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Everything posted by Bluzeman

  1. Don't know about the flicks that had all actors nominated for Academy Awards. Sounds like it must have been a killer flick and I'm just ignorant of what it is. I'm anxiously awaiting the answer! The 2 songs I posted were by a killer jazz guitarist from probably the 30's or 40's, or even into the 50's. B.B. King has mentioned this artist as one of his big influences when he was comeing up. If you listen to the 2 tunes I posted, MAN, he is so damn clean on the fast solo lead stuff he plays! He has a couple of tunes that he did with Chet Atkins and Les Paul...I will post those later. Rick
  2. OK, next 2 are for George Aar cause he will probably be the only one that will know the artist! Click and HERE and name this great jazz guitar player! Rick
  3. Too young to remember Dan'l? Does that make me old? :)--> Rick
  4. Welcome BluzieQ! Nice name! :)-->
  5. Actually, if you use the shift or control key to select multiple files, it will show you the total size. View properties of a folder, and it will show you the size of the entire folder. Rick
  6. I'm sorry, I probably should have also stated that I have met former way corp people here on GS, and found a lot of them to be wonderful people. And unbreakable4god, welcome from me also.
  7. I met very few corp people when I was in TWI. The few I met were worse than jerks. Big fish in a small pond? More like huge turds in a small toilet.
  8. Right-click the file in question and select Properties. Rick
  9. That guitar looks like the mutant child of a Gibson Explorer and a Fender Jaguar. :)--> Rick
  10. Heck, I thought this one would be hard! :)--> Rick
  11. You know, I figured if ANYONE got it it would be you. :)--> Would like to wait and see if anyone else knows it, but I'm dying to hear about the Charlies Angels connection! Rick
  12. Nice to see so many new fonts on the thread! :)--> OK, THIS one may be a real head scratcher, so I'll give some clues if no one can guess it. It was a series that ran from the late 50's through the early 60's. Rick
  13. You know, I never thought about it, but that IS a good way of describing it. :)--> Rick
  14. I wouldn't want to TRAP anyone into giving the wrong answer on this one by giving a bad clue, so I'll just keep quiet. :)--> (Hey, it took me a long time to come up with that one!) As for me, I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go! Rick
  15. Just a side note here...is her internet connection broadband or dial up? Because, if it's dial up, there is no reason she shouldn't be able to get on the internet with win 95. The ISP may not "support" it, but if you make your DUN manually, it should still work. Rick
  16. I don't know if it ever got much (if any) radio play, but Pat Benetar did a TRIBUTE TO HARRY CHAPIN that was pretty nice. Not one of her greatest songs, but worth a listen if your a Harry Chapin fan (or Pat Benetar fan, for that matter) Rick
  17. Happy Birthday Dude! Rick
  18. Oh, I DID want to mention that now, playing Black Dog and Rock and Roll with my Texas Special Strat through my 100 watt full stack sounds REAL good. :D--> Rick
  19. This will not work. XP builds it's kernel based on the hardware in the computer it's installed on. Put the hard drive in another computer, and it will not work. At least, not with out running a repair. Which is pretty much like doing a fresh installation. Rick
  20. I learned a LOT of Zepplin on an acoustic. A 12 string at that. (It was the only guitar I had at the time). Of course, Black Dog and Rock and Roll didn't QUITE sound right. :)--> But Over the Hill and Far Away sounded pretty cool! ROCKY RACOON is one I learned at an early age. I also learned how to play Blackbird. That's one of those really cool songs that, after you figure it out, it's really easy to play but impresses the heck out of people. :)--> Rick
  21. I remember spending HOURS working out the guitar part in Walk, Don't Run. That was when I was first learning to play. I look back on that now and, it's such an easy riff, I can't believe how long it took me to get it right. :)--> Now, This Old House. I knew that song because when I was a kid, I had some old .78's that belonged to one of my uncles. And This Old House by Rosemary Clooney was one of them. Rick
  22. I think the line went "It's manly yes...But I like it too" Rick
  23. "Reach for a Hamms..." Nope, don't remember it. :)--> Rick
  24. OK, so it's a magazine. The New Yorker? (Yes, I'm googling:)-->) Rick
  25. Oh, and not Gentle Ben. This was a show about a MAN and his bear, not a BOY and his bear. :)--> Rick
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