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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. This is kind of what I was digging into. If the entity exists (i.e. the devil and God for that matter), attributing personality is a description. If not, it's a fallacy. In your terms of #1 and #2 - the #2 you described would be the fallacy. However, I think you would need to just limit it to: #2 The devil doesn't exist and was invented Any more than that kind of clouds the discussion - with foil for God , whatever. There could be many reasons for invention, both individual and collective. However, as both God and the devil are "spirit beings" or "spirit entities" who, even if they exist and are described accurately in personal depictions or writings, are not actually able to be seen it pretty much boils down to whether a person believes in their existence or not.
  2. The Way of Canada is a financial loophole like all International Outreach. All monies there are managed locally - Canada, Democratic Republic of Congo, South America, etc. I suspect this is because of tax code scrutiny on VP where he didn't want to have to deal with international giving or something. Because of this good-hearted people were able to help others in other countries than the US. This was not possible in the United States. Money in the United States for expenses worked on a strict approval level. If I remember correctly, state coordinators could approve up to $100, Region coordinators to $300, and Trunk Office to $500. Anything more required Board of Dummies signatures. Any request of this type of nature would have been squashed by the state level, and definitely by the region level. They are reluctant to spend money even on meeting spaces, driving people to go with free options. Basically a leech on society. I remember the trunk office not even approving normal type expenses.
  3. Well, one thing I noticed - the slot in the picture immediately to Rosie's right hand, that is empty. Of course, that is reserved mentally for BellaDonna, who can't be seen onstage due to her divorce from craig. Also, she can't have too much of a title because of this. But make no mistake, she is there. Those 3 to her left are what I term "expendibles". Even after 20 years. Look at rico and other vp's track records back to harve. The Way's facebook group is increasing and people are joining. The whitewash tactic works. They have a new vanilla class. They have their history hidden. They have their postions secured. There are only a few small pockets where people tell the truth. Like here.
  4. Plus, none of them had the impressive hair to join this Hair Lineup 2017 with the following hairstyles (in order): Faux-Hawk - Combover Edition Faux-Hawk - Grecian Formula Edition Toilet Brush Q Tip Mormon Missionary Mormon Missionary - Female Edition
  5. Would that be 'not all' without exception? or 'not all' without distinction? GSC patrons, I will have you know that one of my posts is God-breathed. Yet only one. Please disperse yourselves and come back when you have the right key to the lock in the door you seek.
  6. Penworks, I like your style. To quote Ziggy Marley in his song "Love is My Religion" I don't want to fight, hey let's go fly a kite
  7. socks, thanks man. i'm a later generation but i got to interact with fugit and i loved him more than anyone in the ministry i can remember.
  8. Where I am at on the theopneustos topic is in a place where I can appreciate scripture as inspiration coming from God without having to get all wrapped up in what Jesus confronted in the scribes. Filling in Bullinger's "alsos" and marking them in our Bibles - scribe behavior. VP instilled such complete cr@p in our mentalities with respect to the scripture it is not funny. A collection of writings by different authors does not "fit like a hand in a glove". It doesn't have to. It's not supposed to. Yet all of those authors were inspired to write by God and you would have to believe their personal prayer life and others living examples would have been inspiration for them writing things down. 2 Tim 3:16 to me just says hey enjoy reading the Bible at your leisure - it will be good for you. God breathed - I mean how many different ways can you take that besides the scribe way? What happens when I breathe? I can't see it, but I feel it and it is part of my life force. If I breathe on a cold window pane I can see my breath freeze up for an instant before fading. Why did we accept some false prophet's vision of marking every single connecting word in the Bible as what this means? If you are considering the figures of speech involving personification - attributing human characteristics to God, why does it not make more sense to think of God breathed as simple fleeting inspiration, like a breath on a cold window pane? No, VP not only did not produce any God-breathed works, the works he produced led people away from understanding the very words God breathed.
  9. Also in discussion - is it mere coincidence that a strange movie called The Usual Suspects stars Kevin Spacey? Or is Kevin Spacey a usual suspect in strange movies?
  10. placeholder for the start of an interesting discussion on this quote from "The Usual Suspects". The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. And like that… he is gone.
  11. me too regarding amusement, fascinating discussion, and off topic. so i guess i need to start a thread in doctrinal / faith area for this. Keyser Soze lives on !!!!!
  12. Hadn't read this thread that I can remember. Great work WordWolf, and also Twinky. That is an interesting topic to study in scripture. How the lust for money and power in the heart of a prophet turns bad.
  13. Jesus didn't instruct them that they would know themselves by looking at all the fruit in their own life, he instructed them that they would know OTHERS by their fruit. Exactly the opposite of your main idea you are cap yelling that we are missing. NO MIKE YOU DIDN"T READ JESUS WORDS CLOSELY
  14. AGAIN, YOU MISSED IT! If you had understood my point you would know that I was telling you that the ONLY fruit that you can see is the fruit in YOUR own life. You DO seem to get the point that if I lied to about the fruit in my life it's because you can't see inside my life to see my fruit. You can ONLY see the fruit in your OWN life. EVERY single time you have missed this point of which fruit are we to look at in judging prophets to be true of not. -------------------------------------------------------- This is completely illogical. Why would Jesus instruct his followers that they were to know people by their fruit if they were not able to see the fruit in other people's lives? So VP's words are "God-breathed", but Jesus words, we can just ignore those, because Jesus didn't understand your point that his followers could only see the fruit in their own lives. And you are getting lecturing in your tone here. Cap letters, every single time, saying people are missing your point. No Mike, just like your postulate about VP's last teaching, we don't miss your point. Your point is illogical to a normal human being. There is no logic reasoning with you. You have a delusional viewpoint. It has come now to where you are trolling this forum on about 3 different threads, all juggling to keep up on answering everyone. All to try and convince the GSC posters that some of VP's written works were God-breathed. I think I'm going to drop out of this conversation now. No offense, but even though you sound nice, you are either trolling this forum or you have some challenges I don't think are conducive to conversation.
