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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. I do, I do. Gag me with a tether LOL. I also recall a torture practice among the same group of natives. They would take an enemy, presumably a dog soldier, and stake them via tether to an ant hill, cover them with molasses, and burn off their eyelashes, leaving them in the desert sun. In retrospect I wonder which one of these 2 versions I really experienced.
  2. Promotes harmony in the home. And if that home doesn't work, you can always mark and avoid everyone in it and start your own gender non-specific home.
  3. But sky, you know that when you are building a cult fantasy that little details like facts aren't really important. I mean it's the IDEA of snow on the gas pumps that is important, not whether or not snow actually fell on the gas pumps. LOL.
  4. So speaking for myself when I was in the Way I knew absolutely nothing about the swinger's club in the BOT. I knew nothing of coverups, or anything else that has been exposed here on GSC. Was this because I mostly was not in upper leadership echelons? Yes probably. The same whitewashing went on with the Corps that goes on in the whole ministry. The only ones with the real picture and most of the facts are the ones meeting in silence behind closed doors and changing people's assignments and such. The ones at the top. Anything we remotely suspected was quickly handled, dealt with, and packaged up. Even the second to third presidency change. Publicly, a one time affair. Oh, then another one pops up, but we're handling it. Leadership change. A lot of logical explanations about the power being too centralized, checks and balances, a new better Corps where the top administrators aren't the top teachers. They whitewash the reality so that those with genuine hearts will be continually fooled and continue to invest their life, money, time into a fantasy.
  5. IMO the splinter groups serve a valuable purpose as splinters of a shipwreck, from which their nickname comes. Like I said, I know a family Corpse who left in the '80's, and has done basically a Wierwille adulation home family fellowship for 20 years. Actually there's another guy like that on the site here that rob - pilot guy, right? Worshiped Wierwille and studied collaterals for 20 years then has been posting here. And we are talking middle of the road types of groups here. When you get down to the worse "splinters" we are talking Victor Barnard and River Road Fellowship. Dateline stuff. So sure if someone wants to float around in the ocean attached to a piece of wood for 20 years, then you could call that an "airlock". But my advice, don't paddle past 3 islands and 2 rescue ships in the process of clinging to that piece of driftwood.
  6. Now we know the real motivation behind the barbershop quartet "The Victors". They were modeling BOT behind closed doors behavior.
  7. Those two suffered more abuse at the hands of the Way than a lot. I guess that is their website. I don't know their whole end story with TWI but I knew he was working with D@vid Ch@voustie as his assistant in what was supposed to be the Research department or something like that. DC part time, GS assistant part time or something. I'm sure the wizard of Roz didn't approve of his continual smile and pleasant demeanor, and probably asking if they could like do some actual research or something, and they got dropped from Corpse, fired, stripped of clergy title, etc. Disclaimer - no knowledge of what this actually was over. Had to move from cult HQ to California. This is like after a whole fiasco that involved going thru the Corpse a 2nd time I think. Just can't even believe it. Loyalty to remain true to ordination even after all that abuse from the Way, stuck with the group till a year or two ago. Rewarded thusly. Maybe I should react differently, but seeing stuff like this just makes me hope for Thelma and Louise driving off a cliff somewhere so nobody else's life gets devastated. Board of D@mn Pharisee Dolt Directors plus girlfriend Bet Gene wanders into some hippie Chistian outfit and they sell beads and tie dye on Venice beach. LOL. While speaking from a Greek text.
  8. I will say this is the first time I've ever heard the term "TWIS" - The Way International Structure. This seems to be a new acronym and term that this woman has made up. To me it is TWISted. I mean I'm a part of the body of Christ, as are the church-going folks in my neighborhood, city, community, on TV, etc. So are TWI members. They are the elevated nose of the body of Christ. Oh wait, Christ didn't elevate his nose. So functionally, these people are starting a church, in their own home, with a Way brain, a Way background, and probably mostly Way materials. Anyone can come! Will anyone? Well, let's see. When you called it a twig and were still accepted in the Way, did anyone come then? Not really? OK. Well that's kind of a really good indicator there. The state of TWIS. BTW I've known of old Corpse grads who did this right after the fog years. Then they had a family Bible fellowship for 20 years. A couple outside people came for a while. I mean with this approach and home schooling, you could live completely off the grid like the Unabomber. Not real sure what this has to do with Christianity though.
  9. I've been reading books of oldThe legends and the mythsThe testaments they toldThe moon and its eclipseAnd Superman unrollsA suit before he liftsBut I'm not the kind of person that it fits
  10. Down with the Ebionites!!!!!! sorry just thought I could provide some Renaissance crowd background noise. LOL.
  11. But the draft dodger did make up his own military group based on the Marine Corps. With him in charge. Doesn't that count?
  12. WordWolf, I think you may have zeroed in on the Way's outreach plan. Zeno's Paradox. I mean why waste all of that paper on Vision and Direction when you could sum it all up in one paragraph?
  13. So people what we really need to help revitalize the Way are some new slogans about Biblical research. That will help the overall image and help attract followers. What do you think people? Can we help here? I'll start. Re-search. If you thought it sucked the first time around, wait until the regurgitated version hits you in the face.
  14. Cool stories bro. Placements nowadays have changed. The Wizard of Roz and her little dog Donna now all decide them over tea and crumpets in Donna's apartment. Then they tell de Loser, who actually has a permanent place in the back of his head for Roz's hand to fit controlling things. It's so transparent that when used he is actually not aware of it. Some of the lemmings are leaving. Others will follow over cliff to death. .
