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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Hi John, Thx for your service over the years. So Christian music would mean a return to some of the 70s and 80s Way bands as opposed to the more canned approach by rfr so USA numbers to extrapolate would be well below 3000 active members. Smaller than most membership in community churches in a single city. 2500 is probably a scale number that might be reasonable. Age restriction of 18-35 basically is a strategic elimination of anyone of our era with knowledge showing up. They want the young fresh moldable minds that don’t know their history and are isolated so they can control them. The ambassador program and way corps program were initiated by wierwille and will continue despite ongoing anemic turnout for a decade plus. the ole shyster said if we lose wow we lose the ministry so generation 4 of the way has their own specific new wineskin going of that initiative. that, capital investment strategies for the $$$$ they have, and trying to get value out of the Colorado property are about what they have going on now. Pass on calling HQ not necessary or helpful in knowing what is going on. Members are still highly controlled through the endless succession of hookups and running classes much more controlled from hq than a denomination for example.
  2. In fact if you notice lurkers in cars in your neighborhoods mapping out addresses you can be assured they are either vacuum or magazine sales, Jehovahs Witnesses, or Way Corpse. Except the percentages for Way Corpse have kind of dropped a tad over the years.
  3. Old thread but good one. Dale Carnegie materials continued to be used through Way Corps 2 training (I think they are labeling it Way 4 now). Nobody was certified, Martindale plagiarized and re taught the material as Corps training. Witnessing as a term in the way is the exact same cult construct as the Jehovahs Witnesses. Members are required to provide service. Through direct leadership messaging and peer pressure. Service is door to door witnessing inviting people to a class presentation usually. Leaders are trained in getting people witnessing and signing people up for classes. Totally different concept from the one on the Bible of people living their faith and that garnering attention, but that concept was always gaslighted. Leaders said that was what they were doing. Okay then why the need for full coverage vacuum cleaner sales tactics? Really life becomes much more free in Christ when people stop looking at others as a means to an end.
  4. gene and sherry are good people. the way abused them beyond what you would believe. i am happy for them. he always was a research nut and i'm glad he is putting it to good use. glad hes teaching school in LA - thats a lifetime teaching job and he is a good teacher. damn glad God is multiplying their success like Job. i know nothing of their current associations or reasoning, havent spoken in many years. no i'm not packing up the camper and joining the old folks revival in montana. not my deal. and i'm not a fan of the ex corpse coords. except i believe rico to be genuine and to have put in genuine work on the classes his ministry offers. as such they would be better than the ways classes. but i know nothing of associations and strings and whatever else is involved in that group. as far as associations, i dunno - at least a bunch of those individual ministries working together in any sense more resembles activity that I believe to be more like the genuine body of Christ than the ways isolationist hooey. i think the r and r represents a collective offshoot group. i personally choose not to preserve anything remotely attached to wierwille, i believe my journey God is leading through other christian influences. but if ex way folks find a support system there its ok by me. unless they buy a motorcoach. but i 100% get the aversion to ex corpse coordinators. i concur. those clowns were the worst of the worst, like starting a new jewish ministry with ss gestapo members. how bout they stfu for the next couple decades. and the way int? they that trouble their own house will inherit the wind. so shellac away preserving that auditorium and broadcast equipment paid for with blood money.
  5. This is a quote from the hoovering article Bolsh listed. Key points are they are like a Hoover vacuum trying to suck you up and they consider you dirt. " A narcissist craves attention, validation, appreciation, and/or ego-boosting. It’s an addiction and they might need a lot of sources to fulfill their needs. A narcissist could thus be short of narcissistic supply and decide to try to lure you back in. They might sense you’re still vulnerable to them and try to manipulate you into re-engaging. When in contact or in a relationship with you they will drain your energy by trying to get their unending needs fulfilled. They simply like to have control over you. They don’t care about your feelings or needs but are merely focused on fulfilling their own needs." So with the Way reaching out to ex Corps grads again are they reaching out on a basis of the grads needs? Or is this another example of focusing on fulfilling their own needs once again of lack of leadership? Why do they have lack of leadership? Not because the wrong people were in charge. Because it is a cult system. This is why 95% of the leadership body they trained left them. Because the entire thing is a narcissistic sham, and they NEVER intend to care about the leaf in the twig so to speak. They don't know how to think or speak in terms of other people's interests. Their conscience is seared. I mean will the Pope tear down St Peters Basilica? Will the elders stop making them wear fish hats? About then is when we can expect the Ways customs to change also.
