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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. But but but but it's a worldwide ministry...... Lol
  2. The Way due to its inherent narcissism distilled as culture from the founder has never been known to collaborate with others in the Christian community or secular expert community. 12 step has probably done more genuine good for more people throughout its existence than the Way has. Just look at numbers it is a no brainer.
  3. My take is it is a feeler being put out by the victors of the big cheese wars after they marked and avoided the losers of the big cheese wars. They now need littler subservient cheeses to magnify the greatness of their position, do the grunt work, and get them donuts along with their rise and expansion reports. Cults are self perpetuating. That is why you have to leave them and cannot fix them from within. Jesus spoke of the children of the Pharisees being threefold the child of hell of the parents. This is definitely speaking to cult succession not just genealogy.
  4. And to all those reading who really really like nostalgia to the point they would trade anything in their life for that good old feeling, you can probably get old PFAL books on eBay, read them over and over and beg HQ to take you back unsuccessfully. you, know, like mike is doing, our fearless self appointed leader. reminds me of the definition of insanity.
  5. We are. By telling the truth. But by all means continue to derail that truth by calling me desperate and stupid. And turning the attention of all that could be delivered by reading this thread onto you and your dumbass antics. Jackass.
  6. Wow great thread sky and all. Threads like these tie together the history that the Way desperately wants to hide from its followers. A detailed analysis of the people and components involved from mature minds that are no longer 20 - 25 year’s old. The small bit I have to contribute is from the one time I traveled to the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco and had a look around at all the 1960s hippie counter culture history. There were many attractions during this time period including the Grateful Dead house at 710 Ashbury Jerry Garcia’s house. Free love, psychedelics, the Bible were all a major part of the hippie Jesus counterculture movement of the 60s. I believe Doop hung out at a storefront there called The Living Room, which was a lounge area for kids to get together and talk about God and the Bible. Wierwille being slightly older at that time probably developed his leisure suit Larry look during that time trying to fit in as “The Doctor”. Getting these hippies out to the farm, drying them out, teaching them some etiquette (Dorothy Owens) and propping them up as new respectable ordained ministers was Vics methodology. Then shuffle them around enough they don’t have time to form their own Living Room type influence locally, and come up with a lame excuse to collect all the money centrally. But they were too lazy to be able to do that outside the USA. So international Way is 3x the cluster f. In Africa the Way is 100% cultural appropriation Christianity exactly like the paper Vic wrote criticizing foreign missions in his old denomination. No he didn’t do it better when he was in charge. Other areas were strong personalities and did whatever they wanted and kept the money internationally. The money is why international followers splintered off ahead of the USA body of lemmings. USA has just been under the 2 current VP d bags doing RFRs bidding for a couple decades, growing smaller and more disconnected from the world. Now they are free to do whatever they want with the 10 followers left. Their current campaign of returning to the good old days and inviting the youth to a music festival is about as lame as a retirement community leisure suit, which is what they will be wearing there.
  7. My takeaway from all this is where you see the most twisting of the topics on threads, that is probably where the Way is feeling the heat of the truth the most. And fake white knights are motivated to ride in. Yes the Way is looping a pattern from summer schools decades ago. Be the pied piper to the youth, lead them away with your pipes. Don't let any of those possessed old 35 year old adults with mature minds and support systems in. Then lie some more about the past until nobody cares and ride those positions into the sunset.
  8. So to obviate, if Mike is a fake account of a way leader, then he would already have a manipulated position in the way and the story about calling hq and not being let in would be a lie. They would do that. 100%.
  9. Yes it was usurped. Possibly the intent. To direct attention away from johnj and the 3 generation accurate analysis of the way and to act dumb and encourage people to read old materials and go back to the way.
  10. Mike I'll be honest there is very little self awareness or reflection in all of this. No cult sexual manipulation, plagiarism, and shunning are not marble cake that someone bit into the wrong part of. It's too bad you can't relate to the parts of my post that could be of help. In fact much of your response sounds like I am speaking to a pseudo account of someone pretending to be a character. Which would be consistent with you just not quite getting it online here. It's ok. If you are a fake way leader, you can fool me. It's fine. If you are just kind of a guy bumbling along like you pretend to be I wish you the best. Either way rote repetition reading of old way materials won't save you any more than the rosaries we left in the catholic church. And I got rid of my blue book 10 years ago because who needs that to quote them anyway. Any good way follower could teach most of the blue book from memory, right mike? so what should we do mike? Call headquarters like you and be put on a list to be evaluated whether they will let us back in or not?
  11. So IMO that movement may have influenced the method or worship manifestations or what they teach in the INT class regarding order in those. Branham and related groups do the speaking in tongues along with emotional displays, dancing, cartwheels, running up and down the aisles, and bowl haircuts of all oddities. Oh and the no makeup for ladies and demure flower print dresses. I mean for real everything of the day and time had some influence. The spiritual 40 club or whatever funded traveling speakers to come in and steal their research, practical approach, etc. Never for a dual ministry or collaborative ministry purpose, but to steal Pillais writings, or Glenn Clark’s camps idea which they are still failing at btw.
