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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. "The only thing we learn from history is that mankind learns nothing from history" - Stephen R Donaldson
  2. Totally! I , on the other hand, only need some more of the wah pedal on that guitar on this sound track LOL.
  3. Me too. Grace your post inspired me to start a thread on white-wash.
  4. Way followers you too can make your old-style brick fireplace look like it has been visited by the ghost of Christmas past. And he left a mark!
  5. Hey 'Spotters. So with all the discussion going on revealing the past of so many of those so high on the Way's totem pole, it really seems like we need to do something about the Way's image in society, in Christianity, and even on the internet. So in the spirit of helping out brothers and sisters in Christ with image problems, I thought I would post up a thread dedicated to pictures of whitewash. Please, 'spotters, join me in this celebration, this new day of spring, this OCD cleanness that we can enjoy, all with the application of a little whitewash.
  6. The Way is currently stuck in a loop of endlessly repeating plagiarized material. Each devolution cycle will bring it farther away from anything genuine. Almost anything is better. Everybody needs a local support group. I know this one ex Corpse that left at the beginning of LCM reign and for last 20+ years did a fellowship with his family and a few surrounding folks. They put VP on a pedestal and kind of bypassed everything after he died. I just think that's a bit of what Paul was describing when he was talking about "of whom faith have made shipwreck". That ex Corpse guy kind of to me seems like a shipwreck not interacting with the rest of the body of Christ in doctrine or in practice. But who am I to judge if he's happy?
  7. So despite the poster who took this as 'spewing venom', isn't this just a statement of fact? I mean maybe the slang and spin seems to indicate motive, but this is pretty much exactly disclosing what I believe Brian Moneyhands told someone about them planning an exodus maybe 4 years ago? All of those top couples - and others were blackballed from top leadership positions by the Way prior to their exodus because of things in "their own file" or whatever - their past. They weren't on the path to director positions so they split off and started their own deal. I believe what many posters here are pointing out is that they come off as a little inauthentic in what they brought up. Specifically, if you look at their "demands" in the letter they sent to the BOD, they escalated the situation. There could have been confrontation according to the verses they quoted in Matt, Tim without the ultimatums they stated in the letter, of certain personnel stepping down, of the leadership of the ministry moving to democracy. But because they made the ultimatums and sent copies to all the Way Corps, they forced the hand of the BOD into a seeming 2 choices - step down, or ex-communicate. I mean I guess the BOD could have just ignored the letter. I'm sure there are many active Corpse in the Way now who may have similar sentiments to that above posted, and be looking for an escape themselves. Many I've known are fine with the hypocrisy and dichotomy until it impacts them in their retirement or their children's education or something close to home. Then they leave. I personally looking back upon my decision to leave am glad I did. I'm not getting any younger, and my kids need a future too.
  8. I know less than that - only what those here have posted. Also I looked at the Facebook group again and the website domain they registered. It seems that there are many crossover members of that group that are actively in the Way also. I'm not the searcher of hearts but I'm not going to ignore the elevated tone they took in their posting on that Facebook group quoted here, nor their elevation of themselves in stature and position, nor their response to queries made to them through you. That is clear evident fruit that Jesus instructs me to know people by. They have no fruit worthy of any of my attention - their little pretend spiritual coup takeover of the Way failed, which was designed to draw followers away anyway not really designed to Revive and Restore. Their expectations were that the Board of Pharisees would immediately see the light and change the Way over to now being ruled by democracy different than it had been governed since inception? That's not something a reasonable person would expect. So it is just a front for a coup - leaving, making the biggest splash and impact, drawing the most followers away so their kids can have a safe haven in a new cult. I doubt they will honestly disclose anything of the sort in their pious platitudes and Sunday teachings and sweeping of old things under carpets.
  9. I would pinpoint the rise and fall of the Moynihan family and Greene family. Especially the second generation. That would trigger this kind of action. I guess Dottie just isn't quite as close to Rosie as Marcia is. Brian was on staff as like the personnel director then left got sent on field. Chandler now is the Corpse director. Oh but of course great spiritual decisions of all these Reverend blowhards would never be decided by something like Hatfields and McCoys politics.... Until they are.
  10. The irony in R&R's response is that this is the exact response that Rosie and the Board of Pharisees had to their R&R letter they circulated around a year ago trying to drum up sympathy for. Then they (The Way) marked and avoided the letter senders. More current clear literal evidence that R&R acts currently how they were trained for decades. But hey I'm sure they don't care what we think. All they really need is a group of dolts so they can form their own "Board of Dolts". And skyrider and DWBH - yeah pretty much. Your recent posts express much of my viewpoint as well.
  11. In the Jehovah's Witness organization, they had this problem where some of their doctrinal teachings in the book of Revelation on 144,000 from Rev. 14:1 and they somehow identified that with a certain group in their organization when it was about that size. After this, it grew larger, and those deemed "the 144,-000" had noted examples of them living doing basically whatever they wanted and exploiting that status. They had to change the "revelation" and instruction with their group to avoid image problems.