  6. The ways ambassador program I went through worked out ok. 4 people from different parts thrown together in a different culture. For a youngster it was a support system of an abusive sort but it was there. We went out and had fun and met people. The ways leadership would always be introducing some kind of guilt trip. Like what does witnessing actually mean? No it's not going to happy hours and meeting people it's door to door. Or some bondage .... that we quickly ignored. Or some hard core corps nazi would be trying to sign up homeless people for a class while they were out visiting for a short period of time. The biggest problem I saw for me with the program is that it started a pattern of nomad living. Making dumb choices. Moving all over for no reason at the behest of abusive people. Instead of building a quality life where I had an existing support system. One more old wine skin. Sorry.
  7. A growing demand for limb coordinators. Riiiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhhhhhtttttt. There's a growing demand for a new wine skin. From scriptures. This would include new leadership that didn't stand by for decades abusing people at what they want us to believe was Rosalies request? So sure. Step down from the bod lofty positions, implement an elected leadership body without lifetime appointed positions like the r and r crowd suggested. Then we might believe you. But step right back in to the abusive cycles run in the same system with the same people doing the same things, all to perpetuate teaching a stolen class and sending all the money in to New Hicksville Ohio the spiritual center of the universe lol Riiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhttttttttttttt. I bet I could close my eyes and throw a dart at a map of my city, pick a church on the corner closest to where it lands, go connect with the Christians there, and have a less abusive time. I think Bolsh has it 100% Hoover ing. With a large sucking sound.
  8. It's almost like you need to use scripture buildup principles from PFAL to really understand the full scope of all the snow jobs.
  9. What is an “established branch” nowadays? A city with one home fellowship with people out of debt and 2 “Bible Studies” with people in debt leading them? Or now that it's Way 4 are we delivered from that particular category of bondage? And they are so much more enlightened now? And we're not going to talk about that anymore? But you have to be out of debt to go? I see the new skins. I see the old wine....
  10. Lmao TBone. The Payne quote was from the Elena Whiteside thread maybe her book but a couple others referenced there... I know, they could fix everything with the word faux. Faux is popular, faux is in style, faux is the sizzle! Faux is the plagiarists key whitewash word to keep the truth in things. The Way of Faux Abundance and Faux Power Faux Power for Faux Abundant Living Wait I see the problem. The truth in advertising causes it to lose it's appeal...
  11. As I read through I noticed one more discrepancy. VP in one work speaks of his first receiving into manifestation Holy Spirit (autocorrect caps that) in his office in Payne Ohio where God told him the teach him Word 1st century line. But in another area it is the JE Stiles story at Oral Robert’s Tulsa Oklahoma convention. Which was the first RHST practiced by VP? Something that transformational for him and all subsequent cult followers should be even more clear than 4 crucified or the day Jesus died, no? Also, I at one time owned a copy of JE Stiles book on the Holy Spirit, and can personally say that my assessment was over 70% of the RHST book was directly copied from Stiles book. VPs account of writing the RHST book involve checking into a motel and existing on a diet of grapes for 10 days. I wonder if the diet was a subconscious attempt to cleanse himself from the plagiarism lol.
