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Everything posted by chockfull

  1. Wow one more long diatribe where Mike himself is the focus and gets the glory. All while false humility saying God gets credit. In all of this we hear story after story of how 3rd party people fictionally verify Mikes superior intellect. We hear not one post of substance sharing anything he taught the group or shared with the group as he claimed. Then he ignores people and gaslights any attempts to dig for real information. I was gonna complain about contaminating a thread with bullshonta but I changed my mind. 35. Mike you yourself are a perfect example of why PFAL sucks. After 20 years of having your head buried in it, looks at this guy. High narcissism high mental density factor all with the view he is smarter than everyone else. No ability to interact in a community or understand group dynamics. Zero emotional intelligence. Flawed logic up and down. Oh but with a view like he has the Ironman suit gift and others don’t. Don’t take PFAL. Don’t be like Mike.
  2. Isn’t it weird how narcissistic people always eventually place themselves as God judging others or the Savior saving people? In their own mind they make perfect sense but when you read it out loud it just sounds like nonsense. we all stand on our own 2 feet before our personal lord and savior. we don’t need narcissists, geniuses, science clubs, mental patients or organizations to insert themselves in between because they view themselves to be special.
  3. I feel myself losing IQ with every page of this bullshonta from Mike I read lol
  4. Not only are you a genius, you are a savior for this site.
  5. Your narcissistQ seems to be very high, I’m sure though that doesn’t affect IQ I have seen previously smart men rendered quite stupid when continuing discourse with fools. That’s probably happening here according to proverbs. Rocky is correct we bear responsibility for feeding the trolls. what you have need of is attention
  6. Can I combine a New Testament cannon with the absent Christ?
  7. So for you, an open and closed mind works like a faucet with an on / off switch? Wow that is real black and white. How is that working for you in a gray world? I tend to view my open mind more like a crucible. I put an idea in there and turn up the heat.
  8. Hmmm. So unlike the conversations you are involved in here, true brain scientist superstars can see from a brief conversation that you have an intellect they really want to engage with? And include in on their informal research groups for a 7 year period of time? It must be that all of us just don’t quite have a high enough IQ to understand you. Except I have asked you repeatedly for any example of what you contributed and you have ducked those questions. Surely you have more than that trollshonta.
  9. I’m not buying it. The two foundations you listed show activity in Neuroscience and 100% of what is going on is disorder related. I think you are not inclined to tell your stories because it is hard to keep straight the truth from the stated exaggeration you post here. I will give you one thing. In 20 years of studying VP table scraps you seem to have picked up the ability to spin up a story from your fodder in da verd. Trollshonta!
  10. I went to a psychologist after exiting the Way. My needs were PTSD and cult recovery from being too compliant and being susceptible to gaslighting. I needed a mental health professional to tell me to not believe them. The bullshonta is real and has real tangible results in the real world it is no joke. It is not something you overcome by expert trolling a bunch of people.
  11. Yeah well people are more attracted to train wrecks. I’m talking to myself on the cults s3 thread because nobody wants to invest the time to make it through a teaching and discuss it. So instead that thread will die of neglect like about 80% of the ones I have started. It’s ok. People don’t have the interest or time. Maybe I’m curious why all the cult researchers lump the same groups together all the time. So I listen to 6 hours of another class that I partially agree with. And talk to myself. This is fine. I can find that teaching series easily through my thread. So I guess we are more inclined to attack apologist trolls than we are to develop certain types of thinking. You yourself are posting here as opposed to other threads, right? Physician and self healing ? Lol.
  12. Yes it is the Proverbs dilemma on whether or not to answer a fool.
  13. With the personnel and setting you described you are telling us partial truths. You were there as part of an extended study group to do with a particular mental disorder. The only reason for this type of a scenario is this. Mental health MDs don’t do science club study groups with unqualified participants for fun. You are dancing around disclosing this because it hurts your PFAL proselytizing efforts. So you back up 10 yards and troll. See how there are specific questions you are avoiding, while at the same time getting other threads started?
  14. Of course I’m still curious about what the brain trust at UCSD was gathered together around for 7 years. What were you writing and critiquing?
  15. Yes it’s much harder to hypnotize people without multi session back to back brainwashing with a completely set cast and crew, isolation from the outside, and with Stanford experiment graduates as security. You just need to try harder and set up the right environment.
  16. Yeah I had the unique torture to mindlessly focus on the collaterals for hours a day exactly in the corpse program. One of the corpse coordinators had the reputation of solving any of life’s problems straight out of the collaterals. You can do anything with the right blinders on. The truth is those were sermon notes that had maybe a couple hours prep into it the extemporaneous delivered and recorded by a secretary. So you eclipsed the mental time put into it over the guy that taught it by a long prison sentence. But people want to construct mysticism and habit patterns to look to for deliverance. And now you are compelled to teach others this bondage. Don’t be a scribe.
  17. Humor is like art. Art was a friend of mine in middle school who lit himself on fire along with an ant hill. I would love to see him again. So many people are running around using his name in vain.
  18. So you were not a grad student - no bachelors. Papers and critiques. On what? Am I supposed to be familiar with what you mean by mirror riddle solution?
  19. I’m actually going to back out of this line of questioning. Salk and Scripps institutes on neuroscience do research on disorders. However Mike is acting is likely due to other things going on that I do not want to delve into for privacy and dignity reasons. Trying to be funny and humane and prob failing at both lol.
  20. The question is could you program a Google translate engine to go back and forth between glossallalia and various languages. I thought I saw they had a Klingon translator engine. And if you could does that mean you would have a Skynet situation where the machines would be so built up you would see nothing but signs miracles and wonders? Lo Shanta!
  21. What you don’t think Pikes Peak Bible institute is gonna grant us honorary doctorates in homiletic humor? I am so disappoint.
  22. Ah yes the Osmonds faced with a similar dilemma sought some freedoms from the deterministic boundaries of country and rock and roll. Are you a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll also? Or does the Bernoulli effect of your air molecules not allow your sails to unfurl in that direction?
  23. So was your attendance in this “club” as a professor, or was it in some form of patient role? Sounds interesting tell us more.
  24. Love the patronizing parent to child tone here lol So I need education on how original ideas are put together do I ? Aaand you are just the exact candidate with the PhD in bro science to step up to the plate? Well if you call me valuing actual accredited education over correspondence school education, exaggerations and bro science too formal, then that is 100% accurate. I have personally walked the grounds of the Pikes Peak Bible institute that issued “The Doctor” his doctorate degree. The only thing knocking at my door in the last 5 years are JWs, magazine sale scammers, trick or treaters or roofing salesmen. But I did read about some Mormons who don’t believe in Halloween who put out free Books of Mormon in a bowl. In my experience good knowledge doesn’t knock at your door you have to seek it out. YMMV
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