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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Mike your refusal to acknowledge admit or discuss any potential negative leaves out 50 % of the Bible. Your public versus private distinction is also horse puckey. You have never admitted anything privately either. But clearly you have the mission of carrying on the whitewash. Armed with your verses of holding fast to the good, your mission is to in the face of overwhelming fact, firsthand accounts, and scripture to spread good cheer. “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me” Phil 4:17 it really is so surprising to me that the Way won’t let you back in.
  2. Yes my twenty-something year old brain accepted many things as logic that were feel good yet sketchy.
  3. It is truly amazing to me that acts that apparent and clearly fraudulent can be widely accepted as from God by a group. I too did not view easily accessible facts with logic to assess what was going on truly versus the whitewash message that was subliminally revealed. Nooo my brain said. Just like God told the Egyptians to lie to their slave owners and borrow belongings, that must have been what God wanted Vic to do.
  4. Sooooo 1942. Let’s look at this from another angle. What was going on in the body of Christ at the time. Well, concerning the gifts of the spirit area, Oral Robert’s was touring the country as a great evangelist leading people into speaking in tongues. NO you say. Yes he was. The only accounts of that time are the Whiteside book and mrs W. Book. They got rid of the one book from the library. Why? Whitewash of course. So at one of Orals tent meetings Vic goes up on stage and fraudulently in front of other ministers and Christians fakes speaking in tongues and rides the hoax out the entire meeting. After this he meets JE Stiles who leads him into tongues. As thanks Vic stole his Holy Spirit book and published it as his own. If there was a promise it was the promise of high likelihood of future fraud. No, in this situation it was Oral Robert’s who was the genuine minister, and JE Stiles who educated his flock and published a book with real editors.
  5. Yes it seems the restoration and revitalization of the Way lies not in the path of listening to the requests of their former brethren (RnR group) for elected positions and equitable treatment but instead to mark and avoid that group and instead put all that multi million dollar broadcast equipment and state of the art stage set to use in cranking out another product to produce $$. PFALT. Filthy lucre thou art the goal.
  6. I agree that all this logic is supporting the false doctrine of a portion of the body of Christ being designated with OT titles and ignoring the rest of the body. Remnant - I mean being a half used up fabric that is not yet discarded? Is that the NT imagery Jesus taught? Or is it more Way bondage? Maybe there is functional truth in how to move ahead when a leadership group is off their rockers like Jerusalem was at the time. Paul kept sending them money in 2 Tim right? No he did not. But I can see why Craig identifies so much with the figure of speech the remnant.
  7. So for context I think the church in reign is referring to the book of 1 Timothy as a whole. The church in ruin refers to 2 Timothy as a whole. These topical classifications probably are beyond the Way inventing them. If it refers to an exegetical teaching on 2 Timothy that may be all that it is. I have no stomach to listen to the entire teaching to give an opinion on that though. The guy will never be in the position to hurt people like he has in the past. That authority was taken by RR and resides in the BOD. He may have a small twig of people that like his radio voice.
  8. The doctrine of the absent Christ is one hundred percent horse puckey centered around Jesus telling his followers they would do works like he did and greater. So the Way has never ever ever duplicated any of the works of Christ despite VP making up stories about trains that match withered hand records of Jesus. The greater works they say is pressing a DVD player button and watch people being herded into public SIT at the end of a class. While they stack chairs. All I got to say is some of us are gonna be way more surprised when Jesus returns than others.
  9. Well what you do is very similar to what the Way leadership does. Refuse to talk about anything that could possibly reflect badly on Gods chosen ministry. Whitewash. It’s a beautiful thing. See? You only have to look at the white surface? Who cares what is under that coat? God does. That is why God inspires people to speak things that you consider negative. Maybe if it bothers you that much you should take it up with the One inspiring us.
  10. I disagree with your whole frame of positives and negatives as it frames any conversation around biblical truth with your distortion of how the truth receives PFAL or not. I do not believe that you give any other view than your PFAL colored glasses ample time to hear or process because a decade later and your logic has not progressed beyond that same avoidance of any conversation about VP that might be unpleasant. But you keep repeating some opinion about you correcting my error? There is no error. There is just logic I present that challenges your statements so you ignore it and make up false stories about what you are doing in your mind.
  11. Haha - McPFAL That is what the splinters are. Same franchise with a new clown up front.
  12. Yes I also see quite a lot of self serving Machiavellian action within the leadership ranks of the Way over the years. The internal jockeying of Pharisees for desk space near the window in the Tower of Babel. These people stopped developing themselves decades ago. Their energy goes into their political scheming. I guess this goes towards Newtons laws of inertia and the inherent laziness of the human character. These leaders also who have been locked in to their role climbing for greater than a decade are frightened to death to face a similar fate as an unskilled laborer in the real world. So they move on within the room that they have painted themselves into by their history.
