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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. You know I must confess that absent Christ discussion was interesting. But with all of VPs shell games with the Bible we never really got down into the true depths of the transitive nature of Way logic equality in action. Step 1 Christ Step 2 The Word Takes Place of the Absent Christ Step 3 The Class Takes the Place of the Absent Word Step 4 The DVD player remote starts the class Thus by Way logic of transitive equality the DVD player remote takes the place of the absent Christ.
  2. Yes of course. Immediately you think of Jesus is the President, the board has to be the 12 apostles. Wait who is playing Judas and Peter? And is Headquarters Jerusalem? Or Paul’s prison cell? Which one of these 2 does New Knoxville represent? How about the multi million log home campus? The rest center or something? Is that Phillips house? Or the church at Ephesus? if Judas was the treasurer, does this reflect badly on the position now? Dang when trying to fit this peg into the hole it seems to need to be shaved down a bit. Maybe it would fit better if you considered it an org structure for building a Tower of Babel.
  3. Dang. It seems our great theological debate about the absent Christ was moved to doctrinal in absentia of me reading it lol.
  4. Yes old versions of Way twigs were a lot more like local church plants. They even controlled the money locally. The next step was the takeover and centralization of the money. The dismissal of Doop and Heefner for TWI stooges. Then PFAL nothing like a class based ministry to produce tangible revenue and control the teachings. Then collaterals so you can draw in the edge case intellectuals. We have a consistent one of theses here. Then the campus takeovers to establish a college and programs u of l. SNS or STS the Sunday services always have driven the ministry. It’s a highly controlled output where the teaching is coached to be vanilla and consistent with way past teachings. On the field branches hook up to the SNS usually monthly at a minimum gathered together governed by Corps. They do the SIT and interpretation and prophecy locally so the Corps can control it. Home fellowship leaders usually meet weekly with Corps to set direction. This involves teaching calendars and incorporating way mag sts and specific announcements like we need staff. Home fellowships have the illusion and tenet of being self governing. I witnessed the self disappear more and more over 20 plus years.
  5. 100% agree. The distinction I make is between leaders and followers. I think most of the leaders are pretty cemented into their habits of manipulation. The followers are sheep. The path to freedom is the path away from the Pharisee and their influence. And those words in Matthew are red letter edition straight from the mouth of my lord and savior.
  6. You know with the Way I actually think the practice is worse than the doctrine. The DVD play button takes the place of the absent Christ.
  7. The current BOD have moved beyond the technophobic 3rd prez. They are buying websites to put up more whitewash. I guess when the cult in America is unsustainable they can always fall back on their cultural appropriation Christianity to fill the gaps in their amazing leadership.
  8. This all has to be a subtle plot by B1ll Gr33n3 to influence society to bring back the leisure suit.
  9. Hey B thx for answering. Yes we couldn’t have pets as corps. If that changed later we didn’t rush out and get any. After we were free from those restrictions we started getting a dog and a rabbit. Then the kids enjoyed them and cats. I have a friend who is a cowboy so we have enjoyed horses too but didn’t own any. I’m glad we all added that aspect of life in and have enjoyed it. Pets have been therapy for me through many things in life. Some of your experience sounds like farm living. Out in the country pets and cats have a shorter life expectancy and people control their breeding. Of course that is cruel. Vets and humane society handle that for us. I’m just not for people disposing of pets or re homing them. That’s another life depending on you for survival. I’m also for being with them for their last breath since we live longer. Our kids really have loved our pets over years and glad we changed our course to involve them. The physical touch helps heal imo. Good to see you - best to you and fam.
  10. I would agree that most advancements humans make in any field basically consists of a group of people going beyond what they were taught. But one condescending platitude from VP in a class and now you have new layers of bondage
  11. Idiom of permission Yeah that is Bullinger but the dude had nobody really before or after to break down analytically poetic language from the Bible in that fashion. He presents like he was on the autism spectrum. And extreme OCD - buckets and lists for everything. While that presents a very interesting and innovative perspective, who really wants to live that way lol? The gist of it I remember was kind of a combination of royal language along with counting up the mentions to see who gets more press. Like a rule against saying Satan too many times in a given period of time (not applicable to SNL sketches with Dana Carvey) So God did everything good and bad. I personally think that one is a little more on Bullingers spectrum side so I don't buy it. I don't have a solution for the moral dilemma with OT verses. My simpleton philosophy is shizzle happens God helps his pizzle.
