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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. I love it too. It underlines the problems with an approach like doing exegetical work with no background in it. The same guys use their big toes for land mine detection.
  2. 64. Push-play Christianity - no need to meet or interact with a teacher - just sit like a potato and send in your $$$.
  3. Before we get modded I feel privileged to interact with you lewd fellows of the baser sort
  4. I do not know about the big and little x s but I do remember Jesus teaching something about a millstone necklace in Matt 18 and Luke 17
  5. 8. Excellor sessions - when you wrongly divide the Word you add extra infrastructure to make up for it. Here people practiced until they can spew out enough royal sounding BS to impress others. You should listen to all the manifestations say at a Corps night teaching or bigger event. Suffice it to say that the ego of those clowns remains the same whether speaking manifestations or off the top of their head which they consider to be revelation. 9. Control - when at the Advanced Class you are under scrutiny 24/7 and reported on through Corpse twig coordinators. Want to start your own discussions on something other than listening with a purpose questions? You will get clipped, redirected, and talked to if you persist. The AC is leadership at their most paranoid selves. 10. AC - all the sketchy BS is taught in this class where you are removed from your environment for 2 weeks and placed into a pristine Way environment. Free thought drops off dramatically in a controlled environment like that. If it’s all above board why all the tactics to hide it?
  6. 49 Establishes a church in the home pattern where zero money is invested in the local community and all money flows to hq. 50 Church in home establishes expectation of people paying that is their church and they act entitled. Expectation to fellowhip coordinators to accept things into their home the top Pharisees would never accept into their own homes.
  7. Just finished up this ministers introduction teaching to his cults class. The back story is real interesting. Apparently he and his wife prior to 2007 attended a Way fellowship and both found it weird. After this they found the Baptist church they are now part of, they say got born again and since followed a calling into preaching although he says he would rather do music and it’s Gods joke. As an intro it sets common characteristics of cults, which is looking at how they operate similarly, or as Jesus stated looking at the fruit rather than the words. Interesting stuff. I like this teacher and will listen to more of his stuff. I do not 100% agree with anything before trying it in a crucible.
  8. 46. Establishes a shipwreck of the family faith mindset that prevents cross organizational collaboration with other Christians. 47. Teaches a Christ in you concept that resembles an Iron Man suit - extrapolating a simple metaphor into a problematic doctrine of control as opposed to submitting one’s self to a Savior and Lord.
  9. That makes sense to me. People masking their mental illness behind the idea that it is “revelation”. In a similar sense how much of VPs revelation was narcissism wrapped up in a gift wrap? Yes I think you have something there where people resolve cognitive dissonance by making up a voice in their head telling them something I.e. revelation. I am not saying inspiration or God communicating to you is false. Just I do not agree with all the rote Iron Man suit like interpretation of what the way teaches about manifestations any longer. I mean if they screwed up the body of Christ scriptures that bad how can I trust them on manifestations? Beyond the fact I never saw any evidence of the reality of the “all 9 all the time” quote that was popular. More like people wandering around muttering to themselves and making up crap about each other. Never any real healing or miracles. And other idiots damaging people for life by their selfishness and blaming it on revelation. Your logic makes more sense in evaluating people by their fruit like Christ taught.
  10. You mean like the other guy whose wife was in a similar situation did? The wife under coercion did not leave with the husband. The husband was so despondent he committed suicide. They convinced the wife she would have been a murder suicide victim. She is remarried still in leadership. There is one consistent thing that seems silly to me. Your rationalization of the actual issues.
  11. So looking at the latest views of wayfers regarding their founding President, you have to wonder are they seriously conflicted over topics such as the title of this thread? Or more, like me in the past, did you push thinking about it down out of your conscious mind, refusing to deal with it at all? Or discount it as lies from the disgruntled? I have to believe that all that are aware still in the way have some form of rationalization going on. It reminds me of Dave Chapelle talking about moral conflicts regarding Bill Cosby.
