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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Oh Jeezus. Is there any more clear of a way to rationalize your sin and establish it as a doctrine than “spiritual adultery” versus the act of actual adultery?
  2. You know the whole zoology of devil spirits has a kind of appeal. I mean it’s similar to a Dungeons and Dragons non player character encyclopedia. This from my remembrance is one of the main appeal trying to be sold of the advanced class. Be fully instructed. All 9 all the time. Then after this you have people imagining revelation and acting like &sses and detecting devil spirits all over. This actually leads to some really twisted scenarios like some of the splinter groups where the leaders and wives were having dueling devil spirit detection revelation. You are a snake. No you are a person with holes. No you are lazy like a dog I saw. Many Way leaders behave like this. They are insane.
  3. Yes they do ring more true today sky. And you are spot on as usual. The Ways doctrine is plagiarized, stolen, the work product of immoral acts. The Ways manner is cheap dictatorship. This is about as far as you can get from a genuine minister and ministry. But they are going to run on the rails that brought them there. A nostalgia ministry founded on stealing, lying, and attacking one another for position.
  4. “Spiritual goals” in TWI are code words for the next step on the hamster wheel for the individual. The next level class, program, or assignment continually in the face keeps the hamster motivated happy and productive.
  5. You know the sad part about it is the eternal rewards part. if I can read the Bible clearly, they basically are not going to receive eternal rewards for their efforts because their hypocrisy and abuse of others garnered them the only reward they are going to get on earth - forced compliance. it’s called the dictators reward system.
  6. Wow. I have a friend who studies formal Japanese tea ceremonies. They are intricate, complicated, and hard to master. I’ve seen some of his extended sets and they are impressive. I am sure his life dream is to perfect his abilities so that he can serve in the most important capacity like pouring for dignitaries like the BOD. in the real world tho he kills it at kids parties. Started for his daughter and shares his skills.
  7. I think the origin of standing is formal protocol for foreign dignitaries and other vip status people. Interestingly it is in the news now due to Kamala Harris book being published, where she felt slighted that White House aids stood for Biden entering the room but not her. Its a subconscious control method of course. Some dictators would have peasants executed that didn’t stand up or bow in their presence. In modern day seems like formal tradition mixed with narcissistic need. I mean like as a group for instance I haven’t seen a whole lot of fruit from the group labeled Way clergy that would inspire me to stand up or anything. With some noted exceptions they are largely an ego driven worthless lot. But their mentality also many times is like the dictators who would execute peasants.
  8. I noticed that the leaves are not far from turning colors, the summer is over, and the kids are back in school. I was looking around in all of the national and local news to see if they carried the story of this huge music festival that is changing the landscape in Christianity sparked by the youth. Visions of the teen stage at ROA and all the kids and excitement. I didn’t seem to notice anything. Does anyone living in the area have any more info? Did this event occur? Get canceled? I mean I’m on a mailing list for Lifelight which kind of is a Christian concert ministry but that’s a different topic
  9. Hey Nate. Yes it’s an actual quote I’ve heard it many times. I didn’t check but would bet it is in the Lifelines publication of VPs one liners.
  10. I actually had pushed that down in my conscious mind from direct remembrance. I would agree this is the big lie that justifies practical error and gives rise to spirits of antichrist, obsession and error to run free within the confines of that group. Antichrist because the emphasis shifts from Christ and new birth to orchestrated SIT and Pharisee compliance. Obsession because of the scribe like pursuit of interpretation while denying any private opinion. And the control and sex. Error because this all happens while the dullard is believing they know scripture better than any other Christian group. I look forward to the bema and standing by Jesus side while he covers these items with them. If I am allowed.
  11. I think with the new generation of millennials you really can’t rely on 60s styles coming back around again. So they need a better slogan that indicates more specialness. Like The Word Dominates the World. I mean we are really tired of all the passive verbs people. It’s time to put your Maggie Mugg on and get out there and dominate. We need some real pro wrestling verbs people or they are gonna keep falling asleep at the Sunday service
  12. WOW ambassadors. Rehab program plus staff get rid of kids program plus make apprentice corpse do something. Is it better than Mormons on bicycles? The jury is still out. As for word over the world I guess if you are dumb enough to fall for the 1942 miracle and PFAL today in the face of advice and evidence, I guess then you really need a cause, logical or not.
