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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. I saw Chapelle live his show was about someone trying to blackmail him with sex tapes from right before he got together with his wife. The FBI was involved. And he weaved in a heckler real drunk woman screaming randomly in the audience. I was dying laughing. Best live comedian I have ever heard.
  2. I have 2 friends that do standup. That is a weird world. Comedians have different logic than others mostly wrapped up around the performance. it’s weirdly similar to a homiletics focus for a pastor. all focus on the performance. In some ways it explains the bubble boy isolation mentality with the ideas. The only way to change a theory is if another one plays better…
  3. Burr is one of the best comedians with hecklers he is direct with that high pitched voice. However, from experience IMO nobody is anywhere near Dave Chapelle on that. He works them into his routine. IMO Chapelle is the goat. But that is 100% opinion lol. This is semi interesting talking about stage performers. I guess PFAL teachers are stage performers. Unless this is a carnival side show we are watching lol.
  4. So apparently we can not only be enlightened by Mike on true Biblical research, but we can also be educated on calculus, theory of relativity and wave theory. Who knew we had such a high level of intellect among us? Can we play more quote from Wikipedia first paragraph game? When people stick to areas they actually have a background in they sound a lot less silly. But you’re not gonna learn that from the Way.
  5. So to expand long before LIV Golf and the Saudis sportswashing their regime Renzo Gracie met a shiek who fell in love with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu who dedicated a portion of the public fund to create the ADCC - Abu Dhabi Combat Club which holds a world championship in submission grappling every 2 years. Like the Olympics the competition pushed athletes to go beyond previous marks and achieve greater heights every competition. People teaching you that you cannot go beyond what you taught are imposing their own special dog collar of bondage. You decide whether or not wearing it is a good look on you.
  6. Did you try calling the number tattooed in invisible ink on all our lower lips? Just kidding btw
  7. I have a friend that thinks he’s poetic. Every once in a while he inspires me but I can’t let him know or his head will inflate like a weather balloon.
  8. Oh yes one of my favorite collaterals Why Division? Before we get to the payload let’s highlight what is there NOT causing the division. 1. VPs sex life 2. Drambuie Kools and exposing yourself 3. screaming at people and kicking them out of your programs and maligning them to others. 4. Contentious book titles 5. Calling all the heads of denominations seed of the serpent. 6. Strong arming hippie movements taking them over by force with your people Now let’s discuss from the PFAL collaterals what causes division. Us not being more teachable. That’s it. Unfortunately I have two eyes and a brain. I think the division is more because of the first 6 things not because we are not more teachable. It’s the same reason there still is division with the super nice guys in charge now. The house was built on the sinking sand of a flim flam artists disturbed mind.
  9. Yes but I was calling into question your postulate that God in His foreknowledge would only give big jobs to those that can handle it. I guess the donkey was a faithful donkey lol. But at any rate an animal speaking completely bypasses your little .02 analysis fyi.
  10. So JWs have their own Bible version put out by the Watchtower society. They bill it as more accurate than the other translations due to the inspired efforts of the “faithful and diligent servants” translating it. The Way doesn’t do this, instead they have an unhealthy attachment to the king jimmy KJV which uses mostly outdated language. This way they can hide in plain view like a denomination while slicing up scripture like the JWs in their edition. Also of note the statement of beliefs put out by the Way also hides behind similar words to a denominational mainstream Christian statement of belief. So you would think nothing of it unless you question what is meant by the beliefs behind the statement of belief. Things that are out front disguised as other things are for one purpose, even in nature. To deceive.
  11. When my mind was wrapped up in cult think I used to also make up a lot of stories that sounded logical to me about what God was doing and why, because that’s what I would do if I were God. In reality, patient people stick around and keep repeating simple logical truth over and over. That helps people get over logical fallacies regarding their mental models of God.
  12. Great cover. Love that finger picking slide guitar action.
  13. One weird similarity to me between the Way and the Watchtower society seems to me that they use the same brainwashed looking stick figure people art on all their publications. Awake has all these childrens coloring book like figures in it. Half the yearly posters for the Way have the same weird looking non life like cartoons depicting people with Stepford wife smiles. Is there something about cults that make people want to draw weird cartoon pictures of people?
