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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Instead of all of this, you could simply say Alexa, play sleep sounds
  2. All cults need an Origen story. This is one where there is an explanation of how traditional paths failed the cult originator and now the true path and true believers and true leaders and true household are in the new cult. Joseph Smith had the Conversations with the angel Moroni who gave him tablets. Now the apostles are the old curmudgeons who won’t let women have positions of authority. scientology had hubbards discoveries and elaborate scheme including auditing classes a path to enlightenment and a sea org. The Way has VPW and the snowstorm on some gas pumps. This is why no current research is necessary. This is the major premise behind why they think Christians should exclusively accept their truth rather than interacting with the rest of the body of Christ as mainstream Christian organizations do. If you accept the Origen story as genuine it is the first step on a path to accepting a false alternate identity. Mormons ask you to pray on the Joseph Smith story whether to accept as true or not. If accepted leads to bondage. The hierarchical Pharisees of the Way are not different. Accepting Wierwilles Origen story they now are fully salted to whitewashing its image. Accepting a major premise leads to accepting the conclusion.
  3. Salt is great. Pink Himalayan sea salt is my favorite. It’s a wonderful seasoning on all food. As to an obscure eastern custom influencing me to unquestionably follow directives of lunatics, it doesn’t seem to retain that quality for me. YMMV
  4. Actually I knew them but they were never friends. Even by way standards… I will bet one thing though. These new bored members are gonna “salt” themselves to their new positions of authority in the Way. No doubts there. It will become the defining thing of their lives.
  5. You used to be able to find annual revenue reports for them. That is how everyone knows about the 65 million in assets. But they have found a way to obscure those also.
  6. Leave it to the Way to take a mineral substance, an eastern custom, and abusive leadership teachings to produce lifelong self doubt in Christians. Is that their function in the body of Christ? To lead people to mental problems?
  7. They were fake friends. They are fake ministers.
  8. Knew all of them back in the day. Angela is balanced, intelligent, and nice. Vern is nice. But that didn’t stop him from mark and avoiding all the r and r group. Niceness doesn’t matter when they have sold their soul in service to a cult. Anyone who crosses them will meet the same type of action. Not because of lack of niceness. But because they are misguided with respect to the household of God and their positions in the body of Christ. Ask Vern about the new advanced class book called Just the Way it Was. Or Angela. Whitewashing away adultery and murder really.
  9. I mean it’s not like they have a research department working on any new material. That was completely shut down. So it’s just reorganize and reteach with fresh faces.
  10. The Way always uses tiers of new classes marketed as the present truth as opposed to the past truth as purging tools. Reporting will be done on who signed up from fellowship who did not and reason why monitoring people at class location All of this is similar to Scientology where the new path requirements are consistently introduced to keep money flowing in and control over the laeity. There is no auditing but definitely people telling misdeeds of others to leadership of non conforming thoughts or actions in private goes on and fuels further purging. In fact the tattle and purge is inherent within the Ways culture. You can document it through multiple sets of classes and multiple generations of leaders. Are you a NEW advanced class grad? or an OLLLLDDD advanced class grad? Interrogating minds want to know...
  11. chockfull


    Can I start calling the leaders of the Way the Incestuous Farmers of Ohio or IFO? Or am I already over my post limit for the new year lol?
  12. Undertow rocks. Buy it and read it if you haven’t. I’m looking forward to a better 2021. The change in administration will be good. It keeps our country from becoming a monarchy. Some idiots should learn from that but they won’t.
  13. I get the impression BG was a very loving local minister and took care of his local group very well. He wasn’t pushing a worldwide platform. Vic with the grandiose plans tried to steal that. But nothing replaces what BG put into his local community day after day and you can’t steal that kind of impact. Too bad sociopaths can’t understand that.
  14. Well I for one have a regret over the years of providing way too much personal encouragement for @$$holes. Yes we stroked their egos. The way they have policy set up strokes their egos. I should not have told them they are great. They aren’t. I was part of the problem. I have since rectified this as you see. The Christians in the Way are part of the body of Christ. A deluded part that needs prayers. One that has a fake family with a lesbian couple at the helm. I mean not that I have extreme issues with the lesbian family part now. It’s just all the lies posturing and need to ruin others lives over preserving the lies that is the biggest evil.
  15. I do agree that marginalizing people’s humanity is something that is very evident in cult leaders thinking. VP and the current crowd have that in common. To them the most important thing is the goal. Whatever it is that they have made up and stated. It changes. The people are secondary.
  16. Twinky that is awesome story of your mom. This pandemic sure challenges my mental health. Hope your mom feels all the love through all of the obstacles to expressing it. The good thing about the pandemic is all Christians are upping their online church game. This means finding a better church than the Way gets easier every month.
  17. Oh vomit. One more trapped soul in the cult cycle. Clergy have to accept the crooked picture frame around their spirituality without question. What a twisting of Gods calling to be ordained by the Way. Forever in servitude to the incestuous farmers in Ohio, always in fear of the Pharisees, compromising what you know of the truth of the Word and God to fit it in with the behavior patterns ingrained in a cult. I would feel sorry for both of them except for remembering what a pompous @$$ Jy was in power.
  18. Ole Vic was a master of the shell game for sure as evidenced by his plagiarized material. What do you do if you are having an affair with your secretary as a pastor, under fire from the board for being a rebel and worried it’s all going to catch up with you? Go to India. Make enough hype about it everyone forgets all the other details. I mean you gotta give the guy credit for being a Teflon don. His contemporaries in the same scenario were the Bakers who went public with a true confession then lost everything.
  19. With that perspective I personally have many memories that I have of enjoyable times, growth, life events. It’s amazing how removing the marionette strings allows the puppet to move freely.
  20. Reconnected with an old Way friend over holidays. It’s amazing how the perspective of the rank and file believer just does not have any pertinent details of the real putrid fruit of the leadership. Ever since inception the Way has been hiding the insidious acts of its leaders and fleecing the unsuspecting kind hearted souls in the seats of their members homes. They sit there because the leadership has zero investment in any community across the world. Church in the home means there is no responsibility on the organization to provide the extras most community churches provide freely. The Way is an organization of takers not givers.
  21. It’s the Wizard of Oz season 4 where the incestuous inbred farmers of Ohio run a cult and keep their personal very strange lives far away from prying eyes while they fleece people through mandated policy giving and put out worthless trash teachings during a pandemic. Don’t you wish you could be part of it again? Happy New Year spotters.
  22. Glad you're covered but make sure the bickering you see isn't due to your stubbornness to not consider a better option.
  23. So our alternative is oblivion over a cheaper alternative that can be shut down or complained about with donated funds from the about 100 members of the site? Cool. The Way and the splinters win. Game over. Glad I had a say in it. And no I really don't care if you take offense. You didn't care to ask me for alternatives or help first. Why should I care if you are offended? If you don't have more money host the damn site on SiteGround, put up a disclaimer that all content is opinions of members and not endorsed by site management and then good luck at Jean Yves minions getting anyone to listen to requests to take it down. They would have to violate a constitutional right. And PhPBB vs. Invasion is a software tradeoff worth oblivion? Come on, man. Or be a martyr I guess. It's a free country. Sorry I'm not more thankful in the face of what I consider stupidity.
  24. Some imagery development .....
  25. Ummmm. https://www.siteground.com/phpbb-hosting.htm Order of magnitude there. Just saying.
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