  12. I take no pleasure in exposing TWIs iniquity. Mostly distance from it helps me personally. But without it exposed history repeats and a new generation of lives end up just like the last one with 98% of graduated leadership in the org not associating themselves any longer due to cult like operations and control and false doctrine eroding basic family values. They continue to lie and whitewash because their standard of living and income and power and influence would not be what it is without that. in this sense they are the true children of VP
  13. Re reading this thread. It is so fricken good and paints a complete factual picture with all your content added. GS fam rocks
  14. Excellent salient points and summary WW. This makes it even so much more clear. Without the uniqueness of VPWs story, which was conveniently covered up by removing the book containing its account by Elena Whiteside removed from sale at the bookstore, there is no substantial reason for the Ways classes. Most of the content was stolen from BG Leonard. Think about it. God somehow bypassed the other 10 billion inhabitants of the planet, and chose to personally teach one morally decrepit minister with a narcissism problem. The mans other contemporaries like Billy Graham and Oral Robert’s whose tent event VPW faked speaking in tongues at were not so lucky to be chosen by God to hold the golden tablets for our generation PFAL. The current class is not new material. The video was so outdated of VP it wasn’t relevant so they remade the class by basically re arranging the content. There is not new or different doctrine introduced. This re work was done by an athlete with a bachelors degree in business. Then when that class grew to be a non viable option due to the guy on video being ousted for being a sexual predator just like the first guy, the same material was re taught by three people so it wouldn’t take as long to replace if one of them caved in also. So tracking the material, it is a Canadian minister (BG Leonard) teaching material that VPW stole without permission. Then it was reorganized by sexual predator #2 with no academic credentials, then re taught by a committee. One of the three left over the glaring discrepancy of having a Biblical research ministry with nobody actually doing research and no research department. So his content was replaced. From just a basic logical analysis of the classes and content, it is a reasonable path to form a conclusion regarding the history of the content and to reach the idea that it is a group sham as opposed to God delivering original content to a group. It doesn’t hold up to any scrutiny at all basically. If there is a conclusion to be drawn it is that the content in the Ways classes are not magic in producing false claims, and are basically a sham orchestrated by people protecting money power and position who know better and definitely know what they are doing with the content. Protect the $65M in assets amassed by the first predator. y a
  15. So where I am at with this is I do not believe God talked to VP and told him He would teach VP the Word like it hasn’t been known since the first century. Nor do I believe the snow on the gas pumps story. it is either true, or it is a fictional tale akin to Joseph Smiths conversation with an angel. I believe it to be a fictional tale. The result of it is not truth it is confusion. It is not unity but splitting the body of Christ to the point people are in bondage moving in and out of that group. This leaves the Way 4 as what it is. A bunch of crustaceans desperately trying to survive with a job resume of greater than a decade in a cult. Mr chocolicious found out how far that takes you in a real world. The abused become the abusers and the cycle continues. And scriptures still point to the futility of putting old wine in new wine skins….
  16. So in the context of this thread i can’t forget the words of Dorothy Wierwille at her husbands funeral. ”He was a mean man”
  17. Lol Bol. It sounds like there is a new superhero waiting in the wings
  18. Not really. Did your first attraction to the Way include being attracted to the depth of scripture research and the Dr who taught the Word like it hasn’t been known since the first century? why did we so easily accept isolation from the rest of the body of Christ?
  19. 100% Twinky. It is a shell game. Focus on the minutiae and miss the message. They can't see the forest for the trees. It's the same story with the manifestations...
  20. Anything to add to the topic besides spell correction guys or is this all we got?
  21. Sorry no message with a typo that turned out to be an alternate spelling. And yes the examples are widespread. But for me I had to accept an over hyped origin story that somehow VP and the Way had an understanding of the scripture that other Christians didn't have for whatever reason. They don't. VP did a little research work. Others did more of it for him as chronicled by Charlenes book. He was a lecherous plagiarist that founded a cult. People are still buying in to the gas pumps story though. They do not even have a Biblical research department because of this. They are no longer actively seeking to improve their Biblical knowledge, understanding, or application as they feel they already have the truth. This is a direct quote. There is a reason for the stagnation. YMMV This device has a stupid autocorrect that doesn't work. Also after a short period posts are no longer editable so impossible to correct spelling...
  22. Bolsh, children in the Way endured a particular kind of hell, growing up in a cult when their minds are forming. Rosalie's next hand groomed successor Donna has children that have distanced themselves from HQ for decades. But that plan was foiled by other Pharisees. I think you have trauma from being screamed at associated with LCM and also with forced SIT as a child. I don't mind reading your thoughts... You are coming to grips with the past and overcoming trauma.
  23. I love my parents and am closer to them now living farther away than I could be in the Way living in the same city. I'm glad they refused to carry a mortgage note for me so I could rent from them and be debt free like so many of the current Way leadership are doing. Bunch of damn hypocritical Pharisees.
  24. Wierwille was the king of making mountains out of molehills. How many were crucified with Christ? 2 or 4? See mainstream Christianity can't even get it right with details of Christs death and resurrection. So trust us instead of them because we are more accurate. If you read about the Pharisees in the Bible you get a good picture of how Way leadership operates. But they hide this with good words and fair speeches. Don't buy their major premise. Insignificant details in scripture are just that. Insignificant details. Not a reason to follow a cult.
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