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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. You mean Rozilla actually let them have a live drum kit on stage rather than a few electronic drums turned down to 3 and a shaker? Amazing. 72 ROA with the hair and the open shirts? No? A more tamed down version of this on stage at the VPW WOW auditorium? With suits and dance numbers? A modern High Country Caravan yet suitable for someone in their late 70s? And a Way Publications department to come up with the phrase "literally reenergized"? The latter seems more believable.
  2. I swear to God reading through that letter again I totally see why Jesus called the ruling Pharisees "whited sepulchres". I mean look at all the whitewashing effort. And I will offer a bit of other advice there with respect to the passive aggressive comment. Rozilla, if you are missing some "vigor and diligence" in your life, I suggest following your heart and sneaking off with BellaDonna for a secret vacation rather than having all that rage pile up and taking it out on the flock. Passive-aggressive rage is unbecoming on an elderly woman. Kisses.
  3. Or haiku version LOL.... Living in a stick Stupid hick Jedi mind trick Replay Wierwille remix
  4. thx for posting the conference info - it actually looks really good - all of the sessions. i have a schedule conflict for this one but would consider a future conference.
  5. My observations about her reluctance to write this book in my commentary are before 1995. Not sure exactly how many years it took working on that but I think it was a slow process. She spent a lot of time with Coramae Peters and Bernita Jess around that time I recall. Those 3 would all organize an annual apple pie baking thing in the BRC that was loads of fun. And tasty. I got the impression that there wasn't a lot of contact with daughters like Karen especially. Sara was around during that time but not as involved as she is the youngest.. I did think that Coramae helped Dotsie organize all her memorabilia as she was the librarian at the time and think her and Bernita probably helped her with the book. Funny thing - it was published 1996 - but they had printed up a signature with Mrs. W's signature on something that looks like clear packing tape. So she didn't have to sign the books actually. Mine was attached upside down in the back. But don't tell anyone in the bookstore - they would probably make them run laps. LOL.
  6. My commentary: I remember when this book came out, and I remember being around Mrs. W when it was being written. I distinctly got the impression this was the last thing this woman wanted to do is write this book. There was a great deal of pressure I remember, or "encouragement" from the then BOD - with Loy and Rozilla. I got the impression she was guilt tripped into writing it, and did so dragging her feet all the way. The opening and closing flap material is all written by Rozilla. You can tell because it sounds like the queen of England mixed in with using complete dumb-@$$ words like "multicapable". The reason this is a "multimedia" biography LOL is just that above. The more pictures, news clippings, service flyers, and other similar items you can insert, the less words (or 'colorful and interesting narrative') have to be written by an author who is how you say "reluctant". I'm sure as a form of rebellion of being forced into this, Mrs. W probably told more of the truth than they intended with less of a positive spin. that's what makes this interesting with skyrider digging into some of the details and discrepancies in the book.
  7. Back flap: "Mrs. Victor Paul Wierwille Seldom does a wife write a biography of her husband. But Mrs. Wierwille is a unique person...and acted courageously in undertaking the work of chronicling Dr. Wierwille's life. Because both of them were reared in the same rural, German-American community in western Ohio in the mid-1910 to 1930s, Mrs. Wierwille is inimately familiar with the times and culture of their lives from the very beginning. The only years Victor and Dorothea experienced differently were the three years the future Mrs. Wierwille spent in nurses training in Cincinatti, Ohio and her future husband was in college near Sheboygan, Wisconsin. They married in July 1937, and as a team, they began their lifelong pursuit of learning and ministering God's Word to God's people. Mrs. Wierwille, a multicapable person, brings to us the history of her husband's life from 1916 to 1961. She writes with accuracy, color, humor, and sensitivity. Born Again To Serve makes a special contribution to the faithful followers of The Way Ministry, showing the life of our Founding President and father in the Word, a man who clearly heard God's call and then followed it to serve."
  8. Nice thread skyrider - I thought I'd contribute by attaching pictures of the inside flaps of the BATS book and the words. And commentary too. Front flap: "Born Again To Serve - Victor Paul Wierwille was called of God to be a teacher of His Word. But before he could teach, he, naturally, had to understand God's Word for himself. Beginning early in life, Dr. Wierwille had a deep hunger to study and learn and to teach as he learned. STUDY-TEACH was the pattern established for his entire teaching ministry and was Dr. Wierwille's way of serving. The title of the book captures his lifelong conviction, which he stated many times: 'Born to live; born again to serve' Beginning with his family heritage, this volume spans Dr. Wierwille's childhood, the school years, his two pastorates, the radio broadcast ministry, his foreign teaching tour, his resigning from his church denomination, the launching of The Way Ministry, and his moving the Way Headquarters to his ancestral land near New Knoxville, Ohio. Born Again to Serve is a multimedia biography. Besides the colorful and interesting narrative, the author has included numerous photographs, news clippings, letters, legal documents, and more to help build an accurate impression of who Dr. Wierwille was, what he did, and how he became a dynamic leader in expounding God's Word."