  13. Sure with an RC background and your main Way exposure being to VP at one of the highest points of his life, that makes sense this is your frame of reference. Maybe consider the Way as an iceberg, and you enjoyed some snow from the shavings off the tip. Much more of what I speak of is the large mass underneath the surface of the water. I found that part to impact me more over the years than snow off the top.
  14. So in the OT because they did not have pneuma hagion, or more accurately did not have it upon them at the time because Isaiah did and was confronting them, we now have the power to ignore the negatives? Sounds more like pneuma ostrich to me as opposed to pneuma hagion. You can’t hide the body by burying the head lol.
  15. And reading through this Mike you read into a lot. I am not unhappy with anything in my spiritual life right now. I am not negative. But I wonder how your PFAL colored lens looks when you read any of the Old Testament books where people like Isaiah were not looking for what went right in the nation of Israel. Isaiah maybe just needed to get back to the original feeling of joy he had for the nation of Israel rather than speaking up about the truth of the current state of Israel. Right?
  16. Did I get what wrong? Without each and every one of those things I referenced I never would have sat in PFAL. You have a perspective like every good in your life is filtered through a PFAL colored lens. My personal Christian story is another thing. It is really not for this thread. Why did I take PFAL? Similar to others I was without a support system in a church and love bombed by way members then was swayed by shell game logic and possibly disenfranchised with mainstream churches. I was at the target young age younger than 25 where your full mature logic has not developed yet. And I am swayed by altruistic goals. I stuck with the group until I saw the true fruit then God and the Lord Jesus Christ led me elsewhere on my personal journey. How about you?
  17. So Vic was a narcissist who managed to successfully surround himself with an army of enablers. This in a nutshell was what went right.
  18. I’m ok with Mike feeding his ego with the attention while I write out common logic. Other people read also.
  19. What else went right? Well Vic’s foray into foreign missions and the India trip which Don never forgave him for as it tore apart his family. The youngest two were never the same. So the pattern of appropriating culture for spreading Christianity went right for him to learn there. Evenutally this led to large numbers in Africa and Argentina for a time. The numbers gave it rise. Without numbers it would have dropped into obscurity. This continues today with puppets set up as country coordinators in these countries.
  20. Having secretaries who transcribed teachings - that went right for Vic. Thank you Rhoda! Copying all of the BRC sermons meant Vic didn’t have to write or find other books to copy. He could just ad lib, and his secretary could type away. So this is where the collaterals came from that Mike worships. That went really right also. You have people on the verge of some mental issues really locking in to those 4 books you can touch printed off by Harry’s bought printing press to control the language.
  21. Having a multi millionaire brother in the furniture business. Without Harry covering Vic’s expenses the hoax would not have spread as wide. So that went right for Vic. Finding 2 Jesus movement groups to invite back to the farm and produce the start of usurping their authority and money to establish two Way centers on the coasts. That went right. Finding a young dumb tool athlete to turn the ministry over to who wasn’t smart enough to do anything other than what he was told. This went right. Documented in VP and Me.
  22. What went right in PFAL. Well first off stealing the PFAL class. It went really right. I mean JE Stiles could have prosecuted VP for plagiarism. And paid more attention so that the theft could be publicized in the body of Christ the Christian community. But he didn’t so that went right for VP Also with BG Leonard being Canadian, the court jurisdiction for pursuing a stolen class would not be favorable. That went right. Also, Mrs Wierwille didn’t divorce him. Usually with men carrying on like that it ends in divorce. It did with Craig. So not getting divorced in the prime of his teaching career went really right for him also. Theres a good start
  23. I looked up this group basic google search gets to a list of 11 audio teaching series. One old from 1995, Remnant Regeneration in 2016, red thread versus rotten thread 2018, then it seems like a lot more activity the past couple years over a scattering of topics. The church in ruin and the remnant seem to be focused topics. Any of the links I looked at had very few views - like 30 to 150 views. He has an enabler who lists an email that has THE TEACHER in it. I listened to a bit of one but that voice is triggering to me, speaking with the same kind of authority and control he had over me when I was young and more vulnerable. I guess if the guy wants to have delusional therapy sessions with himself and a Bible more power to him. Maybe there's a niche like the VP worshippers have lol. To me it comes off like the Iraqi minister of defense denying his army was losing as the capital is being taken. But maybe the guy has truly nothing else in his life and that is his best way to make sense of it. I mean one more life absorbed in during youth, used up, and spit out in midlife crisis with no support. Because that is what cults do.... Is he culpable? Yes. I am more glad every day my kids escaped this reality.
  24. Dang. I guess I never had the imagination to picture the return of Christ like Aladdin descending from the sky on a magic carpet with a glowing orange book in his hand that he is expounding from.
  25. Sweetness. Mikes going for copyrighting the word IS. He’s not gonna repeat the same mistakes as his fodder in da verd.
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