  12. Ah, but can you remove mathematics from the mathematician? If a problem is solved in the woods and nobody sees or hears it, does anyone care? Thus intrinsic logic is bound to the extrinsic Illogical subjective nature of the human psyche. Personally, I prefer my subjective love of mathematics to allow it to transform into a higher form of poetic expression, the haiku: arc - parabola life - our parabolic bow ends that never meet
  13. Theorems, proofs, and expanding our understanding of the universe based upon science. This brings up to me an interesting topic - that of Stephen Hawking. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Hawking A brilliant mind with ALS - Lou Gehrig's disease - a degenerative disease that gradually paralyzed Stephen over decades. Hawking in the last year of his life (he died less than 2 months ago made significant scientific contributions to modern physics and how people view the Universe. https://www.universetoday.com/139167/heres-stephen-hawkings-final-theory-about-the-big-bang/ I like the science that expands the mind as opposed to the pseudo-science that restricts the mind.
  14. Come sit at the feet of Gamaliel the Elder and experience Enlightened Biblical Research Errr.... no..... not Gamaliel.... How about Victor the Drambuie Infused Lecher....? or Loy the Second String Football/Dance Star...? or Rosie the Passive-Aggressive ...? No, dead, not available, doesn't teach. Maybe the slogan needs a bit of modification..... Come listen to hours on end of a so-called Biblical Research class put together by re-arranging a drunken plagiarist lecher's stolen works and taught by human mimes who get replaced every few years. Then give us your money and subscribe to our teachings and magazine so we can monitor you. Love you, the [Soylent Green] Way International.
  15. Awesome Twinky! Thanks for your leadership in showing by example how leaving a cult opens up doors that weren't previously there. There is a life flow to Christianity in my opinion, and you are right in the center of it. Thanks for sharing.
  16. Nice insight here DWBH. I believe what they think is "the Word" in their minds is not much that God is involved with, and more of the consistency of "doing what they always have done" and trusting God to sort it out. Which is akin to the definition of stupidity. Doing the exact same thing and expecting a different result.
  17. First they have to be truthful with themselves.
  18. Because they are a "gift" to the body of Christ, donchaknow. Which body of Christ? You may ask. Fair question. Was it the body of Christ that awarded them the title? (that body would not be an accredited body, by the way LOL) No, not that one. They split off from that one and started a new one. Would it be the new one? How would we know? The only "gifting" in evidence seems to be that panel of dullards that we evidenced on a video. If that was a gift, can I exchange it at K-Mart? Oh, that must be the meaning of which why we need to go to meetings where they teach and listen to teachings from them. N - to - the - hizzou. So hence this is the new meaning of outreach. All of those revivers and resurrectioners were in their little positions of holiness in the body of Christ. not the head, but up the neck, like. Then, we have a cutting off. You see the body of Christ apparently like in Terminator movies regenerates upon splintering, where a small droplet from the former body of Christ now forms a large puddle on the landscape and formulates a full integral little body of Christ. * Note the little "b" as opposed to the big "B" .... In this little body of Christ formulated from a puddle on the landscape, now we have the same members in particular as we did in the big "Body of Christ" big "B". Thus the same "Reverend" members in particular who were, up the neck like, in the Body of Christ (big "B") now are also up the neck in the replicant splinter, the body of Christ (small "b"). Rise and Replication. Like the Arrow Worm. So now we have established a spiritual and exegetical understanding of why the R&R leadership still retains their "Reverend" titles. OR .... How big "B"s became little "b"s.
  19. As should our attention as they have currently absolutely nothing to offer. Except to each other in a private Facebook group and website. There within the confines of those walls, let the blind lead the blind with all sorts of made up titles.
  20. Awesome. Congrats. Cleansing is just a process and part of overall Christian growth and maturity. Some want to remain stunted in their teenage years of growth. But you already have a head start. Attachment to the negatives, hurt, bad feelings, actions of others including top leadership only keep you from seeing the new growth of the flowers in the spring.
  21. Hey Taxidev, I'm sure your decision was not easy, as the immediate impact of it will to be removing a support system that you are accustomed to. My encouragement at this moment would be to do the opposite of isolate. Shed the elitist "household of God" BS anti-Christ wrong dividing of scripture and embrace the true "one body" in all of its glory that Jesus Christ himself is the head of. Seek the pulse of that one body in your local area - where there is life there is blood flow. The best is ahead, but the path is not easy or one of least resistance. Prayers. The R&R folks are not dead, just as Twinky put it buried under a large mound of cemented BS.
  22. Always glad to contribute to Linder's bathroom reading material LOL. I'm sure it provides him great entertainment, stimulates some brain cells, and gets him laughing a bit. Plus he can escape into his alter ego real estate salesman persona if it really gets too bad. But John, I do have to say, shouldn't you be doing some re-search on a Way mag article?
  23. Very cool the Street Pastor stuff. God energizing Christians to move as one body in a local area. London movement there. It may spread worldwide or there may be something else that God is moving locally everywhere. We need more of this type of ministry, and less of the Way International or splinter Way Internataional group make a YouTube channel for Sunday teachings and a new class and beg for money type of ministry.
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