  9. VPW: I'm not a real doctor, but I can play one on the motorcoach later if you're not busy honey Weinstein not a new story....
  10. Ah yes. another letter that needs to be run through "True-gle" translate. Fellow spotters I will give this my best efforts LOL. Dear (insert euphamism for those who can take brainwashing and antics and still keep sending in money decade after decade), Our hearts are filled with complete horse pucky, as usual, reflecting upon the many bodies we have had to climb over to reach this miserable position where we sit and look down upon you across our nose with pious platitudes and lies. A key element to this is applying another layer of whitewash onto the dead prophet and his snow pumps. So now, pause for a moment of silence, while we humanize the lecher by bringing in his old poor widow in concept, and tie in her life and dedication to the ole Wierwille Homiletic Farm. Don't worry, we will wait for effect as you grab a tissue. Also, while we are applying another layer of whitewash to the fountain of living Drambuie, this would be a great time to insert just a little passive-aggressive teaching to the flock too. I mean who can pass up a passive-aggressive moment as a Board of Director? Ole VP, his wife Dorothea, and the seven decades of faithful followers all were known for their "vigorous and diligent" efforts. You know, kind of unlike you current field Corpse who we just b1tch3d out for not running enough classes, and staff we micro-control down to bathroom breaks and force to attend the STS, you guys really need to be more vigorous and diligent. That's why everyone is leaving and no classes are running and we don't need an Advanced Class every year any more. I know, I know, if you get on that evil internet with all of its corrupt communications (I mean except for our new sites with the slave-polished HQ pictures, and the regurgitated magazine articles), then you will hear all sorts of stories about how the only thing VP was really known for being "vigorous and diligent" about had nothing to do with his Biblical research which everyone else did for him, it had more to do with pursuing a mellow Drambuie buzz and an evening with a young lady not his wife as a sexual partner, varied levels of willingness notwithstanding. Think a white fundamentalist Cosby. But no, that vigor and diligence must never be known, it must be whitewashed. And you are making a difference. Men, women, yes even children are understanding God's will because they are understanding God's Word. You know, like Domino's Pizza corporate sponsorship, we always have to bring it home to the old trademarked material "The Word of God is the Will of God" TM. (NOTE: Catchy little brainless jingle. If you think about it what does this actually mean? I can read an ancient tome full of history, poems, and letters, and somehow get to know the intent of our Creator. OK. I'm kind of still waiting for the earth-shattering revelation in this little bit of knowledge. You know, the one that's going to change the face of Christianity? Still not seeing it. This is kind of the same thing they told me in Sunday school in a denomination when I was 8, no? Read the Bible, get to know God? But somehow, turn it into some kind of jingly corporate slogan type of statement, and it becomes a language of control END NOTE) Keep those trademarked mantras on your lips wherever you go, because only those will allow you to distance yourself from the darkness of our past, which we keep whitewashing over, lying about, hiding, and living off the money from. What a privilege and honor it is to live with a Board of Director credit card not subject to those measly 500 dollar limits on them, and to be able to have servants for every whim in a day where that's frowned upon. Also, the power. Yes we like it. Kisses, Board of Sycophants Rozilla, Chocolicious, DeLoser, and newly promoted sychophant Bilbo the Moral Hobbit
  11. And now, the Golden Jock lives on, being passed down from generation to generation, complete with the original inscriptions etched by God via some Gas pumps while an imaginary snow flurry kept others mentally occupied. Citizen non-members of the Way rejoice! The Golden Jock is not lost! It has not suffered a meltdown due to the economy to be auctioned off to make golden earrings for Way weddings. NO. It survives intact, passed down from Rosie to JY DeLoser to symbolize prosperity, rulership, and the protection of those in charge without nads.
  12. One of the clear things to me now that was more cloudy looking back is this idea of authority. With so much in the past in the Way having been presented under the guise of a spiritual authority that has proven to be a false spiritual authority, wolves in sheep's clothing, false prophets and apostles, I am now much more in tune to what real authority is, what its boundaries and limits are, what my rights are with respect to authority, and that spiritually I have the right and privilege to remove myself from any spiritual authority that is false. Any church you belong to as a free will choice. Any false authority you can be brought under in that respect you can say NO to. You can travel right down the street to the next church on the block where you will not be subject to spiritual abuse. Yet people feel trapped and limited in their choices and stay in their situations. The danger of Way splinters is here also - people fell like they don't have another choice. Other forms of authority we are subject to - legal, community, employment - those are real authority not false, and they have certain things you must do for compliance, as well as very distinct limitations. Most real authority is not onerous, at worst most of the time it is tedious and time consuming. Where we see people overstep authority that is real and approach in to the false authority, we may not be able to stop a person, but we can many times change a situation. If things get too bad we could change employment, community, legal authority we are under and swap them out for a different situation. Sometimes we are genuinely stuck, but even so only for a time. No challenge lasts forever. So this is kind of what you are talking about with red flags, suspicions, and learning from our past. To me. Authority - interaction with, collaboration with, recognition of genuine and counterfeit, and removing myself from false authority - that is what has changed with me.