  13. Why division? Weeeeeelllll it certainly couldn’t have come from the lack of enlightenment of your fodder in da verd. He was perfectly enlightened as the story was told to one of his young female conquests. it must be everyone else in the world. All the denomination heads who are seed of the serpent. All the Corpse who really don’t stand with him. All the Bible interpreters, if they just could see it in the original. No, can’t you see that all the division is not caused by the sick minds inflicting their illness on unsuspecting sheep, it is really that those sheep are so not enlightened that they can’t see the scriptures in their literal translation according to usage.
  14. Yes absolutely sky !!! Thank you for all your words over the years. They have helped me tremendously to deal with the PTSD left over from dealing with this insidious cult and self seeking and serving individuals running it. I am thankful my family and legacy is free from the trappings of this cult to climb other summits and I also am free to climb not bound in my later years to the dictates of cheap dictators.
  15. Ha! I’ll tell you what is missing from their statement of beliefs. 1. We believe that the Board of Directors are divinely called to their positions and that truth trumps all other truths in the balance of life and justifies all Machiavellian action preserving these positions. Just telling the truth here
  16. What is missing is this reads like a mainstream Christian denominations statement of beliefs. It has a ring like the Apostles Creed and sounds official. However two of their bullets butcher what they actually teach on the trinity and Godhead to sound more mainstream Christian. Why? To fool incoming new potential followers. They are not leading with JCNG and ADAN. They hide that like they hide the financial control stuff. When in the history of the Way have they ever operated outside of closed corporation decisions? When have they ever collaborated with a single other Christian group or entity toward a common body of Christ goal? No, Paul identified this not by statement of beliefs but by impact on the overall body of Christ. Shipwrecked with a good story.
  17. I mean even his father in the Word did a correspondence school doctorate in Biblical matters and presented on homiletics. We are not even there with the 4th regurgitation of the stolen BG Leonard / JE Stiles material.
  18. So one more aspect of PLAF-T The teachers. How would you go about selecting them? Well multi cultural is an appeal. But scholastically, what about teachers who have pursued scholastic studies in the Bible? Maybe an advanced language degree somewhere to lend any kind of credibility? No they picked the Greenes son who is a recent pharmacy school graduate. “Dr” Greene. Does this show any effort at all to correct a path, to bring an org closer to Gods Word, to fulfill any kind of a Biblical purpose? No. 100% nepotism. 100% fake credentials. Double down on the name PFAL. There is zero intention to change at the highest levels. My posting here has long passed the hope that these conscience seared individuals will ever lead back to God and the Bible. It has progressed to pointing out the obvious by the fruit to any who would save themselves from their clutches.
  19. You know I think these questions illustrate the problem with the doctrine very clearly. Do you see the confusion here by the juxtaposition of the Bible, a sanctioned interpretation of the Bible, and spiritual direction in life? With Way logic all you need to do is line up your opinions with their sanctioned interpretation of the Bible (compliance to past Way teachings) and you have a renewed mind. Brainwashing language masked as spiritual maturity.
  20. You = Christ if you have a renewed mind. What is a renewed mind? One that is filled with Gods Word. That is the gist. In practice it comes to be equivalent with compliance to leadership. And as such is a foothold for a cult taking over a persons life friends opinions finance politics and career path.
  21. Yes Mark with an extreme fundamentalist view people think of themselves as equal to Jesus Christ because they are thinking about scripture. I remember that doctrine taught clearly in the foundational and renewed mind classes. This really twists up the transitive aspect of equality into something as illogical as the Catholics believing that bread and wine literally turns into body and blood. I guess my progression away from fundamentalism has me focus on the relationship and lifestyle of Christ as opposed to illogical juxtapositioning of myself as god because my opinion lines up with some interpretation.
  22. I think the origin of this statement “the word takes the place of the absent Christ” probably has to do with the mixup VP had over some of the transitive qualities of math. Remember “things equal to the same thing are equal to each other”? Transitive aspect of equality. This works with real numbers. When you get in to human aspects it doesn’t really apply. Only kind of. Is Michael Jordan the GOAT? Or was it Wilt? Lebron? Not many agree on transitive qualities in humans. If only Vic would have been a more dedicated student in grade school math …. I view the statement as an extreme fundamentalist interpretation. In this they show themselves to be following the path of the scribe who Jesus confronted.
  23. TBone I love your Christmas font edition of Colossians! It rocks! This passage stood out to me like it was in 24 font bold. This is what the Way did to me. Took me captive with a hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and forces of the world rather than Christ. The teachings of a separate household within the body of Christ is a Pharisee doctrine. Pharisees set up little inner circles of communication by which they get all their work done. Never even need to dirty their hands interacting with the masses. Reversing this involves returning to Christ by booting the Pharisees. That’s what Jesus did. Live like him.
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