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Everything posted by Bluzeman

  1. OK, got a tune here that ties right into Carol Burnett! Click HERE and tell me what link it has to the Carol Burnett Show! Rick Edited for a stupid typo. You may find more. If so, congratulations!
  2. Como-Como-Como-Como-Como Per-eeee Co-Mo Oh wait, Culture Club isn't old enough to be nostalgia yet. Cowgirl...I loved that show! My favorite sketches were the ones with Tim Conway...foget his character's name but his secretary was Mrs. Whiggans...they were funny sketches!
  3. I never heard of it either. I'll have to check it out. Rick
  4. Me? Help with music theory? A little story for ya'll. I have played guitar for over 30 years (not to mention all the other instruments I play) Just a few years ago, I played in a local blues jam and afterwards, a guy walked up to me and was just raving about the "cool Dorian mode" thing that I was playing. I smiled, thanked him, and walked away thinking to myself, "what the hell's a Dorian?" :) Rick(who knows nothing about music except how to play it!) Rick
  5. Yeah, Albert plays all those great lead licks sans pick. Sudo...Yeah, I saw it but just never heard where your part came in. :) Rick(Guessing that syncopated is a GOOD thing, right?) :blink:
  6. George...the wiping the dishes and running the water are both things he does with the guitar. And 6 minute? That's not long! Uh, compared to the Allman Brothers. :) Sudo, I kept listening for your voice but never heard it. Now those of you who have never had the pleasure of talking to Sudo, well, let's just say there would be NO mistaking his accent! :) Rick
  7. Hey Moony! I had never heard about it till recently. But after listening to it, there is no mistaking his voice! Thought that would be obscure enought that no one would get it, but George Aar got it right off the bat! And you knew it too...too cool! Rick
  8. You never know till you play it. For those who are NOT familiar with Albert Collins, click HERE! Now even if you don't like blues (is there anyone who doesn't like blues? Well, other than Sudo :) ) listen to the words anyway, it's a real funny song! OK, so I tend to derail this thread a lot! Rick
  9. Kathy, listen to some Albert Collins, A.K.A., The Master of the Telecaster! Rick
  10. Hi Ala...nice to see your little froggie again! Your good George! That's right, it is Mick Jagger singing backup for Carly Simon! I heard that song all the time on the radio back when it was popular, but never knew that was him singing! Of course, after I learned it was, there is no mistaking that voice! Rick
  11. Darn, I finally knew one and someone beat me to it! :) Rick
  12. A Tele with a maple fretboard...Nice Kathy! Morgan, be glad to. Send me a private message with what you would like for a username and password. Now, gonna take a break from all the Christmas stuff to post THIS song. I"m sure everyone knows it, but there is a male backup singer in this song. He is in all but the first verse, but at about the 3:26 mark you can hear him very well. Anyone know who it is? Rick
  13. Hey Shellon! This is just a suggestion, don't know if it will make a difference, but got to My Controls, then click Board Settings. Look down close to the bottom of the page and see if Open Fast Reply automatically when available? has been set to Yes. If so, change it to No and see if that solves the problem. Rick
  14. Yep Cowgirl, you have done well! But now you have to get with me or Sudo and let us teach you how to use the program that Sudo sent to you. Among other things, it will strip out the track info so it won't show up in any of the media players that people are using. Not hard to learn. It's the same thing as I said to you before...not one big deal at all...just a gazillion small deal's. :) But seriously, the program that he sent to you is REALLY easy to use, once you have it all set up. And Sudo or me either one can tell you how we have our's set up. So give it a try, or email me if you want me to help! Hey, anyone else here that would like to post links....and just don't know how...:) I will be more than happy to help you learn how, as I'm sure Sudo will be also. And if you need server space, just let me know...I'll hook you up! Rick
  15. To be honest, I'm finally getting a kind of idea about how to play this. See, the 2 that I have posted, I was trying to use a picture for every word, and actually spell it out. Now I kind of see what is happening, so you go ahead and post some more and let me guess for a bit. :) Rick The board is probably going to combine this with my last post (I hate that!) This game requires a lot of thought and planning, and more than a little cunning! I like it! Rick
  16. Hey Pirate, good to see your face here....please don't be such a stranger! I think other than Sudo, you are the only one here that has been with this thead since it's inception (enception? uh, me don't speel too wel.). And I was a couple pages from the start, but not many. :) This thread is interesting, cause it's alway's fun. There are very few "drama" moments here, just a good time! So Pirate, how long has it been now? 3 years at least, right?
  17. d-uh, ok, since you spelled it out for me. :) New York, New York? Rick
  18. Hey Pirate and Morgan, gald t o see at least a few of ya are as twisted as I am. And Kathy, tell your husband I said Hi and glad he liked the video! Rick I almost forgot... Congratulations Cowgirl!
  19. uh, big apples. :) Sorry, like I said, I'm not too good at this! Rick
  20. By the way, the one that I posted that seemed to offend some...the only word I know that could have been offensive was farted...if there were any words in there worse than that, I apologize...I guess I missed them. Rick Edieted for stupid spelling error.
  21. Sorry, guess I just have a twisted sense of humor :) Rick ooookaaay...let me try to make up for it with THIS little clip.:) Rick
  22. Ah, Christmas music can be so moving can't it?Like, THIS poignant little tune! Rick
  23. Hey CowgirlAs Sudo said, you were very close! You sent the file to the server, had it in the right directory and all. But the file had a real long name with a lot of blank spaces. Althought you can do that if you use quotes, it's a lot easier to just rename the file to something simple. In this case, I logged into your account and made a copy of the file called sss.mp3. Now you can just use the little snippet of html code that Sudo gave you.I'm going to post it for you HERE! but I want you to go ahead and try again yourself. Rick
  24. I found new sources now, and am an official CESSPOOL of knowledge! Or, somthing like that! :blink: Rick
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