  12. sky I looked over rnr and oikeos. I can't discount either of these groups from being part of the body of Christ obviously. Rnr seems not governed with just a teaching series. Oikeos seems like Rico invented another class based ministry fixing what was perceived wrong with way structure. Both groups are permeated with old way acquaintances and no mixing in with any other Christian groups at all. Oikeos did acknowledge they were not the only group spreading the gospel so at least they are a step up from the Way there. Is this a shipwreck of the family faith? With Gilligans Island castaways? Or is it a Living Word example with people doing the best they can with their past and limits? I can't honestly answer that. I can't do splinters personally. To me they just form large balls of puss under the skin. But Jesus Christ does get to a person where they live, and God works with what He has. Let them heal and recover. Let the Savior move freely with his recovery and restoration. I don't think they are living the verses in Corinthians they teach. I think they have blinders on to the rest of the body of Christ.
  13. I concur. In the “VP and Me” book and teachings in the Corpse which was presented to VP at the ceremonies for LCM becoming president, Craig clearly shares that VP instructed him to “loosen up” in that area or he will never see a great impact of his ministry or some similar nonsense. Now I am not accusing current BOD as acting like that. They are just a paint crew with whitewash backordered for years.
  14. Thinking about Living Word examples the last two most inspiring in person sermons I have heard were by a Catholic priest young Thai man who looked about 12 yrs old and by a gay Methodist minister close friend of ours who did the wedding for a friends daughter and son in law. I am progressing towards free range Christian who gets around I guess. Lol.
  15. You know in covering this topic I would be remiss not to mention Calvary Chapel https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calvary_Chapel_Association This group has interesting roots back to Lonnie Frisbee! Ive attended a number of their services in different churches in a few locations. They only do exegetical teachings not topical. And they emphasize all searching scripture. I am not a member of their church. But on the topic of the Word searching scripture and the living Word I thought they were worth a mention.
  16. Hey thx Nathan and TBone for the linked references. That’s awesome. I’m going to do some reading.
  17. Hey OS One thing I got into examining along these lines is the epic of Gilgamesh https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_of_Gilgamesh It is not the Bible. It is not spiritual truth. It is a story constructed by many people over time. How does this help? To me tangentially. And it’s a cool story. Yes off topic don’t mod me dudes lol.
  18. IMO the inescapable truth throughout T bones entire post here is ask Jesus Christ for help. He is not a transformer suit made to amplify your appendages. He is not a non entity. He is absent in person but not in spirit. He is right now seated at the right hand of God ever ready to make intercession for you. ask Jesus Christ for help this is an ongoing acknowledgment that you made him lord in your life. This activates the intercessor. This helps the self ego not inflate to the point you set him aside and execute your own will.
  19. You love the logic when it agrees with your pre determined viewpoint and idol. However when the logic challenges your predetermined viewpoint and idol you flee. This is fine.
  20. “Living Word” concepts are not really unique in Christianity. Yes an interaction with and choice to follow the example of the absent Christ make the concepts in the Bible alive. But PFAL is not the “living Word”. It is a fundamentalist approach to a self interpreting Bible and a Pharisee hierarchy which sets hierarchical position in a cult above the body of Christ. And forced compliant SIT. PFAL could not be farther from a true living Word example of I Cor 12-14 which they take light years to break down in their fundamentalist examination.
  21. I did get back to the topic which is the absent Christ. The topic is not Jeopardy with Mike on Way dispensationalism and Q and A on Mikes supposed expertise. Hilarious how now you flip the script to a victim mentality and talk about “attacks”. It seems the only thing attacking you here Mike is logic. And people not accepting your re framing of the conversation in line with your idols. Back to the shadows lol
  22. When Christ is absent people can act however they want with no consequence. When He returns there will be accountability. Not some kind of bro fest slapping backs and stories of female conquest and stealing classes for the greater good. But in their scribe activity they sure avoid the accountability aspect of the return of Christ. Whitewash is into oblivion like the Way history. We don’t forget though and neither does the Father.
  23. Yes TBone this reflects VPW exact mentality. Sin so that grace may abound. Mike picks that up in his idolatry quickly.
  24. The interesting part of this delusion is Mike explaining how the actual Bible is not God breathed but written PFAL is God breathed. Sir you stated one thing accurately with your accusation of “anti idol”. There is no such thing but there is an idol you worship. Your idol is PFAL. If your logic carried through then the BOD would be the most Christ like people on earth rather than what they are.
  25. Oh dear lord baby Jesus on a pogo stick. (Talladega Nights 2:18) We we’re having a discussion on why the Ways interpretation of the Bible does NOT take the place of the absent Christ, and now we are playing Jeopardy with Mike with the category “Old Way Teachings”? Negative Ghost Rider. Bite me Mike. Take your disruptive scribe BS over to doctrinal and maybe somebody will answer you there. Or maybe mods can move your commentary for the benefit of the thread and group.
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