  12. The very purpose of this site gives answers. How many people being love bombed by some form of way ambassador have done a simple google search and found something other than way whitewashed sites? Found this very site? And this said “no thank you” to sitting in front of a tube for hours and days for mass plaf-T hypnosis? No the absence of a site like this raises more questions than the existence of this site. Who cares what I did or didn’t let go? A lot of crap I’ve let go to do with them. Other crap I feel inclined to call them out on. Either way other than performing a public service and connecting with others I’ve let go what I need to. I’m sure plenty of judgement centered Christians will have a problem with that. Let them it occupies their small brains. People interacting on this site with lifelong family connections we are glad to chat with all of them here regardless. I’m not in favor of shutting these forum discussions down in favor of a more private chat. I enjoy interacting with outside posters like J Juedes.
  13. Neither did I Everybody has options. I usually point out the freedom of them to people enslaved by the bondage of the way. That light would be truth Wayfers are tainted. blaming kids for their parents views while they were a minor is dumb though.
  14. As I am a free individual I can connect with people anywhere I please. I don’t post much content on the Zuckaverse. Staying out of a cult is easy for me, just ignore the cheesy come on home fake love. Waydale is gone, only stain there is looking it up on archive.com. If you perceive a stain here that is on you. Check your shorts.
  15. I’m gonna agree with you that the struggle to stay free from a cults influence and control is a generational fight. It seems your parents may not have made the greatest choices with respect to this cult and your upbringing. I empathize to the point of trying to be better with my kids. All I can say there is hallelujah we are free. I am glad I can connect with fellow former POWs from the way here. My perspective. I’m not trying to scapegoat anyones kids.
  16. Ymmv. To me I never encountered these discussions in twigs or fellowships. Like in a communist country divisive discussions happen very infrequently and outside of any potential eavesdropping. I mean they canned one of the class teachers over a rumor they got wrong and attributed to the guy. (Not new PLAF last one). Very few people who have never been in TWI ever find this site. Even fewer interact on it. This audience is pretty much ex way.
  17. As security he is not paid to have an opinion. As a professional he knows this and has always stayed within those boundaries. I have never seen him display an opinion anywhere on anything. Mostly to present less surface area to attack I presume.
  18. You know I honestly never considered that angle on the impact of a website. It’s your life it’s true. But does it transfer the responsibility of the sin from LCM to Paul Allen? That’s twisted up. Paul was just trying to escape a cult intact with his wife both of them alive.
  19. Bolsh near as I can figure out your parents went to a splinter over this BS and held you hostage about it. That sucks. I think different people get different things from this site. But mostly we are here to tell the truth underneath all the whitewash. At least I am.
  20. Dude Linder is fine he turned his inside knowledge into permission to double dip collecting a staff salary and selling real estate on the side. They will never do anything to him he knows where the bodies are buried. Im sure he reads and laughs his arse off at all of us.
  21. The Allen lawsuit accomplished setting boundaries to LCM behavior. It also made behavior public to the church so all could watch out. Without it LCM might have had 20 more years of Bill Cosbying it up. It also deterred similar practitioners. And eventually it led to LCM removal and expulsion.
  22. Well I think the public exposure threatens to hurt numbers. Numbers affect income. New people won’t join a cult with questionable press many times or be prevented from joining. This is why the Way has actively targeted trying to take down this site over the years. This site probably is the single biggest deterrent to joining the Way cult. So the fear of this drives the leadership to make decisions. These decisions have impact. Anything that could hurt the bottom line is from Satan clearly LCM gave up his presidency over this, and was demoted stripped and removed from the general population. That clearly is not nothing.
  23. Okay this is actually a longer piece but this guy has very logical mainstream Christianity perspectives on handling the Way. He is spot on in pinpointing Vic’s textual errors and shoddy scriptural workmanship. He presents maybe the best logical case on mainstream trinity views I’ve heard. He is doing this as a series so the introduction pieces are good on cults. He handles each one in depth. Im listening to the other ones in the series now.
  24. This undoubtedly comes from the second part of the fixed assets left over in the Way - the Timothy statues. Where else are you gonna find life size worshippable idols already hand made? All it needs is another layer of whitewash on the surface. VP = Timothy Thus reminds me of a Dave Chappell routine on Bill Cosby. He rapes….. but he saves …… Too sickly true to even joke about.
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