  15. What a passive-aggressive wussbag.
  16. Best sums up entire debt policy. Enforced by both male and female presidents, yet still applies.
  17. Oh and just in case some of the board of dolts actually reads this I thought I'd clarify comments about Timothy and shipwreck. Although those splinters are the shipwreck it is definitely you, Way International that are the Titanic.
  18. Some people are happy in an alternate reality smaller Way-like group because that is their comfort zone. There are varying experiences I have heard of this. One example is a small branch like group that all walk in each others houses and totally financially support the leader. Of course the worse on the evil side of this is the river road group that has been in the news and the leader is in prison now. As far as Region Leaders, I don't really want to give them much attention. The vast majority of people I've met with that title have been tools. Don't know VF, but I don't see a whole lot of difference in what is up on his website than all the other ex-Way bigwigs with VP based ministries. I believe Timothy describes all of that as whom concerning faith have made shipwreck - instead of a genuine Christian community making up of the body of Christ including my Catholic neighbor, my Methodist other neighbor, and all of us with equal love and respect for one another, we have one more elitist seperatist "true household of God". That ironically accepts all that may benefit from their teachings. Sorry that is closer to the KKK crap going on in our country right now than it is to Christianity in my view. Just with a different label. I have heard that rap way too often - "we're going to keep all the good things about the Way ministry that we love, but get rid of the politics". Yeah. Then 2 years down the road they are all receiving revelation of snakes coming out each others heads. They don't work. They are not laying a foundation upon Jesus Christ. You can't have a foundation and not know who his body is.
  19. Because his moral compass outweighed his ego IMO, unlike many of his peers. He is a good man.
  20. I'm with Twinky. While the words sound nice about not rejecting other members of the body of Christ, in practicality and functioning this means a Way based splinter group as opposed to really believing those words with your actions. "We don't want to exclude anyone from benefiting from the teachings we are providing". Just like Rosie and the board of dolts, what is first and foremost there is their own ego and status as a "reverend" teaching scripture. Yo, wake up and smell the reality. The teachings you have been providing have been based upon horse manure stolen from another farmers barn. If you really want to fulfill those scriptures about your gifts and calling, how about go back to school, build some ties not associated with a cult, and start a church plant down the road in 3-5 years? Oh no, that would mean a reduction in status. I do also love the bit how some of them are going to be moving in and out among the disciples who fellowship with the Way and others will be functioning independent. Yah we get that. Those "functioning independant" who won't be moving in and out among the disciples who fellowship with the Way are like the vast majority of that lineup on the video broadcast. Why? Because JY de Loser marked and avoided you so all "disciples who fellowship with the Way" will be shunning you. The one dude on the end with the inbred relatives still living at HQ with Trustee Emeritus status, he and his family will be "moving in and out among the disciples who fellowship with the Way" because they are allowed. They really should spend some time watching youtube of JAL the animatronics bible teacher. Because that is their future.
  21. Yo home slice. I finally got round to reading all your inferences here. I know I commented on this thread long ago, but don't think I read your whole "I found a treasure" line and pursuit of it there. What I do have to say to you is been there, done that, have the f'ing t-shirt. That last teaching the joy of serving was going around during the fog years, and was the foundation of the Corps training during that time. My entire f-ing in-residence Corps training was basically doing exactly f-ing that. Mastering the foundational, intermediate, and advanced classes, along with the collaterals. Letting a lot of things slip through our fingers is horse sh1t. Most of PFAL was ripped off from BG Leonard. RHST, and the INT class basically are JE Stiles trying to help out VP be genuine and manifest when he failed on stage in front of an auditorium and lied about it. (We know this thanks to Elen@ Wh1teside and TWLIL). Mix in some ninja tricks picked up from eastern visitor KC Pillai and you have a real complete hustle session in a package. VP used sleight of hand tactics with unmeaningful verses in the collaterals like "4 Crucified", "The Day JC Died" and other conspiracy theory oriented interpretations of scripture. Then he would chain from that to "If you can't trust them on the least things concerning JC, how can you trust them with the truth of eternal life?". With BS logic he got us to doubt our teenage pastors, and follow the Pied Piper off into New KnoxvilleLand. If it got lost for another 17 years it would be doing humanity a service.
  22. Sat through this episode. This one focuses on two girls who are friends who contacted Leah Remini and the show and wanted to tell their story. They both were children of Sea Org members, treated as commodity. The family bond is devalued in the Scientology cult so basically all Sea Org children were farmed out to ranches and schools where the parents had very little contact with them. These 2 girls told their story of sexual abuse in that type of environment, one by her own father, and the other by a Sea Org member. The one girl abused by her father basically contemplated suicide for a good portion of her young life. People could argue these are a couple exceptions and there are bad apples in every organization. However, the practices of the Sea Org and leadership devaluing life, home, family, connections, friends, all served as forms of enslavement and imprisonment. Breaking down family walls with cult allegiances is a big theme here. The girls tried to report the abuse up through the organization. They were met with stonewalling, and circles of protection around the abusers. So yeah. Kind of sounds like the Way. Behind the scenes.
  23. Hi Rodney, Definitely many things ended in the 80's. Including: 1. The Mullet 2. The 2nd Generation Trans Am 3. Hair bands 4. Dirty Dancing 5. Knight Rider with the Hoff 6. Laverne & Shirley 7. Miami Vice 8. Van Halen with David Lee Roth 9. Rick Rolling - "Never Gonna Give You Up" 10. George Michael's Fame While each and every one of these are a tragedy in their own right, I just don't want to over-spiritualize and try and draw a pattern or anything.
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