  14. So we are back full circle to Bill Cosby? He rapes but he saves? Hopefully he saves more than he rapes?
  15. Or Baalaam who got it so wrong God animated a donkey to lecture him. What happened to the foreknowledge there?
  16. Cults S4 the Jehovahs Witnesses ok watching this session I think the JWs are like the big brother example to the Way in how they function. They have 1.3 million followers, a lot larger in the US than the Way ever hoped to be - the Ways numbers in USA were like 2500 or so - even if that was 4x underestimated the order of magnitude of the JWs is a lot larger. They have 13000 Kingdom Halls built around the world. Everything is centrally controlled in NY the Watchtower society. They put out the awake publication which features teachings by the “diligent and faithful servants” who are the Watchtower society. They keep all central records and tabs on people. Local Kingdom Halls are driven by leadership who schedules service for the people - door to door witnessing. Members are supposed to do duty witnessing for Jehovah. Their org structure is pretty much a sales quota type of activity organization. The Way also set up the USA trunk office to function in a similar fashion with Sales quotas, all set up by a former salesman Bo Reahard. Instructions today carry the same kind of direction - endeavor to run a class at designated times per year - 2-3 classes - quota based expansion by free labor proselytizers. Organized service or witnessing accosting people in malls in public and door to door. I participated in this nonsense for over 20 years. All to press play and magnify “The Teacher” vomit. Heres the link
  17. Actually the young minister from city on a hill I’ve been listening to with his cults class addresses this. There are tons of first century writers. Not skimpy data at all. Are you aware of that?
  18. Aaaannnnnd here is the ego flaring again. Sorry my guy I tend to answer everyone. It’s called a conversation. If you would unstick your ears and lay off the mic button you would get that. As an honest evaluation you seem quite confused and in denial with respect to proven fallacies. You keep recycling arguments and they keep getting shot down 100 percent. No you are not right on target. You are a screaming hamster on a wheel garnering attention. Your target is the same wheel you were on 20 years ago.
  19. I think you mixed it up for all readers. Where is the hamster in this model? Oh wait I mean the conduit. The writer not the author who wrote like SIT bypassing his mind. No that can’t work the mind had to be involved. You left out the writer. They are a person too. And the reader is left in a state of suspended angst. Did they gasp get something wrong from the author by following a personality trait of the writer? Did they really understand the remote author speaking through the writer? No fundamentalism departs from reality there. So much bullshonta.
  20. 81. Gets you started on this
  21. Yep love David Byrne and the Talking Heads so unique growing up ”Same as it ever was”
  22. I so totally need one of those Rumba vacuums to scare my dogs lol. They self vacuum on a programmed route. Any similarities between that and some people is completely coincidence
  23. that depends. if it is running on a small circular track it is likely to be somewhere close to where it started.
  24. I find it far easier to start from Titus and Timothy with the written leadership qualities and postulate that examples in living of those qualities would be who would be growing into larger service missions. Big jobs is language I don’t see in the Bible. Candidates for a job is very business related terminology. I do not see the Bible reading “God was up in heaven and said I need the best candidate for the job. Gabriel and Michael took a poll and came up with Jesus in Gods foreknowledge as the most viable candidate. The hiring committee approved and Mary was impregnated” lol This type of thinking really serves as being an enabler of the Superman image with kryptonite in his past. And until you stop being a post-humous enabler of a narcissistic liar in your mind, there is really only one thing that is taking up residence there rent-free that is VP and his legacy. Missing the vastness of the body of Christ for a binding lesser choice. Maybe a big job for you is getting to the root of the source of the truth intended in scripture and freeing yourself from the bondage that limits perspective and growth.
  25. I think you’re on to something lo shonta. The scriptures work themselves. The DVD plays itself The class watches itself The international country franchises itself. And the tithe sends itself in.
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