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Everything posted by Bluzeman

  1. Gee Sudo, that really WAS touching (sniff) :) How about another BLAST FROM THE PAST? AND NOW A WORD FROM ANOTHER ONE OF OUR FINE SPONSORS!
  2. Yep, Dire Straits and the song is Brothers in Arms. Cowgirl, first thing you need is server space to send your songs to so you can link to them. If you don't have any, let me know and I can give you an account for free at bluzecentral.net. And, Welcome Morgan! Rick
  3. Sorry, I had an brain fart. The correct words are "I've got blisters on my fingers"
  4. Hey Belle! Actually, it's Why I sing the blues, but close enough to let me know that you knew it! Rick Edited cause I can't type worth a crap tonight. :( OK, this is a fun thread! If I could do one more...I don't know what the rules are here. This is a line from a song that is only heard on a certain recording...or maybe a few, but I know it isn't on all recording's. This line is at the end of the song, so there is clue number 1 (although I don't thnk many people will need clues for this one) "Ahhh, my fingers are bleedin'" Rick Guess I'm still in "Combined Posts-purgetory" :D Rick
  5. Hi George! Well, since not everyone is a blues fan, I'l say that it IS blues and it is a song done by the King himself! The next line after what I posted is the title of the song, by the way. Rick
  6. OK, here's one: I laid up in the ghetto flats all cold lonely and numb I heard the rats tell the bedbugs "Hey, leave the roaches some" Rick
  7. That one is tricky Oakspear, as a lot of people have done that song, but I'm going to guess Yardbirds? Rick I forgot to name the song! Train Kept a-Rollin Rick
  8. Bowtwi's Bobby Mcgee sounds a lot like Lynn Anderson, who is best know for that irritating song I Beg Your Pardon(I Never Promised You A Rose Garden). But then, most country singers sound alike to me. :D Rick(Who really DOES like old C&W) And I'm with Cowgirl, that DOES sound like Ann. Rick As far as Kathy's, that was a whole different Ozzie than the one that's on tv now. :) Rick
  9. OK, I get it. Like this: Of course, that was a very easy one. :) Rick
  10. OK, I looked. Maybe I just don't know how to play yet, but Im stumped! Rick
  11. Well, of COURSE I would know it since you helped me find it last year! :) And for those who don't know, it's Maurice Chevalier and the song was one of my favorites as a kid! Rick
  12. Now that I know what it IS, that was a good clue bowtwi! :) Rick
  13. So it's a '70's tv show? Just got a new contract today that will bring in a minimum of $1,000 per month. That's 2 new ones for a grand or more in less than 30 day's. Woo-Hoo! Rick(Who's no wondering how he will fit 28 hours in a day to keep up with all the new work) :(
  14. Well, that really IS more difficult than the other one! Most of the songs with "bottle" as part of the lyrics are country, except for Time In A Bottle. But no mention of can in that one. Same with Message In A Bottle. More clues? Pretty Please? :) Rick
  15. Well, I gave a clue earlier, but no one picked up on it. See, here in Ohio, it's DEER season, and Thuresday and Friday, and hopefully, Saturday, I'm going to be HUNTing. But, that will depend on my work schedule, and weathER permitting, of course Rick (Geez, do I have to spell it out? :) )
  16. I've never seen Vegi Tales and it may have had a similar theme song to the one I posted, but mine was a different movie. But to give you a hint, the name of this movie is what I will be Thuresday and Friday of this week. :) Well Crimeny Sudo, first we aren't posting enough, then you say we're posting too much! Damned if we do, and damned if we don't! Heck, I could have stayed married and gotten treated like THIS! Rick(who knows that Sudo knows that I know that HE knows that I'm just kidding!)
  17. I finally found one nobody knows eh? :) I'll give some clues later...want to wait and see if anyone knows it. The guitar player is awsome though...will post more about him later. Rick OK, changed my mind! The guitar player is John Williams Rick
  18. So how bout a new movie theme? THIS is the theme to a move that was a really big hit. I had never seen it so I bought a "special directors cut" of it recently and watched it. To say I was disapointed was an understatement, but maybe it's just me. The theme song is great though! Rick
  19. Your clues were too good there Cowgirl! That could only be 59th Street Bridge Song(Feelin' Groovy) by Simon and Garfunkle. Good song! Rick And of course, I just HAPPEN to have that in my collection! :) So HERE ya go! Rick Combined my damn posts again!
  20. I think Ted and I both have similar taste in music, and that's too cool! George, Sudo posted a picture that say's the name of the group and the song for the last one. Rick
  21. OK, don't know if it's ok to say your husbands name here or not so I won't, but....when is it that you and the better half are going to have me over for dinner? Rick(Who just LOVES chili:))
  22. OK, now I found one that is REALLY nostalgic to me cause me and my FIRST band used to play it (although in retreospect, we played it pretty poorly:)) DISCLAIMER: THE FOLLOWING SONG HAS A "BAD" WORD IT IT. IF YOU ARE THE HYPER-SENSITIVE TYPE, DO NOT CLICK THE FOLLOWING LINK! OK, but seriously, I don't think anyone here will be offended! But be warned...it's almost 10 meg so be prepared to wait a few minutes! Click HERE and tell me what you know of this song...who did it, etc. It has been rated as one of the top 100 guitar solo's of all time.
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