated, if your not really into being a geek, linux may not be right for you. If you ARE into a posix-style os(Posix being the generic name for UNIX-style operateing systems) you should really check out Free-BSD. It's the closest thing I've ever seen to true SCO-Unix. Rick
  15. Zix, there IS a port of linux for the Mac. I don't know if it will work with older Mac's, but it will with newer ones.
  16. (Sniff!) Greater love hath no Monkey! Amazing Sea Monkeys are truely the most loving creatures in the world! Rick
  17. ExCathedra...now that is a Monkey with a Monkey on his back! :)--> Rick
  18. Wasway: Sorry to correct you dude, you being a new person and all, but the correct term is S.I.M., Speak In Monkey! Amazing! Rick
  19. Jezusfreaky, you are MUCH more than an acronym to us sister! Tune in, turn on, and feel the love of the Amazing Sea Monkeys!
  20. By the way, do I have everybody's green card now? Grizz, I'm thinking I don't have yours! Rick
  21. Well, the Bullinger-Monkey version is preferred, but if that's out of your price range, the KJMonkey will do. But you can keep believing for that Bullinger though! Rick
  22. See how evil the Dark Monkey is Steve? He caused me to make a typo JUST to distract you away from the true meaning of PFML!
  23. The Book of Monkey, Session 1 of PFML 1. In the beginning, the Great Monkey created Amazing Sea Monkeys on Mars. 2. And Mars was without form and void. And verily, Amazing Sea Monkeys were dying by the billions. Now notice that the word was, was incorrectly translated. The actual word used in the ancient martian text was became. So Mars BECAME without form and void. Why? The Great Monkey doesn't tell us. But this is probably when the Dark Monkey rose up and took 1 third of the angel-monkeys and tried to overthrow the Great Monkey. 3. So the Great Monkey took Adam-Monkey and Eve-Monkey, the only 2 Amazing Sea Monkeys left who were faithful, and placed them on earth, in the Octopus's Garden, in the shade. 4. And the Great Monkey told them that of every Yeast Colony of the garden, they may eat. Except for that real cool looking Yeast Colony at the south end of the garden, for if they eat of it, that day, surly they will die. 5. Now the Sea Serpent was much more subtle than all the other creatures in the garden, and he did appear to Eve-Monkey one day. 6. And he said unto Eve-Monkey, "Hey Eve baby! Wassup? Why don't ya come on down to the south-side for brunch. We got this KILLER Yeast Colony down here and man, it's the whip!" 7. And Eve-Monkey said unto the serpent, "No, we cannot eat of that colony, lest we die". 8. And the serpent said, "Eve baby, what the he11 are you smokin'? I been eating this stuff for days...do I look like a corpse to you?" 9. And Eve-Monkey gave in, and did eat of the colony. And she said to the serpent, "Far out man! I can SEE the music! I can hear the colors!" And she took some back and gave it to Adam-Monkey and he too ate of the forbidden Yeast Colony. And Adam-Monkey said "This $hit's a real groove man! Every fish that swims by is leaving multi-colored trails behind them!" 10. And this was the day that Psychodelic music was born. And it was REAL good! If Socks would be blessed to do so, I'll let him teach session 2.
  24. Nah, Amazing Sea Monkeys never ate other Amazing Sea Monkeys. That was just MVT (Monkey Verbal Tradition) and isn't found anywhere in the written record. Rick
  25. It means you are one of the few...the proud...the Amazing Sea Monkeys!
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