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Everything posted by Bluzeman

  1. Your last 2 posts just appeared after I made my last post. So now all I can think of is Planters Peanuts. :)--> Rick
  2. OK, I can think of a couple actors/entertainers from way back who wore both a monocle and top hat, but can't remember any names. Rick
  3. A man and his bear...good show Sudo! Hiway29...I'm just guessing here, but since they wouldn't let him make a dummy out of said American icon, and he had a monocle and top hat, would it have been a certain former president who wore both? :)--> Rick
  4. OK, I know this will be like sacrilige to some people but...I really hope this is the last one. I saw the first one...thought it was the one of the most stupid movies I had ever seen. Same with the second one. Never wasted my time on any more.
  5. Good question Steve. I know that UV rays from sunlight can cause skin cancer. I don't know that artifial light produces UV ray's, but maybe someone with more knowledge in that area can "enlighten"(pun intended :)-->) us. Rick
  6. Stefanie Powers starred in a short-lived spinoff of that show. Rick
  7. Well, I hope this actually goes through. I got a new dsl modem, but my connection speed is now like 13k...REALLY sucky! This is the first time GS has come up all day...just kept timeing out. NOW, I have to wait till next week for an SBC tech to come and check out my lines! Thank God I'm working out at customers locations the next few days! Well, I'll be back to play again when SBC get's thier **** together! Rick
  8. If you mean, you were never in twi and want to join GS, heck no, you don't have to have been a member to sign up on GS. Now, if you mean just this thread, well hell, they let me join, that means they will take anyone! :D--> Rick
  9. Oh, and by the way, Welcome to the nostalgia thread, Jeff! Rick
  10. Hey Jeff! Great clue! You know what it is! Rick
  11. Sudo...was it a REALLY long movie? Rick
  12. Since we've been doing quotes from movies, here's one. "God was here BEFORE the Marine Corp. So you can give your heart to Jesus. But your A$$, belongs to the corp!"
  13. I always preferred a different kind of "gold" smoke. :D-->
  14. George, I had an uncle who smoked Old Gold most of his life. Unfortunetly, it contributed significantly to his hardening of the arteries and eventual death. :(--> Rick
  15. Nah, the only good version of that song was by Derick and the Dominoes. :)--> Rick
  16. Hi Jonny! Nice to see ya here on the nostalgia thread! Rob Roy was a pretty good flick. I've only seen it once a long time ago...will have to add it to my dvd collection. I haven't seen A Walk In The Couds, but I'm not a big Kenau Reeves fan. I've really only seen him in the Matrix movies. Liked the first one, but the second one was so bad I didn't bother with the third one. Rick
  17. Well, I know what it is now, thanks to Sharon's pictures. That was a good clue sharon! Rick
  18. I really don't know, but I have a guess. Was it a cartoon movie? Rick
  19. Well, flowers to ALL the lady's here! Love to all of you! Rick
  20. Hey Sharon, Meet Kathy...Kathy, Meet Sharon! Too cool! You two have hit it off...this is really great! The more, the merrier! :)--> Happy to have you both here! Rick
  21. Hee hee! Much as I'd like to, this client is bound by Hipaa rules. And behind a killer hardware firewall that I set up for them. :)--> Rick
  22. Oh, just thought I'd mention, I'm setting up a new server tommorrow that wasway built. He'll be delivering it early in the A.M. Rick
  23. Well thank ya kindly Sudo! Yeah, business is good. You know how it is when you are a private contractor...feast or famine. Either busy as hell, or wondering where the next job is gonna come from. :)--> Rick
  24. By the way Sudo, thats a great song. Has a few memories for me as well. Rick
  25. Oh I see how you are! Everyone waits till I'm not around to have a conversation! /whine. :)--> Rick
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