  15. Is it really a fictional creation? Or did you really understand the movie? i'm 100% with you on the BS devil-made-me-do-it-thus-not-myself-responsible logic.
  16. Au contraire. Why would it make sense that God would inspire a "God-breathed work" in PFAL, but with the guy most trying to train up what he did to produce it God would ignore that guy and not inspire him? Why? Does God respect persons? Also, the Loy produced a book himself on Acts. Based upon VP's teachings on the 8 great statements in the book of Acts. Was that "God-breathed"? Why or why not? Now that piece is "God-breathed"? Or not because he plagiarized it from VP and it wasn't in the "original"? You see when God is at work all the little things fall in line and make sense. When delusions are at work, there are all these pesky questions left over.
  17. You do whitewash the problems. The fruit of TWI then you say pretty much for most of my time in, and most of people in currently - basically anyone not in the old hippy Pressed Down days, really stinks. All I got to say is some real accounts I've read from those days don't sound any better to me. However, the fruit of TWI during that time period (after 1985) was to double down on PFAL. Oh, BTW I didn't go out WOW too fast. We had a great year. We got along, had money, we ran classes. We studied PFAL in residence. We actually tried to the best of our ability to enact and live VPW's last teaching that you quoted. What I am telling you is the practical application of what you are trying to sell us here doesn't work. You can't separate out PFAL class from the organization that ran it. It was all entwined. Do you know how many splinter groups tried that? What I do believe is you are an example of what the Way tries to accomplish. Keep you sheltered from the abuses that exist all throughout the organization. Never tell you anything. Fire tons of people, but never speak of it to any others outside the little Pharisee circle. Sure the Way likes to keep people happy and ignorant and sending in the $$$. If all they need to do that is plagiarized work, a fictional story disproven many times over about snow on gas pumps, repetition, and avoiding any life changing confrontation then they have a rich future ministry finding people just like you. As long as people don't curse any more - well they don't because Rosie says so. I say bull - I have heard plenty of those jackwads yell and curse still. They just hide the maliciousness in their hearts better. No they whitewash the Way better every day. Hide their true intent of serving their own belly and positions. Play Machiavellian games. And you my friend are one big ostrich with the head in the sand and a bit of whitewash clinging to your top head feathers where they ran the paint roller over your head.
  18. Mike, what you remind me of here is the current movement of "Flat Earth Theorists". There's a group of philosophical sorts running around today professing that the world is flat and that we are all part of one big hoax teaching round earth theory.. BTW regarding PFAL and being "profitahle", if I would happen to have old PFAL class printed books, how much would you be willing to pay for one? Just out of curiosity.
  19. "The greatest trick the devil ever did was to convince the world he never existed." - Keyser Soze - The Usual Suspects Definitely in my top 5 all time movies.
  20. No I think in essence you are saying the exact same thing that the current Board of Directors of the Way is saying. Let's forget about all this putrid fruit and just get back to the pure simple Biblical truths we learned from VPW in PFAL. Apply as much mental whitewash as necessary to get yourself there.
  21. I think currently the only profit left in PFAL is in keeping several ex-way leaders alive by basing their current churches off of those who took it. it's a great foundation for people to learn research skillz to come up with such masterpieces as "Jesus Christ - The Great Diameter" latest youtube teaching posted up for free so you can send $$$$. So there's not NO profit left in it..
  22. Are we referring to your longer posts as our standard for discussion now? I guess with people who think VP breathed out God's Word that could be confusing. I can see ENOUGH of the fruit of the Way to make an intelligent decision. i can see ENOUGH of the fruit of VPW in driving people away from Christ in the long run and in evidence of the legacy he left to also make an intelligent decision. You know there is a God. And He can ensure that I learn enough about fruit that i desire to.
  23. Who imitated VP directly. So much so that in the corpse he taught us and gave us a book called "VP and Me". This highlighted how he did exactly what VP said all the time - how if he said jump he said how high. He even claimed that his level of doing the exact same things like VP were why VP selected him for the next president. Did you ever read that book? Maybe you'd think it was "God-breathed" too, and if people would just have followed it the Way ministry's leadership wouldn't have collapsed. That would be consistent with your line of logic.
  24. So if VPW was Balaam, does that then make you Balaam's @$$? Dude, your poor attempts at delving into my psyche are pathetically humorous. No, I don't revel in whatever is God's business. Forgiveness of sin is God's business. However, this guy Jesus taught a little teaching about how to recognize people. By their fruit. I actually don't revel in that teaching either. But it is so universally presented across so many religions that it's really fundamental and easy to understand for most people.
  25. chockfull

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