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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Can a tiger change it's stripes? That's kind of what it would take. Do you actually think that all of those people that have spent multiple decades climbing a hierarchy of positions are going to change and give it all up? Sure it could happen. Hey I'm being positive for the holidays.
  2. Nice discussion. I also know that trained psychologists recognize what is called a "triggering event". This would be the event that led them to pick up the phone and schedule an appointment. As we go through life, events happen. Most of them would not be of the category that could trigger change. Humans are creatures of habit. So it is usually some kind of dramatic event and impact that drives a person to make a big life change. Without a "triggering event", most people although they have the opportunity to reflect and change after any event they do not tend to do so until impacted by a "triggering event".
  3. Over the years I have noticed more and more that any conversation with the Way is a one way conversation. The Way presents material to the follower. The follower does not present material to the Way. As I have reflected on this, it is such an extreme cognitive distortion. In a normal human exchange there is give and take. This is in a personal sense, in a community sense, in an educational sense, and in a professional sense. What happens in a personal relationship where communication is only one way? Divorce. What happens in a community relationship where communication is one way? People don't feel understood and leave What happens in a professional business setting where communication is one way? People lose customers. In just about every setting you can imagine, one way communication is a poor choice for running anything or interacting with anyone. Yet the Way simply cannot modify its culture to listen. They don't have the ability. All the policy of the Way is set by a very old Common Core trained schoolteacher who didn't actually do the teaching job for that many years before starting to climb ranks at the Way for a job. Yet she sticks doggedly to that approach that has even in the educational system proven to be ineffective. http://edpsycinteractive.org/topics/instruct/instruct.html In this article on psychology in education they compare instructional methods. Basically direct instruction is geared towards standardized tests. And it is far less effective at students retaining information than other interactive methods such as cooperative learning. http://edpsycinteractive.org/topics/instruct/cooplrn.html Cooperative learning is where teaching is going now, not 50 years ago. It shows higher retention of material and greater satisfaction in learning. Could the Way ever make this shift? Sure, all you would have to do is remove all the hierarchy. And the cotton out of their ears.
  4. "True" gle Translate: So, now that we have marked and avoided another batch of people, some of which were on our salary, we have some extra money due to cutting them and we actually have a lot less followers too to send a gift to. So what to do? Spend the extra money spent on axing salaries to buy a cheesy ornament for those followers not smart enough to leave with the crowd. Write down some sentimental words that express your power grab over decades, calling that "standing and believing". Throw in a nice little KJV "Oh ye" at the end to sound more formal. Done and done. Way followers, there's your Christmas present. Except you can't say Christmas.
  5. WordWolf stop it. You're going to show the Way how to do Biblical Research.
  6. I have seen so many people do so many stupid things because some leader thought they had a great idea for someone.
  7. So Way followers. You are like: a. the house guest that never leaves. b. a nice old comfortable shirt c. an advocate for a standing job as opposed to a desk job d. being observed by someone who is very old Did I get those simile's right? But you know, Way Nash I think you might be not first to this concept: http://theremnantchurch.net/ It's a cool little church. Down in this Texas town. Called La Grange.
  8. The similarity of this forum is to offer travelers a cup of Joe and a danish. And afterwards to discuss the delusional power climbs of narcissists. Welcome!!!!!!!!!
  9. Totally agreed. Actually my life didn't start getting better until I dumped that po-dunk egotistical bunch of sycophants known as Way International leadership. Once I separated myself from them, things started looking up. It did take me a while to stop waiting for the other shoe to drop with consequences of leaving. I'm actually still waiting to see consequences of leaving. I guess I lost a bunch of fake friends. That's OK. They were fake friends. The new ones I have now are real.
  10. And hence you have pinpointed the #1 problem with a cult. Boundaries.
  11. Well I mean eventually you would think the flock would get the hint. Those at HQ want to construct their own little city and live blissfully with their own little vision of being a "worldwide ministry". They don't want to actually interact with the flock though. Nobody travels to see people, nobody has personal contact - the Way ministry is all run through classes, teaching or lesson plans and weekly phone calls. Talk at people consistently, never listen to them, and stubbornly persist ahead with a organizational plan and a thick head. Get those butts in chairs listening to content and get them out knocking on doors getting more people in chairs to listen to content. These "revivalists" are really nothing more than the public Exodus of Boob plus a few friends. Hopefully their video will show a few what's up and inspire leaving. However, I note the highest ranking individual in the video in the Way organization being restricted from disclosing any details due to the fear of prosecution over a signed NDA as an officer of the Way. So I highly doubt that even with their best intentions they are going to affect very many at all under the Way's clutches. Just like Mark Twain's classic novels on Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, now that the fence is whitewashed, it's time to relax and float down the river.
