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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Dang TBone is that an example of the Word taking the place of the absent Christ and interpreting itself? Oh no wait the Christ was there not absent. Is that a crack in the space-time continuum when the absent Christ, the Word, and the present Christ all meet up together?
  2. Bullshonta has a certain elegance, a richness, and it rolls off the tongue lol. I’ll give it a 2 malakacita rating lol
  3. Finished up the S2 video which is the part 2 of the cults class intro. One approach I have seen with these is that they take a view of looking at what is common in the functioning of cults. Focus on the patterns. in S2 the young teacher talks about how all cults need a workforce of free proselytizing members to survive. Examples include 2 year Mormon mission. Also similar is the Jehovahs Witnesses approach of mandatory service which is the door to door people. And of course of note is the way ambassador re kick off and emphasis. So it seems regardless of the teaching doctrine, which can be as widely dispersed as Mormons, JWs , and Scientology which has nothing in common with Christianity, cults operate in remarkably similar ways. The teaching gave a bunch of points how they function and served as a warning to members to take a look at the functioning to identify cult tendencies. Pretty wild. Same MO, different doctrines. Im not linking these any more you can find related to above links if interested.
  4. Here’s some inescapable logic - if the Bible interprets itself then surely the tithe can pay itself.
  5. To give Mike a cliff notes overview of Charlene’s book, since she was there when the research department was in full swing, her story tells the truth about the details behind how VP actually did or did not do research. From an observer involved. It’s an easy read for most, that is unless you have some Superman model of VP built up in your mind where you don’t want the information because it conflicts with your preconceived notions.
  6. So basically since you disagree with her post you put reading the rest of the book on hold. Actually that is your pattern. Any time the discussion gets too logical for your premise you flee. You censor. You refuse to consider. I don’t have to imagine your quirky ideas of God. Instead I can read about Him easily through 40 authors of coverage. I don’t need Wierwilles paint by numbers rules that he used for the intent of fleecing people. Most Christians are similar to me. They enjoy the reading of scripture freely with no cult interpretation that hides itself disguised as keys but are really locks.
  7. Which still doesn’t make one author 40 conduits. They are humans who get inspired not controlled with automatic writing.
  8. Oh sweet, Mikey is patronizing penworks. I’m sure this will go well I think Mikey is the one who may have forgotten the PFAL where VP gets animated and goes on for an hour about how the Word interprets itself in the verse in the context, where it is used before. No shell game can make that disappear. In the positive takeaways from getting away from PFAL, now we no longer have to twist our brains into more positions than the Twister game to try and justify fundamentalism. You see, if there as is there actually is in reality, 40 authors and one muse, as opposed to one author and 40 conduits, all of that pressure in the brain to try and fit square pegs into round holes just dissipates. A secondary effect is you’re less likely to be duped by the well intentioned. No the so called keys are a hoax. Used before is a different author so you cannot force fit things like VPs scriptural scribe acrobatics endeavor to.
  9. In conjunction with Tbones breaking down the private interpretation fallacy, we have 68. Teaches about prophecy while being clueless about prophecy. The Way interprets 1 Cor 12-14 to mean that prophecy is either the robotic method of producing 3rd person speeches taught in the INT class OR get this a special kind of autonomous speech that could contain foretelling if the BOD had designated that person as a prophet “gift ministry” earned by smooching booty and established by back room ceremonies. Having heard an over abundance of these 3rd person speeches I no longer believe them to be a message directly from God to the people in the room but rather the person exercising their vocabulary extemporaneously like they do on a couple comic shows improvisation. And one more means of establishing control over an individual. Most of the time these speeches served to magnify the speaker in some fashion.
  10. CP #5 Go forth as leaders and workers in areas of concern, interest, and need. The concern is getting ahead of their neighbor the interest is in political capital and the need is for the ego to be stroked. But those principles are pristine
  11. I can only speak for me. I saw far less far later than you would think. And what I saw the communication was controlled and explained away. Dissent was removed from public view along with the people with waves of silence. Even after the sex scandal it was controlled. I was part of controlling the lessening of the impact of it initially. I explained it away also. To myself and then to others who looked up to me. I didn’t want to believe it was a problem. Then I didn’t want to believe it was a systemic problem. Then I wanted to believe different people would change it if only they would be in power. Then I excused it away saying like chapelle and Cosby it is the greater good so protect the ministry. Then I saw sign after miracle after sign personally for me that God lined up showing me His body of Christ interacting with no knowledge of the Way. Then I took action and left and started posting about the evils from an insider view. Hope that’s a good enough answer for you.
