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Everything posted by Bluzeman

  1. Herbie: It's a good idea to export the key first. Just highlight the key, then click on file, then export, give it a name, and remember where it saved it to. Then, if you have problems (assuming you did not delete a key that keeps you from being able to boot) find that file you exported, and you can double-click it and it will write it back to the registry. But above all, DON'T DELETE ANYTHING IN THE REGISTRY IF YOU AREN'T ABSOLUTELY SURE WHAT IT IS!!! Caps not for yelling, just emphasis! :)--> Steve: :D-->
  2. Herbie: Once in regedit, look for 2 keys...HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. In each one, navigate down to SOFTWARE/MICROSOFT/WINDOWS/CURRENT_VERSION/RUN and post the contents of each run key. Rick
  3. Why, yes it IS aquamarine blue!
  4. The real purpose of this website? The Amazing Sea Monkeys From Mars, of course! :)--> Rick
  5. Just for you, Monkey Sister Bramble, HERE is another great Monkey Hymn from none other than OLM Davy himself! For those of you who don't know the words, please open your Sing Along The Brine to page 34. Rick
  6. Of course, we're insane! Life is too short for sanity. :)--> Rick
  7. Wow! Amazing Sea Monkey underoos! Cool! Rick
  8. WOW, what a story houseisarockin! Glad to see you made it back alive! I think it's time we all stood up to sing the praises of the Amazing Sea Monkeys! SING IT WITH ME NOW! YOU KNOW THE WORDS Rick
  9. Red eyes, flippers, flat tail, he's clearly posessed by the the Dark Monkey! Rick
  10. Geeze, delete some of those question marks so the page doesn't scroll a half mile to the right! Rick
  11. I never had a nametag, except for the cheap handwritten ones you got when you registered at ROA. Never wore those either. But then, I never needed one. I never once forgot my name. Rick
  12. Gee, makes me proud to be hosting your site Raf! :)--> Rick
  13. The Monkey's in those pictures have had thier minds twisted by the Viallainous Princess of the West. We must SIM for them, that they may be delivered from their bondage. Rick
  14. dmiller: Trigger words are words that have been set up to force the post into the moderation queu. One humorous example was the January after the Parker lawsuit started. All posts beginning on the first of the month were getting thrown into the queu because the timestamp on the posts had January in them. Certain words or names will cause that to happen because the moderators don't want derogatory things said about certain people, which is understandable. As far as Borg, were you a Star Trek: The Next Generation fan? Otherwise, it would be kinda hard to explain. :)--> Rick
  15. Hey! Raf knows the Monkey Hymn! He's an OLM too!!! Rick
  16. Tom...OPP is Offically Pronounced Possessed. I was, by me twig leaders wife. Just wondered how many others were! Rick
  17. So, is anyone else a member of the OPP club, or did that post get lost in the shuffle? :)--> Rick
  18. Mike, I don't think ANYONE should call ANYONE possessed. But hey, Mike, and everyone else, let's don't make this another Mike vs. Everyone thread, ok? Rick
  19. My former twig leaders wife said I was possessed at my "kicking out party", so I guess I'm a member of the OPP club(Officially Pronounced Possessed) Haven't figured out how to do that cool rotating your head all the way around thingy yet. I DID barf up some green stuff once when I got food poisoning, but that's about the only sign I've seen so far. :D-->
  20. I may be wrong Ex, but I think he meant turn off the microsoft firewall after you install a real one. Rick
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