  12. https://revivalandrestoration.org/ Still sits out there - a page on the internet, still password protected. The people on the video were marked and avoided by the BOD of the Way which is how they handle all dissenting opinions eventually. They don't realize it yet but all the people on the video that they marked and avoided, those are the blessed ones because now they can go on to build their own lives and not be laying brick after brick building another wall for a sick cult.
  13. Yes I'm sure we could - especially the part about the hardship imposed by the Way and leaving it.
  14. D@mn. Perverting even the good on video with their twisted perspective.
  15. The obituary states she retired and moved to NC with Chris and family in 1993. He is a WC grad, but not active WC, still involved with the Way who knows may still be. Thus evidence indicates she still maintained a connection with the Way throughout her life. It is possible she never knew of the things posted on here. Or didn't have enough first hand exposure to give them credence. I do not know Chris history and involvement. But this is what whitewashing does. It makes a new generation of people that don't know the truth.
  16. Awesome. Wow like the Way critiques us we aren't really up to date with a lot of stuff, right? But then again, to restrict information flow then front that critique is why you are being played by the Wizard of Oz behind the scenes, now, isn't it? I will say that whoever has those videos, is blessed. Thank you.
  17. Retired from that shizzle my brotha.....
  18. Hey Twinky, A New Life was a live class taught by Doc Rawlins to the Corpse when I took it. I don't believe it was ever offered to a general public. I completely agree with your assessment - I would even go farther and extend your assessment and say that it has content that is miles beyond most Way classes. Doc Rawlins was always an advocate for breastfeeding as opposed to formula, and had assisted in many thousands of births when she taught us. Her class puts anything the Way puts out to shame. I'm d@mn glad CFS has it on video. That plus an active lamaz class or whatever it is they are recommending nowadays to continue education and connect with others is great. As a personal side note, Doc Rawlins always had $$$$$ so people never messed with her, and she was not party to any of the hijinks of the BOT.
  19. Cool - I figured you'd fill in more facts. Not so sure about misstated when many details have a ? in back of them. So yes, the timeline on this I have straight now. Geer's Poop paper was 1986 Corpse Fellowship. Everyone was kind of staggering around after that. By 9 months later, you guys had already assimilated that letter, sent it out, then Geer responded with his assessment tape and since loyboy and coward were pretty much under his spell then, you guys all got booted. After that, the BOT's were still under his spell for another year, then they separated from Geer in 1988, and after that loyboy went on the attack. The loyalty letter was sent out 1988 summer and others who may have even quoted your letter saying "I stand with God and on the Word, not for or against anyone" got booted too. I didn't mean to offend you criticizing the writing of the paper. I never was a fan of the jallyroll writing style. His books always got on my nerves too. Like a too happy clown or something. That timeframe everyone was under what is termed "the Fog Years". Plenty of threads on that here at GS. Everyone was depressed, didn't know what to do or where to go or what was true. That's why it was termed "the Fog Years". So in the midst of all that fog is where this letter arose. You guys were confronting the BOT on being "off the Word". But here's the rub. Myself and most of everyone else had ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE that there was a perverted sexual swinger's club that was running the ministry at the time. So when the language was toned down perhaps from your original thoughts and intent, we didn't know about dictor's perversions. I honestly never knew about any of them until Waydale and GSC, other than what I was told by the party line in the Way after you guys left. Like I say, I was a young mushroom. Kept in the dark and fed bull.... Anyhoo, that's what the Who says "Talkin' Bout My Generation". I think accurately the fact that you guys sent out 7000 copies of that letter probably was a major contributor to the 4/5 Exodus from the Way that happened during that timeframe. I was the frigging remnant.
  20. Just write "The Leisure Suit Teacher" PO Box 328...... LOL.
  21. That pretty well sums it up. They can't care about others genuinely because they are too busy caring about their own belly - fiefdoms, reputation, etc. and all their activity goes towards that.
  22. Money and privilege in the Way would be a whole case study in and of itself. Those with blue blood money write their own ticket in the Way just like they do anywhere else.... Didn't know those details about G@ry, but not surprising that the Way would front a trust fund baby to put that out....
  23. One more thing that I wanted to point out as far as context. This is talking about "The Fog Years" time period - there are many more threads of info on this in the forums if interested care to read. The financial impact of 4/5 of the people leaving is that all the cash remained, the buildings and property remained and consists of the vast majority of the $65M windfall the Way enjoys today and why HQ kind of can exist on its own as Pharisee Central. They are not really beholden to followers contributions like most normal churches you see are.
  24. Fired for the letter put together on another thread here by Howard Allen?
  25. Ninja turtles have shifty eyes behind their mask..... LOL
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