  12. I mean I guess I could turn my monitor around and face the interwebz in the other direction…
  13. I never got rid of anything that vintage. Maybe a Marshall head. I did Frankenstein a Jackson with some high output Chinese manufactured pickups and bicycle paint and fluorescent markers though. A few years ago. It makes me smile lol. It sounds pretty good. I had to learn how to sotter and used a wiring diagram off the net. My friend helped me also who knows a lot. Nowadays they have SoundCloud also for doing track work. I haven’t done any yet but probably will in next few years.
  14. Forgetting is in the whitewashing isn’t it? Then you can call an old wine skin new because nobody has seen one without whitewash.
  15. Because it denotes a person in a position of trust relationship like a judge or a therapist. It describes the betrayal of the trust that society normally places in a person with those credentials. If you don’t find my example that different than the normal thoroughfare of what you saw, isn’t that even more reason to call out the abuse? Abuse happens in all sorts of churches not just the Way. That book is a good one - The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse - check it out if you want a good read.
  16. I’m trying to get this straight. Waydale, a website not in existence for very long, was used to traumatize you when you were a youth because a local townie close to HQ thought you were gonna rape their daughter due to your family’s association with Waydale? I kind of don’t even know where to start with all that but probably not in dumping it on another website with a forum with different people on it. I never posted on Waydale that I remember. Sorry about your youth it seems to have a good deal of cult trauma. My kids have some of that too. It’s my fault 100%.
  17. The issue of the abuse of trust of a clergyman and adultery as well as quid pro quo sexual harassment at HQ resulting in a man killing himself and the wife involved sweeping it under the carpet with some talk of devil spirits like it was her avoiding the mumps. Everyone was not in the wrong. The man who was sued was in the wrong along with the org he worked for which was complicit in the wrong.
  18. Man sorry you went through all that. And sorry as well for the loss of the Les Paul Custom that sounds like a pretty sweet gig axe.
  19. This video was too money not to post it on the absent Christ thread…
  20. Why defend or promote Wierwille? For all of the Pharisees behind the scenes I think it boils down to sunk cost. If you have held a certain high position in a cult for 20 years, a self preservation urge kicks in, and even subconsciously they will fight kicking and screaming to hold on to that caste system placement which has them living to a certain standard. For Staff the huge distinction between a minimum wage follower and the top salaries positions are how they control keeping a one way conversation and flow of information exactly like all the dictator countries do. The fear of facing disgrace, loss of position, possible loss of a job or demotion to a lesser job drive these Pharisees and keep them from looking beyond their little hamster cage they have built for themselves. This also keeps them from disbanding the Way giving back the money and starting anything new rather than becoming a worldwide old cult wineskin and whitewash society like they have. The system of error backed by the doctrinal error of household versus body of Christ has had them setting up inner circles of Pharisees throughout the ministry’s history. When people have others treating them like the suggestion of a leader is tantamount to an order the ego inflates to an out of control state and the leader becomes paranoid. Et tu Brute? Then the next stage is the excommunication edicts which have not changed since Martin Luther faced them ages ago. Indulgences, get your indulgences. For a mere 20 pounds you can drink all you want commit adultery and be forgiven. Then you can yell and scream about conspiracy theories and devil spirits and make examples of people. Yes the Pharisees golden parachute is the largest reason for defending or promoting Wierwille. And yes a large part of the gold is the golden pedestal on which they live their life and interact with brainwashees.
  21. 36. They teach the unforgivable sin is accepting Satan as lord. In practice the unforgivable sin is questioning the direction of leadership.
  22. BOD member during fog years. They expanded from 3 members to 5 adding Johnny and Ricardo Caballero.
  23. 65. Taking classes from teachers with no formal background in the languages studied and with no theological background and either no accredited education or education in other fields not Bible study opens the student up for establishing a habit pattern of exegetical fallacies. You can find many of these directly in the class.
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