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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Sky you are so eloquent. Nice summary. I see the PLAF-T as accomplishing the following (besides being the new strain of a virus lol ) 1). Ensures one way communication - all the hamster wheel activity surrounding classes ensures no two way conversations happen about scriptures or the interpretation of them especially as they pertain to Way policy 2). Provides another census for HQ of who still will be involved in “the household” 3) Whitewash - achieves the perfect blend of apology for the past with ignoring and repeating the past. Beyond that there is no reason for it. There is no new research as there is no new publications writings department work or presentations. This is another shell game - rearranging the same content again but not fixing any of the fatal flaws. This is the anatomy of an old wine skin.
  2. I'm not gonna wait this is important. Godel published two very influential theorems of mathematical logic. They are concerned with the limits of provability of axiomatic math theories. The first theory states that no consistent systems of axioms is capable of proving all truths about the arithmetic of natural numbers. So this whole line of thinking would negate the idea that it is possible to prove all Biblical truths from scriptural logic, due to inherent limits. Godel and Fundamentalism would not be good buddies if you get my drift. The God breathed Word is not something that aligns with Godel. A lot of the functional value of Godel is that he brought an acceptance of vastness and the minuteness of mankind into the mathematical logic and proofs we use today in geometry and algebras. Keep in mind I am not the one who brought the mathematician into the conversation. I would say that VPW did not have the slightest clue about Godel, including missing the major points of his well known publications. And someone searching for secondhand Easter eggs in all of this I would just say would have a proclivity to conspiracy theory. In that I see the similarity to VP.
  3. Wow. 9 paragraphs on peoples writings about Godel. Zero discussion of his first and most far reaching work - incompleteness theory. Now that you have enlightened us on your oh so inspired credentials how about actually talking about the mans work.
  4. You have a point about Godel. His work did tie together a lot of the philosophy of the time together and he could be called a father of the modern proof so to speak with his work used to improve the logical proof process.
  5. Hi. I find it a bit disingenuous when someone claims to be an armchair mathmetician for two decades without pursuing education. I do have a degree in math. Godel was instrumental in tying the concepts involved in mathematical proofs together from previous threads. I find it hilarious for people to be discussing derived systems from Godel without discussing his incompleteness theorem. What are your thoughts on his incompleteness theories and writings as a 50 year student? It is very on topic btw.
  6. Math carries the characteristics of the “ethical cult” that is discussed in another thread. No direct human hierarchy. But a code and pattern that all mathematicians worldwide follow.
  7. One of VPs contemporaries was Norman Vincent Peale. He wrote the book The Power of Positive Thinking. I have an old copy of this in paperback. I think many of the claims off the back of that book are identical or very very similar to the PFAL claims. What are the odds that those bullet points were lifted?
  8. God is great. He gave us a brain to use and a subconscious mind that protects us. God gets His word to us via a thought, by a butterfly flying, by a brief picture of a bridge, by the feeling a song gives us, by a complex system of thought that He designed. We are all sinful people. Reading scripture and praying builds a closeness in the relationship. Study scriptures for yourself. Don't be an elitist butthole that thinks you are slightly better than other Christians. Interact with the whole body of Christ, not a select group of Pharisees.
  9. So even reading Wikipedia on Gurdjieff is enlightening. A Russian philosopher. His approach is similar to a Buddhism concept of enlightenment. The idea being waking sleeping people. I will say that this is the first time I have ever heard a philosophy from an obscure Russian philosopher used as an excuse for why a clergyman could not control his anger or his mouth.
  10. But hey it spins up whole new conversations digging into the minutiae of the real meaning of the PLAF with Mikey lol
  11. Oh wow. Just read the plaf today article on the website. These guys are so unimaginably stupid it is not funny. Do you know how many complete church startups that occurred during the time period you were using all the blood money broadcast production equipment to video yet another version of an old wine skin? Wierwille never had a genuine experience in his prayer life with the worship manifestations so he stole Stiles experience and teaching along with manufacturing a miracle that is easily proven false. This is readily evident by each time you hear him perform the sit it is exactly the same lo shanta lol. Now two generations later they are re doing the same damn charts with new faces and the same equipment. How stupid do you need to be to promulgate a scam two decades after it fails working? I mean renovate a house or something not an intro class to an abusive cult. But hey stupidity never stops catching fish lol.
  12. So AI is trying to replace humans for jobs they can’t stand like call in customer support. Some form of chat bot is used that posts nonstop links to self help documents.
