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Everything posted by Bluzeman

  1. Hi Act2! And, the pleasure was all mine! OK, how bout a couple more from Layla And Other Assorted Love Songs? Click HERE and HERE!. Now way back on GS or maybe on Waydale, someone started a thread about "wimp" rock songs and a number of people mentioned the second one I posted here. Personally, I think it's a HELL of a jam, but that's just me. Oh, and the totally awsome guitar player jamming along with Eric on that album? It's this dude.
  2. Hey Cowgirl! Everyone "googles" for an answer from time to time, especially when it has gone on awhile and no one seems to know the answer. Well, except me of course. I would NEVER resort to google. What we usually do if we know the answer is answer in clues, so to speak. But no one else seems to know this one so go for it! Rick
  3. Well darn Cowgirl..don't know what your guess was before you edited, but I'm real happy to see your font down here! Make a guess, if you think you know an answer. Heck, I've been wrong a lot more than I've been right. :) Rick
  4. OK, one last clue. Er, maybe 2. :) THIS was played during a very important part of the movie. Now that being said, name the group that did the song and tell me what you know about them. :) And if you STILL don't know the movie, the name of it is in a post (almost anyway) that was made today right here on this thread. :) Rick
  5. Well, as promised, since no one has guessed, here is a clue to the one that's still out. Another tune from the soundtrack! Click HERE! Rick
  6. OK Shellon, if you were joking, then I'm sorry. It just really sounded like you were mad cause I made the joke about pms. Peace! Now, back to our regularly scheuled program. :D Cowgirl got Dirty Dancing! The othere one, well, I thought that might be a little harder. If no one has any idea, then I'll give clues later. Hey, I'm just a pretty good fellow that way. :) Off to shower, then out to work. I'll check in this afternoon. Rick PS...I haven't had any coffee yet so everyone just overlook any spelling errors. :)
  7. Yep you got it Cowgirl! And by the way, welcome to the Nostalgia thread! Glad to see you here! And I PROMISE...soon as I get time I'm going to record a bluegrass tune on my Dobro(resonator, actually) and post it on your mandolin thread! Rick
  8. Dunno...is it safe to come back? Is the male bashing finished now? But seriously, I DO have a tune from a movie. Not the theme, but from the soundtrack. Click HERE! You know, I wasn't going to say anymore about it but Shellon, if you look at the post right before the one I made that seems to have offended you, you will see that what I said was just a joke and I really think you owe me and all the others here an apology. Rick Again, not the theme but THIS one might be a little easier. Rick
  9. Uh, I was just making a joke cause of this post. Guess I should shut up. Rick
  10. OK Sudo, they're talking about PMS. Time for us to find a nice safe corner and have a beer or 3. :D Rick
  11. Rascal, I agree with you 100 percent. Horses are beautiful intelligent animals and the thought of killing them for food is totally repulsive to me. Cows, on the other hand...well, you can jump on the back of a cow and it will just stand there swinging it's head from side to side going "mooo...moooo"...to stupid to even try to throw you off. :) Rick
  12. Man, that's cool, and I have heard it, but can't place it. The version of "broom" that I posted was by the original. He went down to the crossroads...made his deal with the devil.... Rick
  13. Wow Sudo! Can't believe you posted that song! It's great but I have to admit that I'm not sure who is doing the one you posted. It's one that MANY bluesmen have covered. But the original, by the one who wrote it is right HERE! I don't know that there was ever any other recording by this guy, but I may be wrong. His original recordings were all on 78 rpm records....REAL old school. :) I used to have the boxed set of everything he recorded but kinda lost in in my last move somehow. :( So who (like, probably everyone) can name the original artist on this recording? Rick
  14. Hey Act2, glad to hear your ok! For those who don't know, I had the pleasure of speaking to Act2 on the phone while Kathy was visiting. She is the most wonderful "proper" sounding Southern Lady I've ever had the pleasure of talking to! She even knows where the little river town that all my family came from is. (Yeah, I know that was a horribly formed sentence, but I'm in a hurry. :)) Rick
  15. OK first of all I posted that in a moment of anger and never meant it to sound like I would ever give up the Nostalgia thread. Even if I never posted anywhere else, I wouldn't leave this thread cause it's too much fun. And you all are wonderful! Thank you all so much for caring! Sudo...I love ya to bro, but you AIN'T getting my Bud Light.!
  16. Bluzeman

    Hello All

    Nah, don't tell him...let him be surprised. :) Rick
  17. Well, in light of recent events, I may just give up on Greasespot Rick
  18. Is the error a stop error (blue screen)? If so, which stop error? If not a stop error, what is the error number/message? What OS do you have? JET: I am in the business and have met more than a few women who are also in the computer business. Just as with men, many of them have knowledge that is equal and in some cases superior to mine. I don't think anyone was slighting you. Sometimes people restate things that have already been said to reinforce the suggestion, or sometimes because they just missed it when reading. Oh, did I say many? I meant few cause see, I'm the best. Rick
  19. George, Earth Girls are Easy was HILARIOUS! Rick
  20. OK this song was from a REALLY bad movie. But it had it's humorous moments, and THIS song was one of them. :) Rick
  21. MONO???? Vanilla Fudge is old enough that they had a 45 recorded in MONO and not stereo? Man, do I feel old! Rick
  22. Bluzeman

    Hello All

    Hey, but at least up North, we have seasons! :) Oh wait, I forgot. So does Florida. There's the rainy season, the dry season, and the love bug season. Welcome to GS! Rick
  23. Oops! Still showed the track info eh? Oh well, hiway's stab was right on target! Vanilla Fudge. NOW, can anyone (sans google of course:)) name the singer? :) Rick
  24. Edited cause I screwed up and trashed the only copy I had of Season of the Witch by overwriting the file, and didn't realize it till I started ftp'ing it to the server which trashed THAT copy. If anyone has it saved in thier cache, please repost it. :) Rick
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