  13. yes nice work penworks that interview is amazing.
  14. Hmmm. To carry jockstraps. The purpose of the Corpse. Yes, I see it. Those who carry the jock the best, succeed to the highest levels.
  15. I have heard second or third hand a report that someone in Rosie's presence heard her talk about goals to make HQ "self-sufficient", and not dependent upon field income, because the field people complained too much. She seemed to be going for enough capital to invest where she could kick enough people out of HQ to make it run on investment interest alone. Like exact opposite of giving to help the unfortunate in the world with the truth of Jesus Christ. Sad little declining cult is sad.
  16. LOL! Zombie Jesus Nazis! This really inspires the real theme for the 75th anniversary: Season 76 New episodes available at The Way
  17. Nicoblu72 thank you for sharing this. I think this experience modeled VPW's who forced himself into some rote SIT fake because it could not happen naturally for him on stage at an Oral Roberts evangelism event where everyone else could manifest freely. Because of this he modeled his class after his experience. This is my read on the Elena Whiteside account of JE Stiles and VP. As a side reference I myself first SIT freely under the teaching of the same Oral Roberts via a secondhand account when I was young. This is why it sticks out to me.
  18. Hey UnTwist It, Welcome. I'm a long time poster here, don't know if I know your families personally, but I probably know of them. I hope delving into the depths of the stories here helps you find some form of comfort and answers. This place has value to many in making sense of life surrounding the Way. Regards, chockfull
  19. VPW had no pull in Hollywood. LCM tired to target athletes since he played college football. There were a couple pro NFL players involved if I recall. Scientology spent some of the auditing billions on building Celebrity Centers. Leah Remini shows clips of when she was in her 20's and at one of the Celebrity Centers.
  20. If we were doing this like a David Lettermen top 10 list we could do: #10. More poolside swimsuit photos. Less policy. #9. Wait a second. Scratch the first part of that last one.
  21. I focus on throwing up in my mouth a little bit, spitting it in the toilet so I can stop thinking about that sh1! See? Lyric writing not that hard.
  22. So the latest episode I have watched is the one on "The Bridge". This is basically Scientology's curriculum of studies and classes, designed to progress the inductee up the ladder several levels. Level progress is required to be confirmed by auditing, done with the handheld device designed by L Ron Hubbard along with a kind of "lie detector" training for auditors. Auditing packages are sold at $10k per 25 hours. Progress up the chain of the "Bridge" goes up to a certain level where a person is called "clear". This is the mission of all scientologists - to "clear" the planet. All of this relates to controlling the animal mind and submitting to a stage of expensive audits. Leah's mother spent well over a million dollars in reaching level OT VII - all these levels promise super-natural mind power. Then the last 2 levels expose LRH's weird vision of extraterrestrial inhabitation and ruler in the past that we are all getting past. Then the last level, after your money's all gone, OT VIII - pretty much tells people they are uniquely themselves just as they had arrived into Scientology. (Of course, minus the fleecing, mind control, and all other negative aspects). Also, after LRH dies, now later on later writings are "discovered" facilitating the need to re-define all of the "Bridge" materials, all the way down to the foundational books like Dianetics. Members are subjected to the need to re-purchase class materials, re-take classes, and travel back up the "Bridge" again, but this time the new right way. Questions are asked about progression along the "Bridge" such as each level has to be accompanied with a personal testament to the goal of the level, say "communicate with anybody about anything" is one example. Or "Get to the point where your problems solve themselves". So if a person after completing a level is not able to provide a testament to the benefits of that level to an acceptable degree, they are labeled a "suppressive person" and thus shunned by religion members and family. So, parallels with the Way. Where do I start?
  23. "The present truth" carries the assumption that the person and/or organization stating this to have an understanding of the current times and life's challenges and needs. The Way is about as capable of detecting the "present" as they are choosing dance numbers that connect with the public.
  24. Totally agreed. If someone wants to genuinely continue Christian service, the path is clear to integrate with the rest of the body of Christ we isolated off from years ago by doctrine and practice. Get off the "genuine household" high horse, along with its titles, prestige, income flow, and continued lies. Humble yourself to the true meaning of Christianity, a message of a savior and the analogy of his body in Corinthians and believe and practice accordingly. If the path of Christianity is not in your chosen future, then take the lessons of the group and let them direct you towards a more virtuous future. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves, as an analogy and phrase of wisdom if not "divine revelation" to you.
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