  12. Thx for the history links WW. I did not mean to belittle Branham’s life or movement. In fact my impression was he was the founder of a denomination One God Apostolics or at least heavily influencing that movement. I have attended one of their tent meetings in the past…
  13. Coincidentally, socks rhymes with rocks. Because his posts rock.
  14. Hi Wet Blanket I’m Fire Hydrant. Nice to meet you lol. we didn’t mention yet the former harem members with current big way assignments or how people trade on dirt for assignments.
  15. I’m sorry Mike. One of the hardest things ever is struggling with some kind of mental illness and having people show you pretend compassion to take advantage of you, then reject you yet again. I’m not saying that is you. But I probably have at least 2 or 3 conditions that developed in conjunction with or as a response to a cult. People stigmatize this or say it’s proof of devil spirits but they did that in the 1880s with the plague too. It’s especially insidious in cases where the Way caused the condition and then is ostracizing the victim due to the condition. and no re reading the collaterals for the 1500th time aren’t going to produce any different results than any other cargo cult type activity.
  16. Corollary: you know you’ve left a cult when your family is now close to you once again.
  17. When you reprove yourself for saying Merry Christmas because it was a Catholic abused inaccurate holiday they usurped to allow pagan god worship while gaining followers.
  18. Sky my brother your story in all of its gory detail including even the corps kidnapping have helped me in my recovery more than words can express. Thank you so much. Charlene your book was pivotal in my understanding and recovery. I think my personal story comes out in stages like my recovery. I have zero motivation for a brain dump. Sorry I don’t think I can face it end to end even after more than a decade. That’s just me. I do what I can. Look the Way has been about isolating and controlling young minds for 4 generations. Once people hit 35 and start having kids they become a liability to the Ways method of thinking. Harder to isolate and control. Harder to force to move for their political reasons. Harder to tell where to work, how to not have a mortgage. How do I view you all at GS? You are part of my church. But I might be reading Soren Kirkegards philosophical writings as opposed to spewed vomit from a cult leader that consists of 90% narcissistic personality disorder comments that add zero value and make no sense. I am cool with that. And my other support systems, both Christian and secular. They are also kind of my church. Peace spotters. Sky thanks for enduring the insanity and for the learning you gained from it to help us.
  19. Rocky thanks for the book review. That is quite an analysis tying together the elements of Stockholm syndrome to the pressures enacted by a cult. I think you are spot on. It’s also a cult peer pressure thing where the higher the position the more they try to influence and pressure as we have seen evidence of through many here’s stories. I remember a while ago when a current BODummy was putting his resume out there on the internet being passed over for the Prez position. The way that guy thought about himself and his so called accomplishments were the epitome of vomit inducing ego. The reality was more like he publicly stated on more than one occasion. “I’m not a yes man I’m a yes ma’am”. I think most of their day encompasses dreaming up how to control the masses and pump up their own ego. And preserve their power. They have their reward now. I’m planning on avoiding them and saving on collecting my reward at the return. Peace spotters Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Jesus is the reason for the season not cult leaders antics and power. And I’m not gonna get reproved for not saying happy household holidays. Holidays in the “household” were seldom happy. So for me cult recovery involves distance from the captors not closeness. Where they don’t control or influence my food clothing and shelter and work to provide for my family. Captors can stay the f in Stockholm.
  20. 3 hots and a cot. Putting people in priests office for filthy lucre sake from OT. The way will ride this into the sunset with a country song and a trailer.
  21. Actually now that I think about it the reform paper on missions is probably why all way int money stays in the countries. Which is quite a score for international megalomaniacs. Those leaders have their own cults within the cults and are living larger than their USA counterparts
  22. Wow the Way has quite a presence in the Christian cultural appropriation movement going on in Africa. I wonder if the Way ever got around to designing a better international design than VP criticized in his paper on foreign Christian missions which was said publicly to be the reason for his pending disciplinary action by the Evangelical and Reformed denomination and leaving starting his own deal. The private reason was an affair with his secretary.
  23. Hey Jim, The various works by VP indicate a struggle with the Trinity he claimed to not have ever believed it and avoided teaching on the topic. Then later the JCNG book which imo was a differentiation tactic because people were taking his classes and going back to their churches in the 60s. I never heard of Branham looked him up. A faith healer part of the Pentecostal movement. Died in a car wreck in 65. One God Pentecostals or Apostolics are part of that. Branham followers now labeled a cult. I doubt VP knew of the guy he had not that much power so wouldn't have been on vps radar.
  24. I believe twinky however is a lawyer if I am not mistaken.
  25. Mike, You call HQ all the time. You attended one limb meeting. Does this mean the way is letting you back in? Are you now again an active member? Have they permitted this?
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