  13. We just watched the Fyre music festival scam with Billy McFarland. Billy is a narcissistic con.
  14. I actually got to know these guys a bit. 4 brothers whose father was a pastor for some denomination disgraced over politics. The church didn’t allow instruments just vocals only. the boys ended up playing for the head cheese, who told them they would never play in one of his meetings. so they left that group went on tour and played in everyone else’s church 165d a year tour. real is real, fake is fake, and controlling d bags are a universal thing.
  15. Wow I did not know so many of my spotter brethren were so musically inclined. I don’t have the energy to analyze all the bs with way productions past to present. But ROA 72 film had some dudes in fros knocking over cymbals and sounding badass. Between VP and Rosalie’s High Country Caravan BS to try and clean things up and make them Nashville PG audience approved canned productions it basically ruined the music and the culture. They have tried to do things with music many times and are again with the summer youth rock or whatever. But they are forever turning dang down because they are too old. Guitars, real drums to electric, basses, synth, basically any musical talent riffs licks which makes songs good are vanilla edited out or turned down to the point of not being audible. We have Stepford people with fake smiles delivering fake sentiments about fake families all dictated from on high. All to borrowed tunes. Could it suck more? Rock on spotters we gonna have to do a tribute band lol
  16. They do get more and more out of touch with what connects in the world. That was a cringe worthy display. Contrast it with the Christian group that won a Grammy last night.
  17. If there’s a problem I’ll solve it. Check out the hook while my dj revolve it.
  18. I’m thinking that rather than Biblical research it was Biblical brosearch. Instead of cracking the text or visiting a dig site it is ask your bro. Biblical brosearch. Literal translation according to usage. whose usage? The head bro of course. and especially ask the bros not the ladies about those adultery verses.
  19. Yes all of the R and R detail I can confirm. I view it more of a Martin Luther points nailed to a church door with the letter to the BOD. They realized futility of change from within. Now it’s another Way splinter of which there are many. As Paul described them they make a shipwreck out of the family faith. Don’t sit down on a bench and get one in your behind lol The Putin joke by WW reminds me of how all penny ante dictators act. Shoot the messenger. So people are blowing sunshine at him. He has unworthy intel and paranoia about his inner circle. That’s the legacy of cheap dictators - inherit the wind.
  20. One great benefit to GSC is threads like this where we can replace genuine quality Biblical researchers and their work product into the old slots in our brains held for other faux researchers we have experienced in the Way. Thank you all for the collaborative efforts. I'm thinking this activity has more value than chasing ones tail with circular way logic or fixating on red dots
  21. Spot on with the overbearing parents analogy. My kids suffered trauma due to communal oversight of children in the cult. I have had to work very hard at not being an overbearing authoritarian .... with my children due to the example set in the Way Corps. I am sure the egocentric BOD think I should be thankful to them for the family I have. In reality I am thankful to God both for my family and that He provided an avenue for me to escape the maladaptive patterns that were set in the functioning of the Way so that my kids don’t experience 3 generations of consequences
  22. Sorry for teasing Bolsh of course we are different and that is great. I was just struck by the ultimate con - the Bible DIY. Do it yourself videos are all the rage. You can learn how to do anything. And the best DIY videos earn tons of YouTube watch and subscribers resulting in a large cash flow payout. VPW borrowed Bullingers keys to how the Bible interprets itself and used that with all his homiletic ability to sell Bible DIY to the world. Do-It-Yourself i think that has to be VPWs best con of all.
  23. I think we can all feel for Bolsh a little here. Obviously when he was a child and his head was soft someone dropped an orange book on his head and it left a permanent dent. The Word interpreting itself is the amazing long con. I was just too dumb as a Corpse grad. I should have pointed out that if the Word was powerful enough to interpret itself it should have no problem promoting itself, moving itself and educating itself. Shouldn't need a faux military org like Way Corps. Or a sea org of indentured minimum wage servants. Or any other group of mass means to an end.
  24. You know this logic sounds remarkably like the logic that VPW used to excuse his adulterous actions. Some people weren't mature enough to handle that kind of love or some such rationalization. If only people had more love. Free love. That's how the sickness gets transmitted like a virus into another sick soul. Sick logic.
  25. Engine I think I get your perspective perhaps VPW was so 100% narcissistic that it was not necessarily an orchestrated con. He was just living in his own little universe of the James Dean teacher from the Midwest that the hippies could go visit for summer school. However, buying equipment for and starting a printing press? That’s a fair bit of foresight there to be truly seat of the pants. Ralphs summaries are cool he hasn’t been on here in a minute.
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