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Everything posted by Bluzeman

  1. Sorry. :) Cause now it seems that you wanted a martyr, just a regular guy wouldn't do... Edited cause I didn't have it right.
  2. Blood Sweat and Tears, You've Made Me So Very Happy. David Clayton Thomas has an awesome voice.
  3. I don't want to sue them. I want to kick their slimy arses. But, that's just me. :) I don't know if arses is a word, but you get my drift.
  4. Bluzeman

    Guitar Talk

    Oh, it's cool. Guess I didn't read that far back. I have a fiddle by the way. It's the ONLY stringed instrument that I've tried to learn that has just totally mystified me. Not so much in HOW to play it, but more like my wrist just won't work like that. The left hand one, I mean. I can't seem to manage to get the hang of supporting the neck of the thing while trying to get my fingers to curl up and over the fretboard. Any suggestions?
  5. Bluzeman

    Guitar Talk

    Wow, sorry dmiller. This was my first post here in about 6 months. I thought it pertinent to the thread as, it WAS a video about an 8 year old GUITAR player.
  6. Bluzeman

    Guitar Talk

    I don't know if this has been posted before but this kid is amazing!
  7. You got it! And no, I did not know how to spell Moet et Chandon, I had to look it up. :)
  8. Since it's been a few days, I'm going to post one. Hope you don't mind Hiway29. She keeps Moet et Chandon In her pretty cabinet
  9. The bold part, that's it exactly. I have a very small collection of weapons, but I enjoy them. But I don't make it a point to show them to everyone. In fact, about 3 people that I know in real life have seen my weapons. And that is because they are also interested in firearms. Why on earth would someone feel it necessary to not only BRING a weapon to a church (or whatever the he!! twi wants to call it) much less bring it out and show it to people IN CHURCH? Of course, none of that ever happened in MY twig. If it had, the next week I would have taken along my Draganouv and told the TC "Hey, mine is a HE!! of a lot bigger than yours dude". :)
  10. As a person who owns more than a few weapons, that is totally amazing. ANYONE who starts cleaning a weapon BEFORE making sure that it is unloaded first, DESERVES to get shot.
  11. Anyone ever been a regular in a bar for a long time? That's how I look at it, like the "barroom family". They're your best friends in the whole world, as long as your spending money, and everyone is having a good time. But when the chips are down a little, all of a sudden your "family" doesn't even know you anymore.
  12. Happy Birthday Sudo! HERE is a show that had it's debut the year you were born. :) Rick
  13. Hi Doojbale! I don't post here much anymore, but I'm going to stick my neck out and give my opinion. I don't really like the term "waybrain" It's used too often on the forums as a club to beat someone over the head when they don't agree with the "popular" opinion. That is not an accusation toward you for bringing the topic up by the way, so please don't think that is what I mean. There tends to be a mob mentality here at times. When a discussion is going on, and someone has a differing opinion from the "group", they are accused of being "waybrained" and that's pretty much the end of the discussion, that's when mob rule seems to come into play. But I don't like labels. And that term is used to often to just shut people up if they think differently. Just my 2 cents, YMMV, and all the other standard disclaimers. :) Rick
  14. "I never tried to make you think or let you see one thing for yourself" :) Amy, Pure Prairie League. Someone else post one, gotta run for now.
  15. Thanks bulwinkl! Now I have that God-awful song stuck in my head! :) Good to see you too Doojable! I thought it was Won't get fooled again. Rick
  16. Well, the first one you posted was a great Nat King Cole tune. Ryan and Tatum Oneal were in the Movie. Jodie Foster (I think) was in the series. As far as the concerto, I have no idea. Robert Moog's third? :) Rick
  17. Looks like you all know it. It is Baretta. Someone post a new one? Rick
  18. Good to see you too! Yeah, been posting on it since back when it was only about 3 pages long I think. Yep, there was a bird. A big one. :) Rick
  19. You got it George. I didn't know his legal problems were still going on, thought that was all over with. But then, I don't follow that stuff too much. Rick
  20. No one playing anymore? Back to basics. No youtube stuff, just guess the tv show. :) Click HERE! Rick
  21. My thinking exactly. No matter what or who they were attacking, DOS attacks, password stealing, etc. should not be tolerated, and the perpatrators should be prosecuted. Lame little script kiddies. Rick
  22. Bluzeman

    Guitar Talk

    Just heard this on Bluesville (XM Radio). Never heard of her before but man, she has a heck of a voice! Edited cause I forgot to mention her name... Susan Tedeschi. Rick
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